Category Archives: Tooling Die Casting

Difficult Die Casting Molds

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes die casting parts from die casting molds that other die casting companies will not use. If you have a tool that “needs” replacement, call us and we can make your old die casting tool work in our die casting machines.

In 1995, a medical device manufacturing engineer brought over a die casting mold that he made overseas. He had saved over $20,000 making this tool overseas instead of a local die casting company. He had taken this mold to several other die casting companies to get a price for production parts. The tool was made of a material that was not tool steel. The material was soft. The size of the mold was half the size it should have been to produce the parts. The mold had slides that were “pinned” together with soft wire pins. And the mold base was damaged.

I took the die casting mold to a local die casting competitor, who I knew had experience running these types of jobs. He told me he would not touch the job because it would more likely be problems than rewards. He suggested I send the tool back to the customer and say “thanks but, no thanks”.

I decided to try to run this job because I did not really know what to expect. I was surprised at how many problems could occur. Every time a part stuck in the die, the cavity could be damaged by our die casting machine operator from using hardened removal tools. The mold base being under sized caused thermal transfer problems. The slides pulled apart because they stuck in the casting. The gate and runner system washed out because the steel was too soft to maintain the gates. The thermal problems and the gate washout caused porosity in the castings.

Over the years I have re-welded the parting line with H13 tool steel to harden the surfaces. I have replaced the wire pins that were used to hold the slides in the mold with hard steel pins. I have replaced or rather installed pins and bushings in the mold base. I have re-gated the tool three or four times. While making over 30,000 parts on this die casting mold, I have learned several valuable lessons.

Over the past 15 years, Kinetic Die Casting Company has taken on several more of these “problem die casting tool jobs”. I am happy to say that these jobs are only a challenge to my people. All I can say is if you have a difficult die casting mold or die casting tool, bring it to us for great quality parts.

Kinetic Die Casting can manufacture aluminum automobile parts, heat sinks, aerospace parts and much more. If you are looking for aluminum or zinc parts, visit our website Kinetic Die Casting Company

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H13 Die Casting Tool Steel

Kinetic Die Casting Company uses H13 tool steel to make die casting molds. H13 tool steel, if used properly, will make a die casting mold that produces well over 100,000 parts before the die casting cavities fail.

Not all steels are the same. Steels are usually developed for a specific purpose. Different steels are stronger or more brittle than others. Steels have a greater or lesser amount of carbon and other materials. Some steels can be heat treated to a very great hardness. Some steels are pre-heat treated.

The most common steel used of die casting molds is called H13. This steel was developed to withstand the incredible temperature fluctuations required in the die casting process. H13 is usually heat treated to a Rockwell hardness that improves the quality of the cavities. Other types of steel age too rapidly or are too soft to make die casting tooling from them.

Some inexpensive mold makers try to save money on the steel used to make die casting tooling. When that happens, they save only a few hundred dollars but the mold will last only for a few thousand parts before the die begins to fail.

If you are ordering a die casting mold, be sure to specify H13 tool steel for the cavities or you will not get enough life from you die casting tools. Kinetic Die Casting Company only makes tools using H13 tool steel. We have made die casting molds that produced well over 500,000 parts before replacement.

Kinetic Die Casting can manufacture aluminum automobile parts, heat sinks, aerospace parts and much more. If you are looking for aluminum or zinc parts, visit our website Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Merry Christmas from Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting Company wishes to express our hope that your Christmas 2009 is a merry one. We are pleased that we were able to serve you and your company with splendid die casting parts and tooling. Many of our customers are pleased with us for the following reasons:

  • Kinetic Die Casting Company produces parts quickly. Many times our delivery is shorter than a week for completed parts.
  • Kinetic Die Casting Company produces great quality parts. Our quality is the highest available from any die casting company.
  • Kinetic Die Casting Company has diecasting tooling holders and mold bases for other die casting tooling. We frequently mount insert tools in one of our mold bases at no charge to produce parts for our customers.

Merry Christmas from Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting utilizes die casting to manufacture parts like aluminum car parts, airplane parts, lighting parts and much, much more. If you would like to request a quote, please visit our website:Die Casting quote

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How to get a Die Casting Tooling Price

Die cast tooling is complex to price. KDC tries to match the Die Casting tool to the needs of our customers. Many times, an inexpensive insert is all that is necessary or sometimes a Class A Die Casting Mold is necessary. Our customer only needs to send us a final part design. This part design needs to indicate the most critical areas for the design. We will also need to know how many parts our customer suspects will be required from the die casting tooling. If the quantities are very great, the tool will not last and you will need to pay again for the die casting tools.

Die cast tooling comes in various forms:
1. Die Cast Tooling Inserts
2. Prototype Die Cast Tooling Inserts
3. Unit Die Tooling
4. Complete Class “A” Die Cast Die or Mold Tooling
5. Die Cast Family Mold Tooling
6. Trim Dies for Die Cast Parts

We have produced tooling for many products for our customers. To see some of those tools and see pictures of the parts, …………...READ MORE

Tooling Holders: Mold Bases for Die Casting Inserts:
Kinetic Die Casting Company has several available die casting moldbases or Mold Bases for insert tools. If your company has die casting inserts only, we will mount your die casting inserts into one our available die casting tooling holders and make your parts.
……..Read More Free Offer

Kinetic Die Casting makes great quality aluminum, and Zinc Die Casting If looking for a job or would like a quote please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Working Diecasting Molds

The major die casting procedures with die casting molds at work. Die casting is a process in which many industrial products and accessories are produced. And in producing these industrial products and accessories by way of die cast molds, four major steps are considered crucial and important.

The first step is the preparation of the molds that will be used in the process. The molds in question will be sprayed with lubricant and will be closed. The spraying of the lubricant is necessary so as to effectively control the temperature of the die and also to ensure that the finished product will be removed with ease.

When the diecasting molds have been sprayed, the molten metal will then be introduced to the die and this will be subjected under very high pressure. This kind of pressure will be maintained up until the time that the metal has formed. When the metal has been formed within the mold, the die will then be opened and the shot will be ejected by the ejector pins. From here the scrap that includes the runners, flash and the gate will be taken out from the casting which in turn is done with the use of the special trim die in power press.

There is a traditional way of taking the product out of the casting. This is done by hand or can be done by sawing. This will give some rough edges which can be remedied by grinding so as to smooth out the scrap marks. Another way is to tumble the shots and this can be done if the gates present are thin.

Kinetic Die Casting is a aluminum and zinc die casting company. If you would like to know more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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