Category Archives: Die Casting Parts

What is Die Casting Parts Flash on the Parting Line?

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Parting Line Flash on Die Casting Parts. What is Die Casting Parts Flash on the Parting Line?

Die Casting part tooling produces parts from two halves, (1.) the hot half and (2.) the ejector half.

Die Casting Mold Ejector Half

Die Casting Tool Ejector Half

See more Tooling Information…. Click Here Die Casting Mold Ejector Half

Where these two halves meet is called the “parting line”. The parting line on the die casting part is where most of the hand labor is expended. On occasion, parts need to be filed or sanded on the parting line. Many times, a trim die will cut the excess flash from the parting line like a cookie cutter.

Kinetic Die Casting Company produces many types of die casting parts. Most of these parts are cleaned by use of a trim die. The trim die can save as much as 15% of the part cost and reduce the part production time by half.

See our website:

Die Casting Tooling Pictures
Die Casting Tooling Types

Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company to purchase your die casting parts or die casting tooling.

Kinetic Die Casting, Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue,
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Toll Free: (800) 524-8083
Local: (818) 982-9200
Fax: (818) 982-0877

Kinetic Die Casting is a aluminum and zinc die casting company. If you would like to know more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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What is the difference between “Low Pressure” and “High Pressure” Die Casting Parts?

High Pressure Die Casting Parts. What is the difference between “Low Pressure” and “High Pressure” Die Casting Parts?

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes high pressure die casting parts. The term “Die Casting”, in the USA means a high pressure process whereas in Europe it means a low pressure manufacturing process.

High Pressure Aluminum Die Casting? High pressure die casting is a manufacturing process in which molten metal (aluminum) is injected with a die casting machine under force using considerable pressure into a steel mold or die to form products. …. READ MORE: High Pressure Die Casting

High Pressure Die Casting Machine

High Pressure Die Casting Machine

High Pressure Die Casting Machine

Low pressure die casting is similar to sand casting. Gravity is used fill the molten metal into the mold. This process is much slower, about five minutes or more per part (less than 100 parts per day) than high pressure die casting (more than 500 parts per day), about a part every minute. The part cost for high pressure die casting is much less than low pressure die casting.

Kinetic Die Casting is a Los Angeles die casting company that manufactures aluminum and zinc parts. If you would like more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Are aluminum die casting parts stronger and cheaper than steel?

Are aluminum die casting parts stronger and cheaper than steel?

How can an aluminum die cast part be stronger than a steel weldament? Kinetic Die Casting, Inc. makes an aluminum die casting Boomerang cam lever part for a lift manufacturer that once was a two pound steel welded unit. This unit consisted of two steel plates, 1/8″ thick, with holes drilled, tapped, and welded to steel spacers with a bushing at each end, then painted. Occasionally, these units would fail in the field. Manufacturing costs ran about $7.00 per part in production quantities of 1,000 each week. Another difficulty is that it took three to four weeks to make the first steel part and only a few 100 could be produced a week. This hindered increased sales.

Kinetic Die Casting now produces these parts in aluminum die casting that weigh only 3/4 pounds; the steel unit weighed over two pounds. The aluminum die casting parts are stronger (3x greater axial load) and more reliable. There is no need for paint on the aluminum die casting parts. The Kinetic Die Casting part price of each die casting unit is less than $3.00.

Kinetic Die Casting can help you develop an aluminum die casting that will reduce weight, increase strength, and cost you less money.

Advantages of the Aluminum Die Cast Part over the Steel Weldament:

  • 3x greater axial load strength.
  • Fewer part failures in the field and fewer returns to the OEM.
  • Part weight is 2.5x less in aluminum saving money in shipping cost.
  • Production quantities (1,000’s) within a few days instead of weeks as before.
  • Production rate is faster as an aluminum die cast part.
  • Raw part manufacturing cost is 2.3x less as an aluminum die cast part.
  • Finishing cost is less as an aluminum die cast part.
  • Better looking parts as a die cast part.
  • More details here

Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures die cast parts for their customers. If you would like to know more about what is die casting or if you would like a quote, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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2012 Almond Roca Summer Special

Kinetic Die Casting Company is currently having a special program to celebrate the SUMMER of 2012. We will be giving our homemade almond roca away. This almond roca will be awarded to our die casting parts customers for ordering die casting parts.

Since, our customers will order their die casting parts anyway, this is a reward for doing what they would normally do already.

So here are the “2012 Almond Roca Summer Special” details:

For die casting parts purchase orders received in June of $5,000, or July of $5,000, or August of $5,000 (or more) with a scheduled delivery in 12 weeks from the purchase order date, Kinetic Die Casting Company will send a one (1) pound bag of homemade almond roca to the purchaser.

Also, any new customer who sends us their die casting tooling, will get almond roca, for any dollar amount of die casting part purchase orders.

This offer is valid from June 1st, 2012 through August 31st, 2012.

Enjoy the candy or share the candy. Kinetic Die Casting Company appreciates the opportunity to provide great quality die casting parts, delivered quickly. Our current delivery time for raw castings is four to six weeks.

Contact us for details:

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91605
818-982-9200 or

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The sites that get the most traffic are listed in the Top Hits Page.

Kinetic Die Casting makes great quality aluminum, and Zinc Die Casting If looking for a job or would like a quote please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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How Die Casting Part Prices are Established

Die Casting Part Pricing – How Die Casting Part Prices are Established.

Kinetic Die Casting Company has a specific pricing model that is similar and also different from our competitors. Here are a few issues to think about when asking for a die casting part price.

  • Die Casting Part Size
  • Die Casting Part Weight
  • Die Casting Material Type
  • Inspection Requirements
  • Die Casting Part Quantity
  • Die Casting Part Tolerances
  • Die Casting Part Specifications
  • Die Casting Tooling Types
  • Additional Labor Needs
  • Die Casting Part Secondary Finishing
  • Other Fees

The die casting part size and weight effect the part price in a few ways, cycle times or parts per hour, the machine tonnage size required to produce the parts and the part material cost, which also relates to the die casting material type.

The inspection requirements can vary depending on if a (1) visual inspection, or a (2) dimensional inspection or a (3) penetration inspection or an (4) X-Ray inspection or a (5) pressure test inspection are required.

The part quantity has an effect because it will determine if some of the many “one time” or “minimum charge” fees are covered in the production lot.

Die casting part specifications and tolerances add additional labor to a simple casting through inspection and documentation.

The die casting tool can effect the part price by how many cavities are in the tool, how many slides are in the tool, whether additional labor can be removed by the tool, and also if a trim die is available. The mold type also has an effect in the set up time for tooling.

Many times additional labor are needed to complete the die casting part, like threading holes, which also adds to the part cost. Can we use high speed production machining or do we need to use CNC machines.

If there is a polish, ball burnish, bead blast, paint or anodize requirement, that will add to the part cost.

Other fees, some die casting companies charge a “Set Up Fees” or an “Environmental Fees” or an “Energy Surcharge Fees” or a packaging or pallet fee, we do not have any of these hidden fees.

Obviously, this newsletter (already too long) cannot give enough details to satisfy everyone but call us at:


and a die casting part price discussion can be scheduled.

Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company to buy

  • Links:
  • Die Casting Tooling
  • Aluminum Die Casting Parts
  • Zinc Die Casting Parts

    Kinetic Die Casting is located in North Hollywood,California. KDC specializes in manufacturing zinc and aluminum alloy casting parts. If you would like a quote, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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