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Brass Die Casting Lighting Fixtures are a Good Choice 2020

Why Brass Die Casting Lighting Fixtures are a Good Choice. There are two very common techniques used in making lighting fixtures out of brass – sheet lighting fixtures and brass die casting lighting fixtures. In the case of sheet brass fixtures, they are created by taking sheets of solid brass then bending the brass sheets into the desired shapes. This can be accomplished by making use of a high-pressure machine press. The machine press will stamp the brass sheets into their molded shapes. In comparison to die cast brass, sheet brass is much thinner. It is however more economical.

Brass die casting lighting fixtures on the other hand, make use of molds. Liquid brass will be poured into these molds to form the lighting fixtures. Most manufacturers and suppliers prefer die cast molds because of their quality and durability. For parts and fixtures that require consistent fits, efficient finishes and tight tolerances, brass die casting is well preferred. A method called sand casting is often used as an alternative to die casting. In this method a temporary mold made from packed sand is used. Brass is poured into the sand mold and when the brass hardens, the sand mold is broken away. This however does not come close to the efficiency and preciseness of die cast molds.

Brass die casting lighting fixtures speak of nothing but quality, durability and longevity. Even under rugged, humid or corrosive outdoor environments, brass lighting fixtures will last a lifetime. Furthermore, when it comes to aesthetic beauty, nothing can compare to the classic and stylish appearance of brass.

To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures custom metal parts to their customer. If you would like more information about Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

Lighting Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Lighting Parts
Diecasting Parts
Die Casting Lighting Part Pictures
Die Casting Lighting Fixtures

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877
Die Casting Lighting Parts Prices

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Die Casting Fixtures 2020

Die Casting Lighting Fixtures

The main purpose of lighting fixtures or parts is to create artificial light. A lighting fixture consist of 0 parts—the light source, light reflector that directs the light to a certain point, an opening (with lens or without lenses), the light housing for protection, an electrical counterweight, and a cord connecting to the power source. Lighting fixtures can be classified as indoor lighting fixtures and outdoor lighting fixtures.

Before the introduction to an aluminum die casting company, lighting parts are made by welding pieces together. This process is costly, time consuming, and labor extensive. Nowadays, lighting parts are manufactured by die casting, a process wherein molten metal is forced into mold cavities. Die casting is beneficial if you are producing large quantities of small to medium sized lighting parts with good details,

Aluminum is lightweight and sturdy, a material often used to make lighting parts because of its durability and good thermal and electrical properties. Die cast aluminum lighting parts are made faster because they can be produced in net shape, meaning there are no welding or drilling methods needed after. Holes can be added to the mold cavities. These holes are necessary for the installation of covers or lids.

Die cast aluminum lighting parts are used in medical offices and parking garages for lighting fixtures. They are also used for bullet lighting fixtures, street traffic lights, outdoor and wall lighting fixtures. Furthermore, there are special light parts made for Aluminum lighting fixtures used for automobile lighting, marine lighting, medical lighting, and aerospace lighting.

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Your Personal Air Cooler: Aluminum Heat Sinks in 2020

aluminum die cast heat sink

Your Personal Air Cooler–Aluminum Heat Sinks. A lot of manufacturers love purchasing aluminum heatsinks due to their efficient approach towards heat dissipation. If there is one thing that these products are known for, it should be that. In instances when there is a need for heat to be dispelled from one area to another, any manufacturer would immediately think of buying an aluminum heatsink. Not only does it provide hydraulic qualities in cooling different areas of a particular engine or machine, it also allows devices to be extra protected from exposure to very high temperature. As with all other electronic applications, aluminum heatsinks are primarily used in that respect.

Also made from brilliant method of aluminum die casting, most heatsinks have a net shape allowing them to take a variety of forms and dimensions in order to cater to all types of machines and functions. To date, these types of heatsinks are being produced at an alarming rate due to the high demand of automobile manufacturers and other industries that require heavy machinery. Thousands of aluminum heat sinks are being produced and shipped out to different parts of the globe in a daily basis. An advantage of using heatsinks made of aluminum, aside from its durable and lightweight feature, is that it does not need complex polishing once the output is made. Heatsinks are also very versatile that it can also be used inside computers to help dissipate heat caused by complex circuitry both inside and out. Since electricity ignites during electronic interaction, an aluminum heatsink helps depreciate this temperature.

Die Casting Heat Sink Part
Die Casting Aluminum Heat Sink Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as Die Casting Aluminum Heat Sinks. As a Die Casting Company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

Heat Sink Die Castings
Chocolate Fountain Die Castings
Die Casting Heat Sinks
Die Casting Heat Sink Pictures
Golf Products Die Castings

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877
Die Casting Heat Sink Prices

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Boxes and Enclosures 2020

Businesses have a lot of options to package their products, freebies, or marketing materials. These options include the usual cardboard, corrugated, plastic, set up, or wood boxes. Aside from these, a new option has been created in aluminum boxes. Aside from that, these aluminum boxes, aluminum enclosures or aluminum housings also have other uses.

These are boxes made out of aluminum alone or in combination with acrylic. The die casting companies can choose from any style like tote box, two-piece set up, or like CD/DVD boxes. The boxes can have details for aesthetics like laser etching, anodizing, and powder coating.

Aluminum Housings, aluminum enclosures and aluminum boxes are all quite associated in that they cover something as packaging media. These aluminum boxes can conduct electricity so that means it can easily get grounded. Aluminum Boxes, Aluminum Enclosures and Aluminum Housings for Packaging and for Protection

Most of these boxes are aluminum die castings because the production entails lesser labor requirements and the production process is much faster. What’s more, these aluminum castings weigh lighter that the steel fabricated parts.

Depending on how big or heavy the parts are, about a few hundreds to a few thousands of these can be produced every day. These aluminum boxes or aluminum housings are usually used for: engine enclosures for automobiles and trucks, housing for computer disk drives, motors, communication companies, car transmission housings, and for electrical junction boxes.

Aside from using Aluminum Enclosures for packaging of retail products, they are used as enclosures for electronic products that are sensitive to dust, moisture, or sudden impact. These aluminum boxes are used to protect the items from damage of any sort.

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures aluminum and zinc die casting parts. Samples of KDC’s work include die cast speaker parts, aluminum tile plates, and other die cast metal parts. If you would like to have a quote please visit our website: Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605, United States of America
E-mail USA Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877
To get prices for Die Casting Tooling Molds or Parts: RFQ Die Casting Part Prices

The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes:
Die Casting Handle Hardware
Die Casting Alloys
Die Casting Aluminum Alloys
Aluminum Part Castings Company
Aluminum Die Casting Handle

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The First Day of Fall 2020

The first day of Autumn is today also known as the first day of FALL. Today, the autumnal equinox, day and night are each about 12 hours long (with the actual time of equal day and night, in the Northern Hemisphere, occurring a few days after the autumnal equinox). The word equinox means “equal night”; night and day are about the same length of time. This time of year is known for color change of the leaves on trees, cooler nights, and harvest.

leaves in fall
Colorful leaves of Fall


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Die Casting Company Information

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877
Die Casting Parts Prices

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