Category Archives: Customers

Diecasting Metals Cost Increase March 2022

This week, the cost of die casting aluminum alloy increased another $0.05 a pound, in one week. The diecasting metals cost increases are at 10% in the month of March 2022. Zinc alloys and ZA alloys have risen similarly. Our customers will also unfortunately have to pay higher die casting part prices Or I cannot supply them the parts.

If you have a good die casting part supplier, pay the higher part cost. They cannot avoid these materials cost increases. Die Casting Aluminum Alloy Prices in March 2022 are Crazy.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue North Hollywood, California
91605 United States of America

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Aluminum Prices March 2022

Die Casting Alloy Materials Are Crazy. I am getting calls from the customers of my competitors asking that I quote a part price. I always refuse to quote because my competitor is facing the same material cost increases I am facing. Some die casting materials, like za27, are not available today. I will have to wait a few weeks for material. I’ve never seen this before.

In the past, prior to 2020, the die casting metal alloy prices were like gentle waves on the ocean, they go up, they come down. I have always ridden the waves in the past by not increasing or changing the part prices for material increases. But I can’t ride the increased material costs anymore.

Today, the cost of aluminum alloy for die casting increased another $0.05 a pound. Zinc alloys have risen similarly. That is an increase that I have never seen in my 30 years in business. My customers will also unfortunately have to pay a higher part price Or I cannot supply them the parts.

If you have a good supplier, pay the higher part cost. They cannot avoid the cost increases. Die Casting Aluminum Alloy Prices in March 2022 are Crazy.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue North Hollywood, California
91605 United States of America


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Happy Valentine’s Day 2022

This is our 2022 Valentine’s Day Almond Roca for Purchase Orders Special. February 14 is celebrated as Valentine’s Day. This friendly holiday is celebrated annually on February 14. It is a festival of romantic love and some people give Valentines Day cards, Love Letters, flowers or presents to their spouse or partner. They may also arrange a romantic meal in a restaurant or night in a hotel. Common symbols of Valentine’s Day are red hearts, red roses and Cupid.
Happy Valentines Day from Kinetic Die Casting Company

Our Valentine’s Day Almond Roca Special is open to all our customers. For every purchase order (PO) we receive by March 1, the buyer will receive a half pound bag of our world famous Almond Roca Candy. If anyone sends two purchase orders, they will receive two bags and three POs for three bags. From now until March 1, we will be sending a half pound bag of yummy homemade Almond Roca to our customer’s company buyers for any new purchase orders (POs) for production die casting parts and for die casting tooling purchase orders. Purchase Orders received from now to July 4th qualify for the free candy. If you have never received our homemade candy, now is the time to get some, by placing purchase orders you need to place anyway.

Email us the purchase orders to ( or additional POs to add your name to our list the next week.

List of Almond Roca Recipients:


You can contact us:
Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue North Hollywood, California, 91605, USA
800-524-8083 or

Permalink: happy-valentines-day-from-kdc/
almond roca
(homemade almond roca candy)

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Week Two Fathers Day Special

This is the second week of our 2021 Fathers Day Almond Roca for Purchase Orders Special. Our Fathers Day Almond Roca Special is open to all our customers. For every purchase order (PO) we receive the buyer will receive a half pound bag of our world famous Homemade Almond Roca Candy. If our customer sends two purchase orders, they will receive two bags of candy and three POs for three bags. Requested purchase order part deliveries can be from eight (8) weeks to 18 weeks.

Email us the purchase orders to ( or additional POs to add your name to our list the next week.

List of Almond Roca Recipients:


From now until July 30th, 2021 we will be sending a half pound bag of yummy homemade Almond Roca to our customer’s company buyers for any new purchase orders (POs) for production die casting parts and for die casting tooling purchase orders.
homemade almond roca candy
homemade almond roca candy

To get die casting prices:
Die Casting Part Prices

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue,
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Telephone: 1-818-982-9200

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Fathers Day Special 2021

This is our 2021 Fathers Day Almond Roca for Purchase Orders Special. Our Fathers Day Almond Roca Special is open to all our customers. For every purchase order (PO) we receive the buyer will receive a half pound bag of our world famous Homemade Almond Roca Candy. If a customer sends two purchase orders, they will receive two bags of candy and three POs for three bags. Requested purchase order part deliveries can be from eight (8) weeks to 18 weeks.

Email us the purchase orders to ( or additional POs to add your name to our list the next week.

List of Almond Roca Recipients:


From now until July 30th, we will be sending a half pound bag of yummy homemade Almond Roca to our customer’s company buyers for any new purchase orders (POs) for production die casting parts and for die casting tooling purchase orders.

Fathers Day Die Casting Parts and Almond Roca Special:

almond roca
homemade almond roca

To get die casting prices:
Die Casting Part Prices

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue,
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Telephone: 1-818-982-9200

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