Category Archives: Aluminum Die Casting

Use of Diecasting Plates

Why should you use Die Cast Heating Plates? Die Cast Heating Plates are used for many industrial purposes. Examples of their uses include the manufacture of toys, plumbing, cell phones, computers, automobiles, machines and kitchen metal parts. Unknown to many, die casting plates are used for almost every important thing in our day to day lives.

One good example of a Die Cast Heating Plate at work is a chocolate fountain. Chocolate fountains are often used in parties, receptions and other important events. The heater plate keeps the chocolate warm and flowing for several hours.

Generally, Aluminum Die Cast Heating Plates are favored by the general public, preferred by both in households and business establishments. Die casting offer better quality than by other manufacturing processes such as stamping, mold casting, forging and extrusion.

Why should you use Die Cast Heating Plates? The most obvious reason is that the metal used, aluminum, is one of the most copious metals on earth. Since aluminum supply is almost unlimited, the metal is affordable compared to other metals. It also has plenty of advantageous characteristics. It is lightweight, making the production process easier and faster. Its no surprise why many companies opt for this method compared to other more costly methods.


The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”

What is Die Casting?
Costs Die Casting Parts
Airplane Die Casting Parts
Light Fixture Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Aluminum Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877

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Custom Table Diecast Part

Recently, Tom stopped by my office. He is wanting a new aluminum product design. He wants a die casting product for a custom table. He has been CNC machining parts from aluminum. He wants to mass produce hundreds or thousands of aluminum parts. He believes die casting is his best option. We talked together about his options of continuing to CNC machine the parts, aluminum sand casting, and aluminum die casting parts. We talked about matching die casting draft angles. We talked about reducing part weight while increasing part strength. We talked about various die casting alloy materials. We talked about other potential die casting issues relating to production, such as ejector pin locations and porosity in thick sections. I believe Tom will be a very informed and happy customer.


Contact Kineticdc if you need help with a new product design.
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Kinetic Die Casting Company

6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91605
(800) 524-8083

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Cox Die Casting Company Closed March 2017

Cox Die Casting Company is closed.

1528 W. 178th Street
Gardena, California 90248
Phone: 310 532-7544 Fax: 310 532-8588
The owners of Cox Die Casting Company decided to retire and sell all the assets of Cox Die Casting.

Kinetic Die Casting Company.

Kinetic Die Casting Company has negotiated with the owners of Cox Die Casting Company to continue some of their customer’s die casting part production requirements. If you purchase die casting parts from Cox, we will produce the parts for you. Just send us your die casting tooling. You can contact Kinetic Die Casting Company by calling 818-982-9200 from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM from Monday through Thursday.

Read more about the Kinetic Die Casting History here:

Requesting prices? Click the image to send us a price request for your parts and tooling.
Die Casting Part Prices


Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood California 91605
818-982-9200 –

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High Pressure Die Castings

What is the High Pressure Aluminum Die Casting Process?
Cold Chamber Die Casting Machine

The image pictured above depicts a Cold Chamber Die Casting Machine as it makes parts. The term “Cold Chamber Die Casting” refers to a separate metal melting furnace. The High Pressure Die Casting, cold chamber die casting process follows this sequence:

1. Look at the image above
2. The die casting machine opens the die casting mold.
3. The prior part is removed and the die cast mold is sprayed for the next part
4. The aluminum is poured using a ladle into a shot cylinder
5. The shot piston injects the metal into the die casting mold.
6. The machine opens and the process starts again.

For more details, look at this webpage:

High Pressure Die Casting

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91605
Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877


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Fun Facts About Aluminum

Aluminum (Al) is the most abundant mineral on Earth after oxygen and silicon and is the most abundant metal found naturally on Earth. It is present in 270 minerals. Aluminum is a silver, soft metal with an atomic number of thirteen and thirteen protons in the nucleus. It constitutes about eight percent of the Earth’s land mass.

Aluminum (aka Aluminium) fun facts:

  1. Caution – Iodine and Aluminum powder plus a few drops of water create: Clouds of toxic purple iodine vapor and a flame.
  2. Recycling aluminum takes only 5 percent of the energy needed to extract new aluminum from ore.
  3. Aluminum is globally the most used metal that does not contain iron.
  4. Aluminum is almost always used as an alloy, even if the aluminum content is as high as 99%.
  5. The most commonly used elements to combine with aluminum to create an alloy are zinc, copper, silicon, magnesium, and manganese.
  6. This element is the second-most abundant metallic element in Earth’s crust after silicon.
  7. Aluminum is lightweight (a third the weight of steel or copper).
  8. That Coke can: According to the Aluminum Association, an aluminum can takes 60 days to return as a new can after recycling.
  9. Aluminum and its alloys are significantly used in the aerospace industry auto manufacturing and transportation, construction, packaging etc.
  10. Aluminum is also used as a compound to manufacturing paints, antacids, deodorants and are also used as a catalyst in explosives (such as ammonium nitrate) to boost explosive capabilities.
  11. Aluminum is a very reflective metal, which is very useful in home decor items such as aluminum blinds, aluminum fence, aluminum doors, aluminum windows etc.
  12. Keep vinegar and bleach away from your aluminum products.
  13. Aluminum parts when damp creates a white oxide that protects the aluminum surface but keeps paint from sticking.
  14. Aluminum is incredibly flexible enough that it can be easily formed into the tiniest of items such as paper clips, dial gauges etc.

I hope you enjoyed these fun facts about aluminum. More than 90% of our die casting production is in aluminum alloy parts.

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