More Equipment At Kineticdc

Great news for die casting part customers of Kinetic Die Casting Company. We have had great success with our new automated die casting machine this year. We have had less manufacturing production downtime, we have less die casting part porosity, we have had better die casting part product quality and we have had more reliable production die casting part quantities with this new automated die casting machine.

Over the next two months, We will be removing our older Harvil die casting machines and replacing them with automated LK die casting machines. The automated die casting machines will be in place and ready to accept new work by September 2024.

By adding more of the automated LK die casting machines to Kinetic Die Casting Company production, it will give us better die casting part quality and much more die casting part production capacity for our customers.

We will also be open to accept new manufacturing customers needing die casting parts. Contact us anytime to become one of our happy die casting part manufacturing customers.

Our contact information for die casting part quotes: Click for Die Casting Parts


Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91605
818-982-9200 sales@kineticdc.com

Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/more-equipment-at-kineticdc/

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