Category Archives: Competitors

Almond Roca 2018

Special Gift of Almond Roca to Kinetic Die Casting Company Customers
almond roca
(homemade almond roca candy)

Kinetic Die Casting Company will be sending a bag of Homemade Almond Roca candy to every customer that sent us a purchase order for die casting parts or tooling during 2018. The candy will be sent to out by the last first week of December for purchase orders sent this year.

This has been a great year for growth. We want to thank all our customers that purchase die casting parts and die casting tooling from Kinetic Die Casting Company!


The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”
Die Casting Part Prices
Die Casting Tooling

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877

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Last Day To Save Money NADCA Golf 2018

This is the last day to save money playing golf August 17, 2018 Southern California NADCA CHAPTER 30 Golf Tournament at Los Serranos Country Club (North Course) | 15656 Yorba Avenue, Chino Hills, CA 91709. Come join us at our annual golf tournament!

NADCA North American Die Casters Association

California’s two largest metal casting chapters are coming together for a day of golf and networking. Over 135 industry professionals and suppliers participated last year. Join us August 17th for this exciting event.
Fun and Prizes:
– $5,000 putting contest;
– $10,000 hole-in-one chance;
– Long-drive challenge;
– Closest to the pin challenge;
– Plaques for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Early Birds SAVE $50/golfer: Register before August 10th!

Registration includes green fees, range balls, cart, breakfast, snacks, lunch, give-away and door prize raffle ticket. Groups that register more than one foursome will receive a bonus chance at prizes. The 4-player, best ball, scramble style tournament is limited to 144 players.

6:30AM Check In and Breakfast | 8AM Shotgun Start | 12:30PM Lunch & Raffle | 3PM Conclude Event
Register On-Line:

Sponsorships and Tee Signs Available:
– GIVEAWAY SPONSOR—$2,000 (Includes 4 golfers and 1 tee sign): Every golfer receives a give-away when checking in. Shouldn’t it have your logo on it?
– LUNCH SPONSOR—$1,750 (Includes 4 golfers and 1 tee sign): The golf tournament lunch is the largest annual gathering of the Chapters. Be recognized as the sponsor of this event.
– DRINK CART SPONSOR—$1,500 (Includes 4 golfers and 1 tee sign): An obvious tournament favorite. Each golfer receives 2 tickets.
– $10,000 HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR—$1,000 (Includes 2 golfers and 1 tee sign): For many, this is the most anticipated hole of the tournament. Set up a table or tent and cheer on the participants. Note: Tournament hosts secure certificate of insurance for prize.
– $5,000 PRE-TOURNAMENT PUTTING CONTEST SPONSOR—$1,000 (Includes 2 golfers and 1 tee sign): Prior to the shotgun start, attendees compete to win $5,000. Note: Tournament hosts secure certificate of insurance for prize.
– SNACK BAG SPONSOR—$1,000 (Includes 2 golfers and 1 tee sign): All golfers receive a snack bag with your logo on it.
– BREAKFAST SPONSOR—$750 (Includes 2 golfers and 1 tee sign): The tournament starts early. Breakfast and coffee are the first things the golfers ask for before hitting practice balls.
– PRIZE HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR—$500 (Includes 1 golfer and 1 tee sign): Golfers tee off for big prizes such as airline tickets, TVs and more. Set up a table or tent and cheer on the participants. Note: Tournament hosts secure certificate of insurance for prize.

TEE SIGNS @ $199 Before August 10th: Prominently display your support for the metal casting industry with a tee sign. Your name will be in bold lettering and placed at a hole throughout the tournament. EARLY BIRDS SAVE $50 Tee signs are $199 before August 10th or $250 after August 10th.

At lunch, prizes will be announced and raffled off to attendees. Sponsors and tee sign supporters are asked to bring one (1) raffle prize.
We will announce your company and thank you from the podium. The industry lunch raffle is always a highly?anticipated event!

Register and Pay On-Line at or
Enter Number of Golfers X $129/person (before August 10) or $175/person (after August 10)
Prepaid Mulligans (2) and Putting Contest (1 attempt): add $25/player | Lunch Only is $55/person
Tee Signs: $199/sign (before August 10) or $250/sign (after August 10)

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#golftournament #nadca #diecasting

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2018 AFS/NADCA Golf Tournament

AUGUST 17, 2018 Southern California NADCA CHAPTER 30 Golf Tournament at Los Serranos Country Club (North Course) | 15656 Yorba Avenue, Chino Hills, CA 91709. Come join us at our annual golf tournament!

NADCA North American Die Casters Association

California’s two largest metal casting chapters are coming together for a day of golf and networking. Over 135 industry professionals and suppliers participated last year. Join us August 17th for this exciting event.
Fun and Prizes:
– $5,000 putting contest;
– $10,000 hole-in-one chance;
– Long-drive challenge;
– Closest to the pin challenge;
– Plaques for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Early Birds SAVE $50/golfer: Register before August 10th!

Registration includes green fees, range balls, cart, breakfast, snacks, lunch, give-away and door prize raffle ticket. Groups that register more than one foursome will receive a bonus chance at prizes. The 4-player, best ball, scramble style tournament is limited to 144 players.

6:30AM Check In and Breakfast | 8AM Shotgun Start | 12:30PM Lunch & Raffle | 3PM Conclude Event
Register On-Line:

Sponsorships and Tee Signs Available:
– GIVEAWAY SPONSOR—$2,000 (Includes 4 golfers and 1 tee sign): Every golfer receives a give-away when checking in. Shouldn’t it have your logo on it?
– LUNCH SPONSOR—$1,750 (Includes 4 golfers and 1 tee sign): The golf tournament lunch is the largest annual gathering of the Chapters. Be recognized as the sponsor of this event.
– DRINK CART SPONSOR—$1,500 (Includes 4 golfers and 1 tee sign): An obvious tournament favorite. Each golfer receives 2 tickets.
– $10,000 HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR—$1,000 (Includes 2 golfers and 1 tee sign): For many, this is the most anticipated hole of the tournament. Set up a table or tent and cheer on the participants. Note: Tournament hosts secure certificate of insurance for prize.
– $5,000 PRE-TOURNAMENT PUTTING CONTEST SPONSOR—$1,000 (Includes 2 golfers and 1 tee sign): Prior to the shotgun start, attendees compete to win $5,000. Note: Tournament hosts secure certificate of insurance for prize.
– SNACK BAG SPONSOR—$1,000 (Includes 2 golfers and 1 tee sign): All golfers receive a snack bag with your logo on it.
– BREAKFAST SPONSOR—$750 (Includes 2 golfers and 1 tee sign): The tournament starts early. Breakfast and coffee are the first things the golfers ask for before hitting practice balls.
– PRIZE HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSOR—$500 (Includes 1 golfer and 1 tee sign): Golfers tee off for big prizes such as airline tickets, TVs and more. Set up a table or tent and cheer on the participants. Note: Tournament hosts secure certificate of insurance for prize.

TEE SIGNS @ $199 Before August 10th: Prominently display your support for the metal casting industry with a tee sign. Your name will be in bold lettering and placed at a hole throughout the tournament. EARLY BIRDS SAVE $50 Tee signs are $199 before August 10th or $250 after August 10th.

At lunch, prizes will be announced and raffled off to attendees. Sponsors and tee sign supporters are asked to bring one (1) raffle prize.
We will announce your company and thank you from the podium. The industry lunch raffle is always a highly?anticipated event!

Register and Pay On-Line at or
Enter Number of Golfers X $129/person (before August 10) or $175/person (after August 10)
Prepaid Mulligans (2) and Putting Contest (1 attempt): add $25/player | Lunch Only is $55/person
Tee Signs: $199/sign (before August 10) or $250/sign (after August 10)

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#golftournament #nadca #diecasting

Posted in Blogger, Business, Competitors, Golf, newsletter, Supplier | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

NADCA Chapter 30 Dinner

March 8, 2018 – Vendor Night at Rio Hondo Golf Course. Each year NADCA (North American Die Casters Association) and AFS (American Foundry Society) has a vendors night to celebrate our metal industry suppliers. Thursday, March 8, 2018 at RIO HONDO GOLF CLUB & EVENT CENTER 10627 Old River School Road Downey, CA 90241 (

California’s two largest metal casting chapters are coming together to recognize the leading vendors to our industry. Participants will enjoy an exciting evening of food, prizes, awards and vendor displays. Visit booths from the industry’s top vendors and see their latest products and services.
Ø Check-in @ 4:15 PM
Ø Beverages, hors d’oeuvres, and vendor booths open @ 4:30 PM
Ø Dinner @ 5:30 PM
Ø Awards & Prizes @ 6:45 PM
Save money with “Early Bird” registration. Tickets are only $65/person if you register before February 24! Registration includes event admission, 1 door prize ticket, 5 raffle tickets and dinner. Don’t delay and miss out on your opportunity to be a part of the metal casting industry vendor’s night.

Event Tickets: @ $65/person (before February 23) or $85/person (after February 24)
Register and Pay On-Line at:

Register and Pay On-Line at:



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Save $200 on 2018 NADCA Vendor Night

Save $200 if you register today. Each year NADCA (North American Die Casters Association) and AFS (American Foundry Society) has a vendors night to celebrate our metal industry suppliers. Thursday, March 8, 2018 at RIO HONDO GOLF CLUB & EVENT CENTER 10627 Old River School Road Downey, CA 90241 (

California’s two largest metal casting chapters are coming together to recognize the leading vendors to our industry. Participants will enjoy an exciting evening of food, prizes, awards and vendor displays. Visit booths from the industry’s top vendors and see their latest products and services.
Ø Check-in @ 4:15 PM
Ø Beverages, hors d’oeuvres, and vendor booths open @ 4:30 PM
Ø Dinner @ 5:30 PM
Ø Awards & Prizes @ 6:45 PM
Save money with “Early Bird” registration. Tickets are only $65/person if you register before February 24! Registration includes event admission, 1 door prize ticket, 5 raffle tickets and dinner. Don’t delay and miss out on your opportunity to be a part of the 2017 metal casting industry vendor’s night.

Event Tickets: @ $65/person (before February 23) or $85/person (after February 24)
Register and Pay On-Line at:

Vendors and Suppliers
The AFS/NADCA Vendors Night is an excellent opportunity for your company to network, display your
products, and promote your services. The number of vendor tables is limited to the size of the room.
Last year, all vendor display tables were sold out.
• 120 Attendees
• Intimate setting with lots of interaction
• Good balance of die casters, foundries, and suppliers
• California’s only annual vendors event for metal casters

Get ready to participate in this well-attended metal casting event.
Ø $399/Table (before February 23) or $599/table (after February 23)
Ø Vendors receive one admission/dinner with each table.
Ø Booth Set-Up @ 3PM

VENDOR RAFFLE: Please bring one (1) prize for attendees to “bid” on at your table. Each attendee receives 5 raffle tickets upon entry. At your vendor table will be a bowl for attendees to drop-in tickets and “bid” on your prize. We draw tickets after dinner and recognize each vendor. This is an excellent way to promote networking at the event…and exciting for attendees as they try to choose which items to win!
Register and Pay On-Line at:
Vendor Table: @ $399/table (before February 24) or $599/table (after February 23)



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