The Role of Die Casting Company in the Industry. Die casting company and other companies that manufacture similar products are considered in the metalworking industry for manufacturing the highest number of mass produced tools. These are dispersed to commercial, consumer …
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Category Archives: Die Casting Company
Past The Point of No Return
We visited a die casting company today, a competitor who called for help. They called yesterday to see if there would be any interest in buying them. We scheduled a time of 10:30 today for a visit.
We arrived at 10:20, the owner was not there yet. We saw the employees wandering around “trying to look busy”. They were wiping down die casting dies and checking threads on parts. There was not a die casting machine running or a furnace heated. We asked an employee if there was any production today? He indicated that one of the 400 ton die casting machines ran yesterday. We checked the furnace and it was cold… It has not been on for days. Then another employee told us that the Electricity was turned off and the gas was turned off and the phones were turned off.
Just then, the owner arrived. He was looking haggard. Our conversation was brief. He handed us a sales report for the first half of the year and a listing of his customers. His sales indicate less than half that of last year. He said he was interested in selling the assets of the company and to make him an offer. I made him an offer of the value I would place, based on other transactions I have been involved with. I gave it to him in writing with an expiration date. I also gave him a non-disclosure agreement.
The sad fact is he should have contacted me sooner. He is certainly beyond saving the company. He is “Past the Point of No Return”
Kinetic Die Casting is a Los Angeles die casting company that manufactures aluminum and zinc parts. If you would like more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
Tips on Choosing Aluminum Die Casting Company
Tips on Choosing Aluminum Die Casting Company. If you are looking for the list or names of Die Casting companies, the most reliable and the quickest way is to search through the internet. You’ll see lots of Die Casting companies that have various specialties, but most of them are involved in aluminum die casting. Here are some tips that could guide you in choosing the most appropriate Aluminum Die Casting Company.
- Quality.
Before you make a deal with any Aluminum Die Casting Company, you must know if they are creating high quality parts and hardware. You can go to forums that discuss the company’s finished products or you can read the customer’s testimonials posted on the company’s official website. You can also ask your friends if they know some issues about the company.
- Credibility.
It’s the company’s obligation to provide customers or potential customers all the necessary information about them, such as when the company was established and the names of the different industries that they worked for. If the company is certified by ISO, it is most likely one of the best Aluminum Die Casting Company in the United States.
- Services Offered.
You have to know the different services that a Die Casting company offers. Keep in mind that not all of Die Casting companies offer Aluminum Die Casting service.
- Price.
At this point in time, you need to be practical. Before you choose an Aluminum Die Casting Company, you must compare the prices that they offered you. Choose the one that offered you the cheapest price, but be sure that it won’t jeopardize the product’s quality.
Those are the few tips that could help you choose the right Aluminum Die Casting Company. There are lots of things that you have to consider. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to call the company. They should have an available customer support hotline for you.
Kinetic Die Casting manufactures die casting metal parts creating products like roofing tile molds, lighting parts, and military parts. If you would like more information about Kinetic Die Casting, visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
USA – 386 Jobless, Two Die Casting Companies Ready to Close
USA – 386 Jobless, Two Die Casting Companies Ready to Close
Category: Daily News
Pace Industries, Quad City suffering from weak consumer demand. Two more nonferrous diecasting plants are set to close in the coming weeks, and in both cases the shutdowns are attributed to the overall weak economic conditions. Aluminum diecasting was among the first industrial market segments to feel the effects of the automotive industry’s sharp decline in 2008. Lately, plants that supply diecastings to general industrial, commercial, and consumer markets are feeling the effects of generally weak demand.
Pace Industries will close its Monroe City, MO, plant in July, following a notice to employees earlier this month. The plant is one of 19 operations for the company, which produces machined and finished diecastings and assemblies to manufacturers of automobiles, appliances, and commercial and consumer products.
Last year Leggett & Platt Inc. sold Pace to Kenner Industries and a team of company managers. Kenner had owned the group until it sold Pace to Leggett & Platt in 1996. Reportedly, Pace Industries has endured a 30-50% decline in sales revenue in recent earnings periods. The Monroe City plant produces aluminum and zinc diecastings, and employs 147 workers and 39 managers and clerical staff.
Quad City Die Casting Co. will close its Moline, IL, plant in July, another move attributed to depressed market demand. It produces aluminum, magnesium, and zinc diecastings, largely for products American Kawasaki Motorcycle Corp., but also for other automotive, industrial, and consumer buyers.
About 100 workers will be affected at Moline. The holding company, QuadCast Inc., also operates Davenport White Metal in Davenport, IA, and Red Oak Casting in Red Oak, IA.
Kinetic Die Casting makes great quality aluminum, and Zinc Die Casting If looking for a job or would like a quote please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
Wells Fargo Closes Die Cast Company Employees Picket
Davenport, IA – Banks that accepted bailout money are coming under even more criticism as they decide to liquidate some companies in need. Wells Fargo is taking heat from local Quad City Die Casting employees and union members for forcing the company to close come July.
Resolving to get a chance to talk, about a dozen employees who work for Quad City Die Casting show up at Wells Fargo late Monday afternoon. They ride up to corporate offices with a letter asking for a meeting to discuss alternatives to liquidating the manufacturing company.
“Hopefully they give us some time for someone else to buy us out,” says Lorey Butler, QC Die Casting employee of 9 years.
They return 20 minutes later. Their request for a meeting, denied.
“They were polite, but they said no and we were polite and said that’s not good enough,” says Tim Curtin, Union Representative.
Quad City Die Casting is set to close July 12th, leaving about 100 people out of work after Wells Fargo decided not extend more credit to the company. Union workers we spoke to didn’t know how much the company owed the bank but say, the $25 billion Wells Fargo got in bailout money should help save companies like there’s.
“We’re going to hold them accountable to for the bailout money they got from us and insist that they extend credit and keep jobs in our community,” says Leah Fried, union organizer.
Wells Fargo would not grant an interview and says it can’t comment on QC Die Casting in particular. But the company did release a statement saying it has extended more than $225 billion in credit to US consumers and businesses, nine times the amount of the investment it was given. It’s a time when banks face the hard decision of which companies to save and which to let go. Nothing in the stimulus bills requires a bank to save every company that needs it. But these employees believe QC Die Casting should be saved because of its history.
“They have a future of being profitable, they were profitable just a few short months ago and can be profitable again,” says Fried.
Employees say they’ll keep demanding a meeting to see if there are any alternatives to closing the factory. But their efforts might prove futile because Wells Fargo has told them it can’t talk with employees about the company’s finances and they need to talk with their employer instead.

Kinetic Die Casting is a aluminum and zinc die casting company. If you would like to know more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
386 Jobless, Two Die Casting Companies Ready to Close
Pace Industries, Quad City suffering from weak consumer demand. Two more nonferrous diecasting plants are set to close in the coming weeks, and in both cases the shutdowns are attributed to the overall weak economic conditions. Aluminum diecasting was among the first industrial market segments to feel the effects of the automotive industry’s sharp decline in 2008. Lately, plants that supply diecastings to general industrial, commercial, and consumer markets are feeling the effects of generally weak demand.
Pace Industries will close its Monroe City, MO, plant in July, following a notice to employees earlier this month. The plant is one of 19 operations for the company, which produces machined and finished diecastings and assemblies to manufacturers of automobiles, appliances, and commercial and consumer products.
Last year Leggett & Platt Inc. sold Pace to Kenner Industries and a team of company managers. Kenner had owned the group until it sold Pace to Leggett & Platt in 1996. Reportedly, Pace Industries has endured a 30-50% decline in sales revenue in recent earnings periods.
The Monroe City plant produces aluminum and zinc diecastings, and employs 147 workers and 39 managers and clerical staff.
Quad City Die Casting Co. will close its Moline, IL, plant in July, another move attributed to depressed market demand. It produces aluminum, magnesium, and zinc diecastings, largely for products American Kawasaki Motorcycle Corp., but also for other automotive, industrial, and consumer buyers.
About 100 workers will be affected at Moline. The holding company, QuadCast Inc., also operates Davenport White Metal in Davenport, IA, and Red Oak Casting in Red Oak, IA.
That could mean 386 people out of work.
Kinetic Die Casting is a california die casting company that manufactures die cast parts. If you would like more information or request a quote, vist our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company