Call Kinetic Die Casting

Do you know someone that can use our die casting services?


Call us and let us know 818-982-9200.
Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue North Hollywood California 91605 #diecasting #kineticdc #manufacturing @kineticdc

Kineticdc makes:
Aircraft Die Castings
Aluminum Heat Sink Die Castings
Automotive Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Bracket Parts
Light Fixture Die Casting Parts
Enclosure Box Die Castings
Consumer Products Aluminum Parts
Aerospace Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Golf Parts

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Merry Christmas 2014 from Kinetic Die Casting Company

Christmas Image

Merry Christmas from Kinetic Die Casting Company

Merry Christmas 2014 from Kinetic Die Casting Company – All of us here want to wish you a Joyous and Merry Christmas. Our desire is that the warmth and love of the season will fill your heart celebrating Christmas.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91605

We will be closed until after the new year of 2015.

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Tooling Facts

Zinc Die Casting Tooling Facts. Zinc die casting tooling is a technique to form molten zinc into a shape using molds called dies or die casts. The tooling is the mold utilized in the procedure, and it is largely composed of a cover and ejector. The zinc is melted into molten form and then powerfully emptied into the cover die with the container bearing the wanted pattern. The melted zinc settles on the mold and toughens. Later, it is removed through the ejector. Die casts for zinc can have added features such as trim casts, inserts and multiple cavities reliant on what needs to be formed.
There is a request for
die casting tooling
zinc die casting tooling
because zinc has plenty of perfect characteristics:

  • It is very dense and does not take up much space related to other like materials
  • It is a sturdy and non-corrosive die casting alloy
  • It is extremely force-resistant
  • It is easily moldable into wires, thin walls and other complex designs
  • It can reach countless textures that other materials cannot attain
  • It takes lower heat to liquefy it for casting
  • It is the easiest material for die casting
  • It can remain malleable when melted for a long time
  • It can be added to other metals and elements to improve their condition
  • Zinc die cast tooling is made of tough materials to safeguard that the liquefied zinc will be correctly shaped into the anticipated form. There are likely mistakes in die casting such as porosity, uneven zinc distribution, etc. A great zinc die caster will be extremely cautious in following the normal guidelines so that quality zinc items are manufactured.

    This is the blog on the Kinetic Die Casting Company web site. We make several types of Aluminum Handle Parts. Look at this website page for more details: Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company at 818-982-9200 or email us at Use this webpage to request “die casting part prices”

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    Zinc in the Home: Its Use in Furniture Pieces

    Zinc in the Home: Its Use in Furniture Pieces. A clean home is a good home. After all, a grimy house imitates the values and outlooks of its owners. It is a display of the self, as they say. An orderly home, in that sense, shows purity, organization, and harmony.

    A guaranteed way of keeping a space spotless is through the use of drawers and cabinets. Regularly made of wood, these furniture pieces can be both ornamental and consolidating. Made of diverse kinds of wood such as oak and mahogany, they can be used to store glass, plaster, and crystal-like decorations, as well as children’s toys, clothes, and books.

    But a fantastic homemaker, apart from warranting a clean home, must also think of the decorative quality of his or her fixtures. For cabinets and drawers, aside from the engravings and carvings, handles and brackets can be used to show originality and sophistication.

    Often made of metal, these objects can be built by using Zinc die casting. Handles and brackets in cabinets and drawers can be modified, according to the ornamental requests and needs of a customer, via die casting websites and shops. This is chiefly imperative for home owners who are following a particular theme in their decorating.

    Moreover, if made using zinc die casting,
    Zinc Sand Blast Handle
    zinc handles
    and brackets are stout and tough, able to endure even the industrious activity of children. Aside from strength, they can also be decked out in a display of colors and finishes that will not cost the metal’s dormant abilities.

    Lasting and bendable, zinc is one material that can safeguard security and creativity at the same time.

    This is the blog on the Kinetic Die Casting Company web site and talks about the various Aluminum Parts Manufacturing. Look at this website page for more details: Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company at 818-982-9200 or email us at Use this webpage to request “die casting part prices”

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    Sad News Joyner’s Die Casting Company – CLOSING

    On Monday, I heard about Joyners Die Casting Company is CLOSING. There will be an equipment auction on December 11, 2014 10:00 am CDT for the Joyner die casting equipment. This is very sad news indeed. Another USA die casting manufacturing company closure. This is a continuation of a long sad trend of US Manufacturing companies that struggle and can not stay in business due to EPA issues, employee issues, legal issues and struggles for quality and profit. All this information is available to anyone searching online. Now there is a loss of $10,000,000 in our United States manufacturing capacity. The ones who hurt the worst are the additional 100 Minnesota manufacturing employees who are unemployed and on the street just in time for Christmas.

      Joyner’s Die Casting & Plating Inc.
      7801 Xylon Ave N.
      Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55445
      (Just outside Minneapolis, Minnesota.)

    Here is a little information from their website (
    Joyners Zinc Die Casting Parts
    Zinc Die Casting Products Joyner’s Die Casting and Plating Inc. is a Custom Worldwide Manufacturer of Zinc Die Casting Products. We are a Single Source for All Your Zinc Die Casting Needs! Thin wall zinc die casting, Short and long production runs, Stock replenishing programs (KANBAN), In-house tool capability, Zinc Die casting machines ranging from 100 tons to 600 tons. At Joyner’s Die Casting Company and Plating Inc., we’ve been providing all types of industries with the highest quality zinc die castings with machines ranging from 100 to 600 tons. We have the capacity to produce castings from a fraction of an ounce to eight pounds. And with a wide variety of in-house plated and/or painted finishes, we’re able to deliver your product exactly the way you want it. From complete engineering assistance to our ISO qualified program, to our complete laboratory, allows us to die cast your requirement in Zamac 3.

    Joyner’s Plating Services Included: Nickel & Duplex Nickel, Bronze, Brass, Gold (14k & 24k), Clear e-coat, Bronze e-coat, Chrome, Black Chrome.

    Joyner’s Die Casting Products included: nameplates, handles, hardware, instrument housings, attachments and parts for musical instruments, metal panels, drawer and cabinet pulls, pulleys and sheaves, impellers, elevator, door, safety and warning signs.

    Article Link:
    This is the die casting blog for the Kinetic Die Casting Company web site. We produce Aluminum and Zinc Die Casting Parts. We are still doing well in spite of the tremendous pressures for pricing, quality and services improvements.
    Look at our website page for more details:

    Kinetic Die Casting Company at 818-982-9200 or email us at Use this webpage to request “die casting part prices

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