Do you know someone who can use or rapid die casting part service? We would take good care of your friends at We make aluminum parts and zinc die casting parts for many industries. The parts we make today, …
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Category Archives: Supplier
Cox Die Casting Company
Cox Die Casting Company
1528 W. 178th Street
Gardena, California 90248
Phone: 310 532-7544 Fax: 310 532-8588
For over 60 years, Cox Die Casting has been providing dependable, high quality die casting services to customers throughout California and the United States. Combining old fashioned personalized customer service with the latest production technology, Cox Die Casting delivers a winning combination of high production standards, prompt, reliable service and hands-on customer care.
Details from the former Cox Die Casting Company
web site: (
For nearly 60 years Cox has produced high quality die castings for manufacturers in these industries:
Computer Equipment
Electrical and Electronics
Defense and Aerospace
Builders Hardware
Hand Tools
Sporting Goods
Medical Equipment
Let the experienced specialists at Cox help evaluate your business’s needs. Value Added Services. In addition to our core specialties of aluminum and zinc die casting, Cox Die Casting provides a number of value added services.
Hand and Mass Deburring
Drilling, Tapping, CNC and Conventional Milling
Installation of Inserts and Rivets
Functional and Dimensional Testing
Painting and other Coatings
Packing and Shipping
Cox Die Casting Company is closed.
The owners of Cox Die Casting Company decided to retire and sell all the assets of Cox Die Casting.
Kinetic Die Casting Company.
6918 Beck Avenue North Hollywood California 91605
818-982-9200 –
Kinetic Die Casting Company has negotiated with the owners of Cox Die Casting Company to continue some of their customer’s die casting part production requirements. If you purchase die casting parts from Cox, we will produce the parts for you. Just send us your die casting tooling. You can contact Kinetic Die Casting Company by calling 818-982-9200 from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM from Monday through Thursday.
Click the image to send us a price request for your parts and tooling.

Daylight Savings Time 2017
Sunday, March 12, 2017 begins California Daylight Savings Time. At 2:00 AM move your clock forward one hour to 3:00 AM Sunday, March 12, 2017
Spring Forward (Move Your Clock Forward One Hour)
Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91605
Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877
Last Chance to Save Money on Vendors Night
February 24, 2017 Today is the final day you can save money: Each year NADCA (North American Die Casters Association) and AFS (American Foundry Society) has a vendors night to celebrate our metal industry suppliers. Thursday, March 9, 2017 at RIO HONDO GOLF CLUB & EVENT CENTER 10627 Old River School Road Downey, CA 90241 (
California’s two largest metal casting chapters are coming together to recognize the leading vendors to our industry. Participants will enjoy an exciting evening of food, prizes, awards and vendor displays. Visit booths from the industry’s top vendors and see their latest products and services.
Ø Check-in @ 4:30 PM
Ø Beverages, hors d’oeuvres, and vendor booths open @ 4:30 PM
Ø Dinner @ 5:45 PM
Ø Awards & Prizes @ 7:00 PM
Save money with “Early Bird” registration. Tickets are only $65/person if you register before February 24! Registration includes event admission, 1 door prize ticket, 5 raffle tickets and dinner. Don’t delay and miss out on your opportunity to be a part of the 2017 metal casting industry vendor’s night.
Event Tickets: @ $65/person (before February 24) or $85/person (after February 24)
Register and Pay On-Line at:
Vendors and Suppliers–
The AFS/NADCA Vendors Night is an excellent opportunity for your company to network, display your
products, and promote your services. The number of vendor tables is limited to the size of the room.
Last year, all vendor display tables were sold out.
• 120 Attendees
• Intimate setting with lots of interaction
• Good balance of die casters, foundries, and suppliers
• California’s only annual vendors event for metal casters
Get ready to participate in this well-attended metal casting event.
Ø $399/Table (before February 24) or $599/table (after February 24)
Ø Vendors receive one admission/dinner with each table.
Ø Booth Set-Up @ 3PM
VENDOR RAFFLE: Please bring one (1) prize for attendees to “bid” on at your table. Each attendee receives 5 raffle tickets upon entry. At your vendor table will be a bowl for attendees to drop-in tickets and “bid” on your prize. We draw tickets after dinner and recognize each vendor. This is an excellent way to promote networking at the event…and exciting for attendees as they try to choose which items to win!
Register and Pay On-Line at:
Vendor Table: @ $399/table (before February 24) or $599/table (after February 24)
Presidents Day 2017
The third Monday in February is Presidents’ Day. Washington’s Birthday was a United States federal holiday.
This holiday, celebrated on the third Monday of February in honor of George Washington, our first President of the United States. Now, this day is known as Presidents Day, and is often an occasion to remember all the U.S. presidents, not just George Washington’s actual birthday, February 22 or Abraham Lincoln, whose birthday is February 12th. The term “Presidents’ Day” used to change the holiday into a day honoring multiple American presidents.
Recently, the February holiday is a day in which many retail stores, especially furniture stores and car dealerships, hold discount sales. Until the late 1980s, banks and corporate businesses closed on this day, similar to present corporate and bank practices on Memorial Day or Christmas Day. With the late 1980s advertising push to rename the holiday, more retail businesses are staying open during the holiday each year, and, as on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Veterans Day and Columbus Day. Many colleges and universities hold regular classes and operations on Presidents’ Day. Most U.S. Postal Service delivery services offer regular service on the day.
Happy Presidents’ Day
Kinetic Die Casting Company will be open on this day for regular hours to serve our customers. We are currently shipping our new production part purchase orders in 4 weeks. We are thankful to our customers for their production parts they purchase from us.
Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91605
Email: – Telephone: 1-818-982-9200
Happy Valentines Day 2017
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 – Valentine’s Day is celebrated annually on February 14. It is a festival of romantic love and some people give Valentines Day cards, Love Letters, flowers or presents to their spouse or partner. They may also arrange a romantic meal in a restaurant or night in a hotel. Common symbols of Valentine’s Day are red hearts, red roses and Cupid.
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