Where do you find Aluminum Military Parts? Aluminum has been employed in manufacturing parts for military use as early as 1892, when the French government began producing torpedo boats. Later that same decade, the US Army began using aluminum for …
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Category Archives: Aluminum Die Casting
Three Types of Aluminum Castings
Three Types of Aluminum Castings. Aluminum die castings are used to by a lot of metalworking companies to form the perfect aluminum material, without having to spend a lot of money and wasting a lot of time. Due to the versatility of these processes, a lot of companies have turned to this unique way in forming one of the most dependable alloys that is used for several components in the same industry. There are a lot of items that were produced out of aluminum castings from the Washington Monument’s cap to the ancient tea kettles used by people who lived hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Although there have been a lot of improvements in the process of aluminum castings, most of the companies still resort to the traditional means of using molten metal to form some of the most intricate dies in history.
Aluminum castings can come in three diverse methods. Out of the three (permanent mold casting, sand casting and die casting), die casting is considered as the most popular among all companies in the metalworking industry. Although sand casting is known to be more versatile due to its delicate patterns, die castings prove to produce the most durable components used by a lot of automobile franchises and even the smallest of modern electronic gadgets. Other would say, however, that permanent mold castings also produce durable materials, but may need more expensive equipments and methodologies compared to the two other methods. Although these three processes may have a lot of differences, it can be agreed that aluminum castings are highly effective in whichever method they are performed under.
Kinetic Die Casting Company can manufacture aluminum car parts, aluminum hardware, and Aluminum Lighting Partsaluminum lighting parts
Aluminum Die Casting Everywhere
Aluminum Die Casting Everywhere. Aluminum is turning out to be one of the most important metals in this age of modern industry. It has a lot of uses. One of them is as material for die casting parts. A cursory inventory will show us aluminum castings in a wide range of industries, from the automotive industry, the communications industry, the aircraft manufacturing industry, the computer industry, the consumer electronics industry, and the communications industry. A more detailed catalog of aluminum castings to be found around us would include lights and streetlamp housing, lawnmower gear, instrument cases, electronic gadget cases, cooking utensils, automotive parts, airplane parts, outboard motor, aluminum lighting parts.
Aluminum and metal castings in general can be produced by the processes of plaster casting, continuous casting, investment casting, sand casting, permanent mold casting, and die casting. The versatility of aluminum makes this material suitable for all of the metal processing methods mentioned here, but the die cast method is the most common method for aluminum castings. The die casting process entails the melting of the metal, then injecting it into a die cast mold, but not before applying a separating medium on the mold, then cooling the molten metal to harden it. Once it hardens, it takes the shape of the die mold. Next is the process of extracting the product from the mold. The whole thing from start to finish might take only a few seconds on a die tooling machine. The whole process is then repeated on and on. This is how the world is being supplied with aluminum die castings.
Kinetic Die Casting is a aluminum and zinc die casting company. If you would like to know more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
The Benefits of Aluminum Castings
The Benefits of Aluminum Castings. Aluminum castings can provide many benefits for manufacturers as well as for end consumers. With the use of aluminum for die casting, the manufacturing process would be faster but the finished parts can be as strong as metal and cheaper too.
So here are other specific benefits of aluminum casting that can be enjoyed by industries and end consumers. First, aluminum castings can allow the attainment of complex designs and forms for die cast parts. This means that manufacturers can easily order customized castings that will be suitable for their production needs.
Second, aluminum castings allow producers to manufacture parts at an extremely higher and faster rate than other alloy materials. Aluminum die casting can also achieve near net shape so the process of machining can be eliminated to produce finished parts.
Third, aluminum castings have the strength of steel but very lightweight. The appearance and aesthetic value of aluminum parts are also superior to other metal alloys. However, aluminum die cast parts are cheaper so end consumers can get high quality metal products at very affordable prices.
Lastly, castings made from aluminum are versatile, corrosion resistant, and can be used for different purposes. These qualities allow manufacturers to produce multiple products using aluminum parts. The finished products also have longer lifetimes thus giving consumers more value for their money.
Manufacturers and consumers can enjoy multiple benefits from aluminum castings. That is why production of aluminum parts through the die casting has become the most favored process of metal casting manufacturers.
Aluminum Parts in Welding
Aluminum Parts Types – Their Roles in Welding. Have you ever heard of welding? The welding industry is growing fast and the requirements for the materials are also getting tough. It is in this sense that the welding companies see the usefulness of aluminum and its alloys. Basically, the aluminum parts types are fairly amenable when it comes to welding metalwork pieces. Aluminum is after all considered to be one of the best metals to use because of its fluidity during the heating process. Even when a much lower or a relatively higher temperature is used, there is really no problem in handling the aluminum and its alloys.
Aluminum bears properties that react effectively in the welding process. It easily melts and then never cracks even after solidifying. The procedure of aluminum welding is performed depending on the aluminum parts types. Many of these parts are those that contain the so called commercial grade aluminum which are compacted with about 99% of purity. Therefore, the effects of the heat treatment vary as well. Those that have lead or copper in them are too hard to weld and usually end up cracking during the process of welding.
The welding procedure of the aluminum parts types include the TIG and MIG along with the other traditional techniques of resistance welding, plasma, gas, and use of covered electrodes. TIG is the approach used in generating the fine surface finishes and in the welding of pipes and repairing the castings. Meanwhile, the MIG technique suits the welding of thicker aluminum metal pieces that require a longer welding cycle.
Kinetic Die Casting is a Los Angeles die casting company that manufactures aluminum and zinc parts. If you would like more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
Aluminum Manufacturing in Die Casting
Aluminum is widely used in die casting because of the properties that it possesses. Aluminum is useful even in everyday life because that is why die casting companies produce die cast parts made from this alloy. Aluminum alloy is lightweight and has good corrosion resistance. It can also take high temperatures so the things that need to be heat resistant are usually made of aluminum alloy. The things that also need high corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity are made of aluminum. Due to its high dimensional stability, aluminum alloy is used to make thin walls and complex shapes.
Aluminum part types can depend on the combination of alloying elements such as silicon and copper. Zinc can also be used as alloying element to aluminum. The combination of the properties of the different alloys allows the production of high quality products. Silicon increases melt fluidity that is why complex parts such as connector housings and thin walls are made of aluminum with silicon. When copper is used as the alloying element, the part has increased hardness and decreased ductility.
Aluminum part types can be differentiated on the amount of alloying element present. Aluminum types are Alloy A380, A360, A369, A390, A413, and A518. They are series of aluminum alloys so expect to see alloy types with decimals. The Alloy A380 is the most common aluminum alloy used in die casting. Lawnmower housings and gears are usually made of AA 380. Escalator parts and conveyor parts are usually made of Alloy 518. Parts that need high corrosion resistance are made of Alloy A360.
Parts differ in the content of alloying element that makes the aluminum part types. They also cater to the different needs of the consumers and the producers as well. These are the most common Aluminum Alloy Types.
Kinetic Die Casting manufactures die cast parts for their customers. If you would like to know more about what is die casting or if you would like a quote, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company