Category Archives: Business

2023 Die Castings Summer Sale

July 25, 2023 – Attention diecasting customers. 07/25/23 to 08/31/23 a $10 Starbucks Gift Card for new POs.
Kinetic Die Casting Company‘s die casting machine production typically slows down for summer months. We currently have more time in our die casting machines for production over the next few months. Our customers will get a free ten dollar ($10) Starbucks Gift Card for any new purchase order placed between July 25th to August 31st. Hopefully, you will want us to produce your die casting parts and ship your parts within the next three months.

As a reminder, we work Monday through Thursday. We make aluminum die casting parts and zinc die casting parts. Thank you for your business!

Please send your new purchase orders to Thank you for being our loyal customer. We have been making die casting parts almost 30 years, since 1994.

Kinetic Die Casting Company, Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91605


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July 4th 2023 Closure

Kinetic Die Casting Company will be closed from June 30 to July 4 in observance of our independence. We will be open 5th and 6th to help our customers with getting aluminum die casting parts and zinc die casting parts.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605


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Low Volume Die Casting Supplier 2023

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes thousands of die casting parts every day. Some customers need 100,000 die casting parts a year. Others, fewer. KDC has a few types of customers that purchase lower quantity production die casting parts, less production parts or fewer die cast parts than the typical manufacturing company. Some customers order fewer than 100 die casting parts in a year. Once the die casting tooling is made, the cost to make a few castings is much less than when a manufacturer is getting started.

This manufacturing company customer buys 75 of these die casting parts on a purchase order.
Low Volume Die Casting Parts

We have a purchase order to make 200 of these parts and ship them in quantities of 7 parts up to 20 parts at a time.
Low Quantity Die Casting Production
Kinetic Die Casting Company is a Lower Volume and Lower Quantity Die Casting Supplier.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood,
California USA 91605
Phone Number:
Office Hours: Monday – Thursday
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (Pacific Standard Time)

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Kinetic Die Casting April 2023

All of our customers are manufacturers. This year is challenging to many manufacturing companies. Both good and bad challenges. A few of our manufacturing company customers are struggling to stay in business. A few of our customers are faced with higher production and delivery demands than ever before. At Kineticdc, we are not different from other manufacturing companies. We are having negative challenges with unusually high natural gas costs, difficulty in finding and training qualified labor workers as well as experienced die casting managers. We are also struggling with our cash flow as a result of all the negative issues above. The good challenge is that we are headed in 2023 to the best manufacturing year ever by working extra hours and more production shifts for our customers’ increased demand.

Thank you for trusting us to make your production parts of aluminum and zinc die casting parts.

Kinetic Die Casting Company, Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91605

#kineticdc @kineticdc #diecasting @diecasting

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General Die Casters and Dart Die Casting Merge

NADCA – North American Die Casting Association reports that Dart Die Casting Company and General Die Casters Company Merge. General Die Casters, Inc. (Twinsburg, OH) is joining forces with Dart Casting, Inc. (Alsip, IL) under common ownership. The new organization will operate 41 casting machines between 400 and 1200 ton and 28 CNC machining centers, creating one of the leading middle-market die cast companies in the Midwest with the ability to leverage each company’s capabilities and customer base to continue a trajectory of growth.

Each company’s management teams will remain in place and key contacts will remain the same. Both teams are excited to combine their talents and become one of the most capable and cost competitive high pressure die casting companies in the country.

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