Category Archives: Supplier

Chocolate Fountain Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes an aluminum die casting part as a heater plate for a chocolate fountain. The heater plate transfers the heat from a heating element to a stainless steel bowl to melt chocolate. Aluminum die casting parts are used because aluminum has excellent properties for transferring heat and dissipating heat. Die castings are inexpensive compared to other aluminum part manufacturing processes.
chocolate fountain

A chocolate fountain is a device for serving chocolate fondue. Typical examples resemble a stepped cone, standing 2-4 feet tall with a crown at the top and stacked tiers over a basin at the bottom. The basin is heated to keep the chocolate in a liquid state so it can be pulled into a center cylinder then vertically transported to the top of the fountain by a corkscrew auger. From there it flows over the tiers creating a chocolate “waterfall” in which food items like strawberries or marshmallows can be dipped.


Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company if you have an unusual aluminum part to die cast.

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Posted in Blogger, Chocolate Fountain, Die Casting Parts, Supplier | Tagged , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

For Sale Double DME Holder

For Sale Used DME MUD Base

This is a double 12×15 zinc Master Unit Die Holder.

Hot Chamber Zinc Double DME style Master Unit Die Holder for sale. These unit die holders are sometimes known as a MUD Base. The MUD bases are useful to die casting companies and sometimes to their customers. A MUD base holds unit dies in a die casting machine. This is a 12×15, or 1215 Double Master Unit Die Holder. It holds two 1215 unit dies in a hot chamber zinc die casting machine to save production dollars by running two dies at on time.

Here is the image of the hot chamber die casting shot hole

Here is a view that shows it holds two 12″ x 15″ x 4″ Unit Dies

Used DME Style Hot Chamber Zinc MUD Frame Double Master Unit Die Base For Sale

Hot Chamber Zinc 12 x 15 DME Double Master Unit Die Holder For Sale

If you are interested in buying this die casting tool holder, give me a call at 818-982-9200.
You can call Monday thru Thursday from 8:00AM to 4:30PM
Or send an email to


Posted in Blogger, Competitors, Supplier, Tooling Die Casting | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment