Category Archives: Auto Parts

50 Percent Duty on Aluminum Imports

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As the White House prepares to submit the Trans-Pacific Partnership to Congress in the coming months, it has been touting its record on trade enforcement to persuade lawmakers to vote for the 12-nation pact. The United Steelworkers union on Monday upped the ante on that front by asking President Barack Obama to impose a 50 percent duty on aluminum imports from China and other suppliers as soon as July.

The U.S. International Trade Commission would normally take up to six months to investigate the Section 201 petition for global import relief and make recommendations to Obama, who would have another two months to decide what action to take. However, the union is asking the ITC to make a finding of “critical circumstances” within 60 days so Obama can act quickly to keep additional U.S. aluminum smelters from closing.

If the trade panel makes that determination, the president would then have 30 days to approve some of type of provisional relief while the Section 201 case proceeds for another six to eight months, Terry Stewart, a lawyer for the union group, said.

The timing isn’t ideal for Obama’s TPP push. The aluminum case potentially puts the president on the spot by forcing him to decide whether to impose the 50-percent “provisional” duty sought by the steelworkers while the Section 201 investigation proceeds. If he decides against it or puts in place some lesser relief, that could jeopardize potential votes for the TPP pact.
Die Casting Part Prices

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Die Casting Advantages for Auto Parts

Die Casting Advantages for die casting parts used for Auto Parts. Strength and reliability – These are the most important requirements for automobile parts. Today, the automobile industry has a strong demand for die castings used for car parts. Die casting is a metal working process that performs efficiently on large-scale production. If we will compare it with other processes like sand casting, forging and extrusion, die casting produces car parts with higher yield strength (breaking point). It is used to produce both mechanical and fixed parts of automobiles.

The tools for automobile die castings are expensive, reaching many thousands of dollars. The capital expenditure makes the process suitable only for large-scale manufacturing companies. However, it is a good investment because it minimizes human intervention for die castings used for car parts. Die casting products are precise in depth, size and shape. This is perfect for motor housings, enclosures, pumps and hardware for cars. The process produces little or no scrap and deformities. Therefore, there is little need for post machining. If there is any scrap, they can easily be recycled.

To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Auto Parts made from Aluminum for Cars

Auto Parts made from Aluminum for Cars. For a car to properly work, it has to make use of a number of parts. Owners of these machines would of course want to be able to trust and rely on each part of their car so that when they use it, they know that nothing can go wrong. Of course, it cannot be avoided that one day something is going to give. The best thing that any car owner can do is lessen the risk of something breaking in the middle of the road. With that, car manufacturers are starting to realize the efficiency of making use of Aluminum Car Parts.

Also, aluminum has been known to be one of the toughest and most durable materials in the whole world. At the same time, it is relatively cheap and easy to acquire aluminum as it can be mined almost everywhere. Aluminum Auto Parts are also lighter compared to using steel parts, which makes the car lighter overall as well. This significantly proves the performance of the car and its reliability. Because of these characteristics, aluminum has been said to be more valuable than gold.

Furthermore, to craft Aluminum Auto Parts fast and consistent in quality, manufacturers can make use of die casting. This is the process wherein the material, in this case aluminum, will be turned into liquid and then poured into molds. The molds cavity will shape the liquid into the desired shape of the manufacturer. Then this will be allowed to solidify. The resulting Aluminum Auto Parts are almost identical because of using the same die casting tooling over and over again.

Die Casting Aluminum Auto Part
Automotive Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as die casting auto parts. We make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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Auto Parts made of Aluminum

The human history can be very conveniently divided into epochs or ages such as the ancient stone, the Iron Age, or the copper age. These ages have been called so because of the kind of metal or element which was dominating all the major architecture and other structures of that particular period of time. Going further on those lines we can say that the present is sort of like the aluminum age. Aluminum has become the new replacement to almost all the other metals, be it utensils or airplanes. One major use which aluminum has found for itself is the manufacture of various automobile parts. Here is guide to what makes aluminum such a sorted after raw material for cars and other automobiles

Furthermore, if we do a careful survey of the market of the automobile parts we will find that more and more companies have switched over to aluminum as the primary material to make the auto parts.
Also, Aluminum is a wiser choice because as compared to other alloys and metals, the automobile outer body made out of aluminum is almost one-third in weight. Now lighter cars are what the companies are aiming at and that’s what they are getting by using aluminum die casting. Apart from external use the metal is also being used in conduction of electric currents inside the autos. Aluminum is better conductor of heat and electricity than copper and hence the risks of the wires getting overheated are also reduced considerably.

The best part about using aluminum for making auto parts is that is highly resistant to corrosion. Automobile engines and other inner as well as outer parts are particularly vulnerable to this degradation and aluminum provides the perfect protection.
So whenever you are buying your ride make sure it’s got aluminum parts inside and outside to guarantee maximum output.

Die Casting Aluminum Auto Part
Automotive Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as die casting auto parts. We make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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Automotive Parts in Less Than a Week Plus Video

Automotive Parts in less than a week? Today, we received a purchase order from one our customers to produce over 1,000 aftermarket auto parts. We will die cast these parts using aluminum, in less than one week. Send us a purchase order to see how well we serve you. Die Casting of Aluminum Auto Parts is fast and inexpensive. Kinetic Die Casting Company makes thousands of automobile parts every week. We produce several 100 thousand car parts each year using our aluminum die casting production process.

Kinetic Die Casting makes aluminum parts. To get a quote, use this webpage: Die Castings Prices

Kinetic Die Casting Company currently has open die casting machine capacity and we can ship most production part purchase orders in 4 weeks. In some cases, we can ship in less than 2 weeks. Some of the larger purchase orders will qualify for die casting production part price discounts. Send your purchase order today.

Contact us for more information:
Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood California 91605 USA
818-982-9200 –

Kineticdc makes:
Automotive Die Casting Parts
Airplane Die Casting Parts
Light Fixture Die Casting Parts
Consumer Products Aluminum Parts
Aerospace Die Casting Parts
Military Die Casting Parts

To get a quote, use this webpage: Die Casting Parts Prices

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