Category Archives: Tooling Die Casting

Die Cast Aluminum Heat sink Purposes

Aluminum is the ideal raw material to be used in making heat sinks because this part should be very durable. Aluminum is known to be a more durable metal compared to other metals including steel. At the same time, it is very abundant and easy to acquire which makes it a cheap material as well. Aluminum Heatsinks are used in electronic products and even appliances. Its purpose is to divert the heat produced by the electrical wires from the other more sensitive parts of the product. In other words, it is used as a safety feature to insure that the electrical device or appliance work perfectly and do not overheat.

Furthermore, Aluminum Heatsinks are used in many products all over the world which means that they are needed in large quantities at any given time. To produce them in an efficient and fast manner, the process known as die casting is used.

Die casting Aluminum Heatsinks have three simple steps.The first step is to take the aluminum bar and liquefy it by heating the bar. Once the aluminum is turned to liquid, the next step is to inject it to die cast molds or castings so that it will take on its proper shape. When the casting cools, all that is left is to polish it and a few finishing touches.

Also, Die casting can create consistent results in a fast amount of time. At the same time, it is a relatively cheap process which makes it a very popular method in making not just heat sinks, but other aluminum parts as well.

Die Casting Heat Sink Part
Die Casting Aluminum Heat Sink Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as Die Casting Aluminum Heat Sinks. As a Die Casting Company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

Posted in Aluminum Die Casting, Aluminum Heatsinks, Blogger, Die Casting Parts, Tooling Die Casting | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Die Casting Tooling Inserts

Die Casting Tooling Inserts. There are four types of die cast tools. These are: the single cavity die, the multiple cavity die, the unit die and the combination die. However, all of these dies may have one thing in common. These may be using smaller pieces of metals called inserts. With the advancement in the designing process, many of the more sophisticated die casting tooling can now be fabricated successfully using these smaller pieces of metal. Although these may look nothing more than thin rods of material or even a blob of metal (literally) inserted in the die, inserts are probably the best and most economical way of creating sophisticated cast die pieces.

The main purpose of inserts is to create the holes or the running tubes within the piece. In earlier times, these holes or tubes can only be “placed” within a finished piece by manually or mechanically gouging it out. Needless to say, this can be a pricey affair especially if you consider the actual cost of hiring either skilled workmen to drill the holes or buying machines for the same purpose. Also this practice was subject to a lot of errors and therefore not feasible for mass production – especially when quality control is very rigid.

Fortunately, die cast tooling inserts can now be easily accommodated in most cast die machines. The material used for inserts depend on the actual materials being processed by the machines. As a rule hot chamber machines use molten materials with lower melting points like copper, lead, magnesium and even zinc. On the other hand, cold chamber machines use mainly aluminum or aluminum based alloys which have higher melting points. The inserts are made from the same materials as the actual die, usually steel alloys, but these are reinforced to make sure that metal erosion does not take place during the actual production stage.

Die Casting Molds Tooling
Die Casting Tooling Mold

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings using Die Casting Tooling. As a Die Casting Company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

Posted in Aluminum Die Casting, Blogger, Die Casting Company, Die Casting Parts, Tooling Die Casting | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Kineticdc Loses Wait in 2016

Kinetic Die Casting Company (kineticdc) loses wait time in 2016. Kineticdc will ship most production die casting parts in less than 4 weeks. Other die casting companies are trapped in the old way of manufacturing die casting parts and are shipping parts in 12 weeks, 14 weeks and even more than 16 weeks.

How much is the wait time costing their customers? If a product needs to be shipped this month but the die casting parts will not be ready for several weeks, that means lost income for the manufacturing company. Kinetic Die Casting Company solves that wait time problem for our customers.

Many times a new customer will send us a die casting mold from our competitor and we will ship parts in less than two weeks. If you need parts fast, send us your die casting tooling, we will make a special effort to get you your parts in less than two weeks.

Quick link: – Die Casting Part Prices

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91605
Telephone 818-982-9200

Posted in Blogger, Business, Die Casting Company, Kinetic Die Casting Company, newsletter, Tooling Die Casting | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Why are Aluminum Die Casting Parts better than Zinc Diecast Parts

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Here is a comparison of aluminum parts and zinc parts:

Die Casting Tooling
A die casting mold made for an aluminum part runs in a cold chamber die casting machine. The die casting alloys aluminum and zinc both run in a cold chamber die casting machine. So if the die casting mold is made for aluminum, it will produce parts in zinc or aluminum. A zinc hot chamber die will not make parts in aluminum.

Die Casting Part Weight
Although an aluminum die casting mold will make parts in zinc or aluminum, the cost of the zinc parts will be higher. By volume, zinc materials weigh about twice as much as aluminum alloys. The costs per pound of the two die casting alloys are almost equal, so the cost for zinc parts is significantly higher than the cost for aluminum parts.

Electrical Conductivity
Aluminum is the third most electrically conductive metal after gold and copper. Therefore, aluminum is the better choice for EMI/RF shielding and for electrical grounding. Zinc rates far below aluminum in electrical conductivity.

Thermal Conductivity
Most electrical heat sinks are produced in aluminum alloy because it is superior to zinc alloy in thermal conductivity.

Aluminum is the most recycled metal in the world. All aluminum die casting alloys are made from recycled aluminum products.

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Kinetic Die Casting Company (
6918 Beck Avenue North Hollywood CA 91605
( 818-982-9200

To get a competitive price on an aluminum die casting part, click on this link:

Why are Aluminum Die Casting Parts better than Zinc Diecast Parts

Posted in Aluminum Die Casting, Aluminum Heatsinks, Blogger, Die Casting Alloys, Kinetic Die Casting Company, newsletter, Tooling Die Casting | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Aluminum Heat Sinks Keeps Things Cool

Aluminum Heat Sinks Keeps Things Cool. A lot number of products currently in the market and currently in production today make use of parts known as Aluminum Heatsinks. These heat sinks are used in many appliances and electronic devices today and their main purpose is to remove or divert the heat generated by the electric current going through the wires or by other components of the product. This is placed so that the more important components of the machine will not be affected by the heat and would function normally.

Aluminum is used for this because of its characteristics. First and foremost, it is one of the most strong and durable materials. It is a fact that aluminum is just as strong if not stronger than steel. Secondly, it is one third of the weight of steel, this is important so that the Aluminum Heat sinks will not add too much weight on the product. It is also flexible, easy to use and very cheap as it can be mined almost anywhere. Lastly, aluminum can be used in die casting.

Furthermore, a popular method of mass producing parts and other products is known as die casting. This method of manufacturing starts with liquefying the aluminum by exposing it in intense heat. The resulting liquefied material is then placed into die cast molds. These molds will give the aluminum its new shape once it has cooled down and hardened back to its solid state. After doing some finishing touches and fine tuning of the product, the results are identical, high quality Aluminum Heatsinks.

Die Casting Heat Sink Part
Die Casting Aluminum Heat Sink Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as Die Casting Aluminum Heat Sinks. As a Die Casting Company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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