Category Archives: Die Casting Parts

Roofing Tile Contractors Materials

Roofing Contractors Materials. Damage from extreme weather conditions such as storms and hurricanes can play havoc on inferior roofs. This means that using quality roofing materials should take precedence when you are a contractor building a house, or in the process of a roof remodeling project.

One admirable type of roof tile materials that have evolved through the years are concrete roofing tiles. They used to be manufactured in the form of huge sheets of tiles in the past, but were found to last on an average of only 10 years. When they were made in smaller roof tile sizes, they could last for more than 20 years and were considerably hardier compared to the larger sheets.

One advantage that manufacturers discovered about concrete roofing tilemolds materials is that they took to pigment easily. This meant that the tiles could be manufactured in a variety of different colours, making them more versatile as decorative pieces, as well as making them attractive on roofs. In addition, their durability kept them resistant to breakage, and their heavy weight kept them from suddenly blowing away in a strong wind.

A lot of people in the roof tile industry realized that with only a minimum investment and a small shop, they could start a business producing concrete roof tiles. All they needed was a small start-up cost, which included easily-purchased equipment, mixes, and other supplies.


Kinetic Die Casting manufactures die casting metal parts creating products like roofing tile molds, lighting parts, and military parts. If you would like more information about Kinetic Die Casting, visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Custom Metal Prototype Parts

Custom Metal Parts – Prototype Parts Options

Stereo Lithography ( SLA )
SLA is a process that converts a three dimensional (3D) file into a plastic part in a matter of a few hours or days. Kinetic Die Casting has provided many SLA parts to prove a design for our customers. Sometimes a customer needs a sample of what will be produced in the die casting mold to prove “form, fit or function”. Many times a simple SLA in hand answers many questions. SLA parts are fragile and can be broken if dropped.

Prototype Casting
Prototype castings are produced using a special SLA as a template for a form and then a few castings can be produced. The process is very fast and accurate for prototype custom metal parts. Many times parts can be produced in less than a few weeks. These parts are aluminum and are more sturdy than the plastic SLA parts.

CNC Custom Metal Parts
CNC machining of custom metal parts is less expensive when producing more than a few parts for prototype. The 3D model can be translated into a machining program and as many as a few hundred parts can be produced in a week. These parts are machined in metal, usually aluminum but can be steel. Steel is heavier and steel may not be stronger than aluminum.

Custom Metal Prototype Parts

Kinetic Die Casting makes great quality aluminum, and Zinc Die Casting If looking for a job or would like a quote please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Why Concrete Roof Tiles

Why Concrete Roof Tiles. Do you know that a strong and attractive-looking concrete roof is a sign of a well-planned home? Apart from an experienced roofing contractor and good equipment used in building your home, a quality concrete roof will set your home apart from any other. This is why it is very important to consider your roof structure and the general architectural style of your home before making your choice of roofing material.

There are a wide variety of choices in concrete roofing materials. You will need to choose the kind that are both attractive and durable, as well as weather-proof, energy-efficient, and budget-friendly. You can consider composition shingles, which will fit most financial considerations, are fire resistant and need very low maintenance. However, they have a limited life span and are susceptible to very strong winds.

For a more natural look, you can take a look at wood shakes that will allow your home to take in more air. However, they are not impervious to insects, rot or mold, and they require a lot of repairs. Slate is more expensive, but is fire resistant and does not require much maintenance. But they are also brittle and can cause damage to your drains.

A lot of roofing contractors recommend concrete roofing tiles because they have a more modern look, and are fire resistant, rot repelling, as well as indestructible by insects. They are also low maintenance, durable, and longer lasting. Concrete roofing tilemolds come in a wide variety of colors and can even be made to look like slate, shake, or terra cotta tiles. Their versatility extends to their use as exterior wall decorative accents, and they are sure to make your home weather-proof, well-insulated, attractive, energy-efficient, and infinitely more comfortable.


Kinetic Die Casting can manufacture aluminum automobile parts, heat sinks, aerospace parts and much more. If you are looking for aluminum or zinc parts, visit our website Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Aluminum Recyclability

Aluminum Recyclability Die Casting Parts and Their Planet-Saving Value. These days, many manufacturers belonging to the vast metalworking industry are turning to aluminum die casting in order to provide their businesses with excellent products that can boost sales. Die casting aluminum is more than just an aluminum production means; it is considered both as an art and a craft. There are a number of reasons why manufacturers and those who are thinking of setting up their own aluminum die casting company now go for the die casting process as opposed to other aluminum casting processes around.

One of these reasons is the power of the aluminum die casting process to promote significant reusability, a characteristic that is highly longed for in industrial activities, given the deteriorating state of the planet today. Recyclables, a term that was borne out of desperate attempts at product greenery and the present recycling infrastructure for metal have together created more reasons for engineering-based decisions in favor of the aluminum die casting process and die casting aluminum parts. Recyclability is a top reason why a die casting aluminum company can be proud of its chosen casting aluminum method.

The aluminum die casting alloys used in the aluminum die casting process offer designers that are heavily concerned with post-consumer recyclability a highly favorable material option by way of the die cast parts’ reusability feature. Die cast aluminum parts these days, as well as the entire die casting process itself, give product engineers the chance to create and develop aluminum designs that can save the environment. Thus, components in the die casting process are now made to maintain their integrity and quality through disassembly and the consequent tasks of repair, remanufacturing, and reassembly – major options that were not available or possible in past years.

What does all this mean? It means that once the lives of die casting aluminum parts end, they are armed with the potential to return to usefulness by becoming part of some other industrial application, and an aluminum die casting company can indeed help save the planet.

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures products like aluminum hardware, and aluminum boxes. If you would like more information on Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Machining Aluminum

Aluminum Parts Machining Differs from Steel Parts Machining. Aluminum can be used in many ways. However there are different ways on how you can work with it. Aluminum parts machining requires less power compared to steel parts or cast iron parts because they are light weight.

Aluminum parts machining can be different in cast iron machining. It’s the type of tools and tooling technologies that you will use will make a difference.

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die cast parts. If you are working with aluminum parts, the spindle of the machine should be strong and forceful. Spindles require higher speeds along with a lesser low-end torque compared to machining other metals like steel. Also, the spindle should be stiff because it will work in very fast conditions. Other experts on this field recommend the use of HSK tapers to ensure accuracy and rigidity. Moreover, if you are using very fast tools, rotating inertia can be reduced with the use of closed-loop spindles powered by a motor.

Furthermore, it requires little cutting forces if you are working out with aluminum parts. The machine has to be well-damped and stiff.

Since you are working with high speeds, there’s a chance of thermal growth. It can create a major problem if you are working out with light metals. It can lead to a major problem if you are working with light metal parts like aluminum.

Find yourself a machine with thermal control system. A cooling system is recommended in order to reduce the frictional heat in the bearings when the higher spindle speeds up. Also, you must protect the spindle against coolant penetration by sealing it because the entire machining operation of a light metal is not dry.

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures products like aluminum hardware, and aluminum boxes. If you would like more information on Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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