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Veterans Day 2020

Today is Veterans Day. This day is an official United States public holiday, that is observed annually on November 11, that honors military veterans; that is, persons who served in the United States Armed Forces. It coincides with other holidays, including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I; major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect. The United States previously observed Armistice Day. The U.S. holiday was renamed Veterans Day in 1954.

Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day, a U.S. public holiday in May; Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day honors those who died while in military service. It is also not to be confused with Armed Forces Day, a minor U.S. remembrance that also occurs in May, which specifically honors those currently serving in the U.S. military.

Happy Veterans Day

Holiday at Kinetic Die Casting Company
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Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200
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KDC Fax Number

Fax Number 818-982-0877 – Gone

Kinetic Die Casting Company has discontinued our fax number after 26 years. In the last few years we have received only one (1) regular fax for every one hundred (100) junk faxes. The fax machine was the source of wasted paper and time. We are sorry that we needed to disable our fax machine.

If you used or fax number in the past to send us purchase orders, please send them to our sales email address:

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Fax Number for Kinetic Die Casting Company is disabled.


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Zinc Die Casting Tooling Facts in 2020

Zinc Die Casting Tooling Facts. Zinc die casting tooling is a technique to form molten zinc into a shape using molds called dies or die casts. The tooling is the mold utilized in the procedure, and it is largely composed of a cover and ejector. The zinc is melted into molten form and then powerfully emptied into the cover die with the container bearing the wanted pattern. The melted zinc settles on the mold and toughens. Later, it is removed through the ejector. Die casts for zinc can have added features such as trim casts, inserts and multiple cavities reliant on what needs to be formed.
There is a request for
die casting tooling
zinc die casting tooling
because zinc has plenty of perfect characteristics:

  • It is very dense and does not take up much space related to other like materials
  • It is a sturdy and non-corrosive die casting alloy
  • It is extremely force-resistant
  • It is easily moldable into wires, thin walls and other complex designs
  • It can reach countless textures that other materials cannot attain
  • It takes lower heat to liquefy it for casting
  • It is the easiest material for die casting
  • It can remain malleable when melted for a long time
  • It can be added to other metals and elements to improve their condition
  • Zinc die cast tooling is made of tough materials to safeguard that the liquefied zinc will be correctly shaped into the anticipated form. There are likely mistakes in die casting such as porosity, uneven zinc distribution, etc. A great zinc die caster will be extremely cautious in following the normal guidelines so that quality zinc items are manufactured.

    This is the blog on the Kinetic Die Casting Company web site. We make several types of Aluminum Handle Parts. Look at this website page for more details: Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company at 818-982-9200 or email us at Use this webpage to request “die casting part prices”

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    Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
    E-mail Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax Number
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    Machining Aluminum 2020

    Aluminum Parts Machining Differs from Steel Parts Machining. Aluminum can be used in many ways. However there are different ways on how you can work with it. Aluminum parts machining requires less power compared to steel parts or cast iron parts because they are light weight.

    Aluminum parts machining can be different in cast iron machining. It’s the type of tools and tooling technologies that you will use will make a difference.

    Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die cast parts. If you are working with aluminum parts, the spindle of the machine should be strong and forceful. Spindles require higher speeds along with a lesser low-end torque compared to machining other metals like steel. Also, the spindle should be stiff because it will work in very fast conditions. Other experts on this field recommend the use of HSK tapers to ensure accuracy and rigidity. Moreover, if you are using very fast tools, rotating inertia can be reduced with the use of closed-loop spindles powered by a motor.

    Furthermore, it requires little cutting forces if you are working out with aluminum parts. The machine has to be well-damped and stiff.

    Since you are working with high speeds, there’s a chance of thermal growth. It can create a major problem if you are working out with light metals. It can lead to a major problem if you are working with light metal parts like aluminum.

    Find yourself a machine with thermal control system. A cooling system is recommended in order to reduce the frictional heat in the bearings when the higher spindle speeds up. Also, you must protect the spindle against coolant penetration by sealing it because the entire machining operation of a light metal is not dry.

    Kinetic Die Casting manufactures products like aluminum hardware, and aluminum boxes. If you would like more information on Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

    Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605, United States of America
    E-mail USA Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: Fax Number
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    The Casting Process in 2020

    Casting is the process of molding metals into different shapes and sizes to create metal parts. One of the oldest casting methods is gravity casting. Gravity casting uses gravity to make sure that all the parts of the mold is filled by the melted metal like aluminum or zinc. A gating system is produced to ensure a good flow of liquid metal. Basically, all you will need is a gating system a good two piece mold and the melted aluminum. After the liquid aluminum is poured into the mold, it will be left to cool. Even with this simple process, complicated pipe designs may be possible by casting pipes into the mold. However, because you will primarily rely on gravity, it is not ensured that the metal will seep into all the parts of the mold. An inferior plate may be produced. Gravity casting can produce as many as 100 parts in a day.

    On the other hand, die casting will surely produce an accurate model of the planned metal fixture. This is because it uses high pressure to pump the melted aluminum into the cold chamber mold. Also, the high pressure ensures the smooth and shiny surface of aluminum parts. Die casting can make 500 to thousands of parts in a day.

    To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at for a fast response on a price quote.

    Kinetic Die Casting is located in North Hollywood,California. KDC specializes in manufacturing zinc and aluminum alloy casting parts. If you would like a quote, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company


    The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”

    Kineticdc makes:
    Aluminum Heat Sinks
    Automotive Die Casting Parts
    Airplane Die Casting Parts
    Light Fixture Die Casting Parts
    Consumer Products Aluminum Parts
    Aerospace Die Casting Parts
    Military Die Casting Parts
    Die Casting Tooling

    Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
    E-mail Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: Fax Number

    Die Casting Process
    What is Die Casting?
    Aluminum Die Casting Prices
    Why Should You Use Die Castings?
    Kinetic Die Casting Company

    Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
    E-mail Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: Fax Number
    Die Casting Parts Prices

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