The cost-efficient and timely production of a wide array of required equipment components owes much to die casting tooling. This is a critical performance area wherein the die casters and the designers have to put their heads together in product development and design. At this early stage, issues centered around tooling and production have to be fixed along with the identification of the many trade-offs that may be taken to effectively control the total project costs.
One excellent example of the successful collaboration of designers and die casters in Castings Aluminum Tooling is in the automobile business. Through their joint efforts, aluminum auto parts have been successfully planned and developed so much so that today aluminum now is the No. 2 material used in automobiles. The main impetus that inspired the designers–die casters’ collaborative efforts is the rising cost of fuel which spurred consumers’ renewed interest in lighter, more fuel-efficient and environment-friendly cars.
Among the Castings Aluminum Tooling factors pondered in aluminum auto components is the estimate that reducing car weight by 10% could result in consumption by 6% to 8%. Another consideration which may be parlayed in future Castings Aluminum Tooling is that a car weight reduction of 50% may be realized if the body of an automobile is made of aluminum. Substantial fuel savings would be achieved in such a shift, which was reckoned at about 3,000 liters saved for the average lifetime of a car, one Castings Aluminum Tooling endeavor that should be most welcome in these oil-crisis prone times.
To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting is located in North Hollywood,California. KDC specializes in manufacturing zinc and aluminum alloy casting parts. If you would like a quote, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company