Category Archives: Business

Pioneer Diecasters History

My previous article from 09.21.22 I announced my disappointment that Pioneer Die Casting Company closed ” Pioneer Diecasters Inc Closing ” In 2012, I had lunch with the owner of Pioneer, Carl H. Spahr, and he detailed much of the history he has had at Pioneer Die Casting Company since he started working there.

They were open over 80 years ago and incorporated in the state of California for over 70 years. Carl’s father started doing business as Pioneer Diecasters the 1930s and according to public records, he incorporated as Pioneer Diecasters, Inc on February 23, 1949.

Mr. Spahr worked closely with Lefty Harris around that time in the 30s. Lefty started Arrow Die Casting Company later. Carl started working at Pioneer in the 1940s or 1950s. They were primarily operating in the aluminum die castings business.

During our lunch, in June of 2012 Carl said he was in his early 70s. Pioneer Diecasters company employed about 17 people at the time. He had a very lean manufacturing operation. Carl said he visits the plant two or three days a week. He has a good manager that has been with him over 20 years and he runs everything. Carl said over the many years of running the company he has had issues with legal labor disputes in the 50’s, problems with the IRS in the 60’s and litigations from disgruntled employees in the 80’s. These were difficult times on occasion, but Carl said he still loved owning Pioneer Diecasters, Inc.

Pioneer Diecasters 4209 Chevy Chase Drive, L.A., CA 90039

Pioneer Diecasters 4209 Chevy Chase Drive, L.A., CA 90039

I am saddened to see the loss of another die casting company competitor in California.

Kinetic Die Casting Company, Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA. 91605 818-982-9200

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REACH and RoHS 3 Compliant 2022

Kinetic Die Casting Company Parts use RECYCLED Materials in our die casting metal alloys. Kineticdc complies with the EU RoHS 3 standards. Die casting alloys have less than 0.1% of any of the REACH chemicals.

Registration: Chemical producers are required to register safety data for all chemicals produced.
Evaluation: Experts from member states and the European Agency evaluate safety data for higher volume chemicals and other chemicals of concern.
Authorization: Chemicals that are “substances of very high concern” (SVHC) are to be phased out and replaced with safer alternative chemicals.
Chemicals Restriction: Chemicals may be completely banned or some uses of the chemicals can be restricted

RoHS 3 REACH Compliant

RoHS REACH Compliant

REACH and RoHS 3 Compliant 2022

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals, EC 1907/2006) is the European Union’s chemical regulation that requires that chemical substances on their own, in preparations and all intentionally released substances from articles must be registered with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

The regulation applies to substances manufactured in, or imported to the EU in annual quantities of 1 ton or more. According to the REACH requirements on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) a supplier of manufactured and imported articles shall provide customers with information on SVHC if they are present above a concentration limit of 0.1 % on an article level. SVHC will be defined through the list of candidate substances for authorization that is produced by the European Chemicals Agency.


#RoHS #REACH #kineticdc #alloys

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Die Casting Companies in California 2022

With the closure of Pioneer Diecasters this year, I can find only 14 active die casting companies in Southern California. In 1994, when I founded Kinetic Die Casting Company, there were 76 die casting companies in California. Now there are only 14 companies in Southern California.

kineticdc logo

Sorted alphabetically, here is the current list of the competing die casting companies remaining in Southern California:
1. Alloy Die Casting Company
2. Aluminum Die Casting Company
3. Ambritt Die Casting Company
4. American Die Casting Company
5. California Die Casting Company
6. Cast-Rite Die Casting Company
7. Die Cast of America Company
8. Dynacast Company
9. Hyatt Die Casting Company
10. International Die Casting Company
11. Kenwalt Die Casting Company
12. Kinetic Die Casting Company
13. Pacific Die Casting Company
14. RSG Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting Company
(800) 524-8083
Die Casting Part Prices

Recently Closed Die Casting Companies:
Bucy Die Casting Company Closed
Commercial Die Casting Company
Alloy Die Casting Company Sold
Cox Die Casting Company Closed
Rangers Die Casting Company Closed
CEP Cast Engineered Products Closed
Pioneer Diecasters Inc Closing

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Die Casting Supervisor Job 2022

Kinetic Die Casting Company is looking fill a Die Casting Supervisor Job 2022. This is a full time job, 40 hours a week, for person experienced in die casting supervision. This person should understand how supervise die casting machine operators as they make die casting parts using a die casting machine.

Call us Soon

Kinetic Die Casting Company, Inc
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91605 818-982-9200

#job #employment #diecasting #supervisor

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Pioneer Diecasters Error

Yesterday, I reported that the business closure of Pioneer Diecasters, and that information about them closing is true. Article:

Pioneer Die Casting Company
4209 Chevy Chase Drive,
L.A., CA 90039

Unfortunately, I also reported yesterday that the owner Carl H. Spahr had recently passed away. That information about Mr. Spahr’s passing is thankfully incorrect and I apologize. I received false information from someone associated with Pioneer Diecasters that Carl passed away a few weeks ago. I am deeply saddened by my error and I apologize for any inconvenience of my error to the associates, friends and family of Carl Spahr and to Pioneer Diecasters, Inc. I am still sad that the company closed.

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