Category Archives: Supplier

Congressman Cárdenas LAMC 2017

Manufacturing Day at LA Mission College October 27th – As you may know, the Congressman is committed to supporting the growth of small and mid-sized businesses in the 29th Congressional District of California. As a part of this effort, he would like to extend an invitation for you to attend, and participate, in his annual Manufacturing Day Event this year. This will also be an opportunity for him to share the work he has been doing in Washington and to hear your feedback. As a member of the Energy & Commerce Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives, he strongly believe your input is essential.

Congressman Cárdenas understands and knows how valuable your time is as a business leader and is reminded every year of the positive impact businesses like yours have during these type of events.
I am respectfully including the information below:

What: Manufacturing Day Event
Date: Friday, October 27th
Time: 9:00a.m.-12:00p.m.
Location: Los Angeles Mission College – LAMC
13356 Eldridge Ave, Sylmar, CA 91342

If needed, I am happy to send a formal invitation via email, but if you have any questions please feel free to reach me at my cell (818)667-9501. Congressman Cárdenas will be presenting Congressional Recognition Certificates to the participants and Mission College has offered light refreshments to all the staff and high school students attending.

I thank you in advance for the consideration to attend and look forward to your response.

Very respectfully,

Gabriela Márquez
District Director
Office of Congressman Tony Cárdenas
9612 Van Nuys Blvd, Suite 201
Panorama City, CA 91402
P: (818)221-3718
F: (818)221-3809

Sign up to stay up-to-date with Congressman Cárdenas

This is a guest newsletter posting from the Congressman’s office.


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Manufacturing Day at LAVC 2017

Message from Los Angeles Valley College:

Hello Friends and Supporters of the Manufacturing Academy at Los Angeles Valley College. We are happy to announce that LAVC and the Office of Congressman Tony Cárdenas will be hosting a National Manufacturing Day event on Tuesday, October 17th from 9am to 1pm. This will be our third annual event and the program keeps getting bigger and better each year! This year’s theme will be “Pathways to Apprenticeship.”

Congressman Tony Cárdenas

We are expecting over 250 community college and high school students. This is a great opportunity to share with young people what your company manufactures and the skills necessary to enter career pathways within the manufacturing sector. We hope you can join us for this event. Your participation is vital to the recruitment of talent and the improvement of our training and educational programs.

Please register at:

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Regards, Roberto F. Gutierrez, Program Manger, LAVC Workforce Training Program,
(818) 947-2941,

LAVC Manufacturing Day 2017
Event Details
Facility Tour / Manufacturing Expo / Presentation
October 17, 2017 9:00am
5800 Fulton Ave
Los Angeles, CA 91401

For the third consecutive year, Los Angeles Valley College in conjunction with Goodwill Industries of Southern CA and the Office of Congressman Tony Cardenas, will host Manufacturing Day on Tuesday, October 17, 2017. This year’s theme will be “Pathways to Apprenticeship.” Over 25 manufacturing companies will attend with representatives showcasing their products.
In addition to local high schools and community college student, the event will be open the public.


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List Your Product On Our Blog Free

Marketing your product on our blog.
almond roca
Marketing is getting your company or product known by the public. Marketing can be very expensive if a person purchases marketing in every medium available. I market my blog on the web by posting and listing articles in many website locations. I send out a newsletter to over 400 subscribers monthly. There is a counter on our blog that resets daily. I get 300 or more visitors to our diecasting blog every day. The drawback of so many visitors is that unless I have interesting newsletters or articles on my blog, people do not visit as frequently.

This is an opportunity for my visitors and subscribers to market their company or products. If you want to list your product or company on my blog, send me your completed article or newsletter to post on our blog. Send it to to be considered for posting to my blog. If the article is unique and well written, it will have a good chance to be posted on my blog. Also, if the article could be of interest to my readers and it is very well written, I will consider sending the article to my subscribers. I will not charge anyone to post articles or newsletters to my marketing blog. I will obviously not post every newsletter or article sent to me. I will never post content I personally find objectionable.


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LAVC Manufacturing Day 2017

Message from Los Angeles Valley College:

Hello Friends and Supporters of the Manufacturing Academy at Los Angeles Valley College. We are happy to announce that LAVC and the Office of Congressman Tony Cardenas will be hosting a National Manufacturing Day event on Tuesday, October 17th from 9am to 1pm. This will be our third annual event and the program keeps getting bigger and better each year! This year’s theme will be “Pathways to Apprenticeship.”

We are expecting over 250 community college and high school students. This is a great opportunity to share with young people what your company manufactures and the skills necessary to enter career pathways within the manufacturing sector. We hope you can join us for this event. Your participation is vital to the recruitment of talent and the improvement of our training and educational programs.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Roberto F. Gutierrez, Program Manger, LAVC Workforce Training Program, (818) 947-2941,

LAVC Manufacturing Day 2017
Event Details
Facility Tour / Manufacturing Expo / Presentation
October 17, 2017 9:00am
5800 Fulton Ave
Los Angeles, CA 91401

For the third consecutive year, Los Angeles Valley College in conjunction with Goodwill Industries of Southern CA and the Office of Congressman Tony Cardenas, will host Manufacturing Day on Tuesday, October 17, 2017. This year’s theme will be
“Pathways to Apprenticeship.” Over 25 manufacturing companies will attend with representatives showcasing their products.
In addition to local high schools and community college student, the event will be open the public.


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NADCA Scholarship 2017

09.18.17 – Each year North American Diecasters Association (NADCA) presents the David Laine Internship & Scholarship Program provides scholarship opportunities to college students that have interned/co-opped with die casting companies/companies that are suppliers to the die casting industry. Last year, 23 students across North America qualified for these prestigious awards, and were awarded with a combined scholarship of over $44,000!

If your company employed any interns or co-op students this spring/summer, please forward them this message, so that they can review the link below for scholarship details.

The deadline is October 1, and David Laine scholarships are awarded by the end of the year.

Stephen P. Udvardy
David Laine Trustee
NADCA President

3250 N. Arlington Heights Rd – Suite 101
Arlington Heights, IL 60004

North American Diecasters Association (NADCA)

NADCA North American Die Casters Association


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