The advantages of Die Casting Aluminum Boxes over steel boxes. One should know The advantages of Die Casting Aluminum Boxes over steel. This will enable the person to know what is more suitable to him. So what are its advantages? …
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Kinetic Die Casting Advantages in 2023
Kinetic Die Casting Company Advantages. In manufacturing small and medium sized aluminum parts, hiring an Kinetic Die Casting Company can go a very long way. They specialize in using die casting aluminum into different parts and products using molds. First of all, why use aluminum for parts and products? Aluminum is a metal that can be mined of the top of the earth, it is easy to acquire and it can be found almost everywhere around the globe. This makes it cheap to buy aluminum. Next, aluminum has some very appealing characteristics. Its strength and durability is comparable to that of steel but it carries just a third of its weight. Stronger and lighter, aluminum is fast becoming the choice of many manufacturers. For those who cannot afford yet the machinery required for die casting, they contract an Aluminum Die Casting Company to help them.
Because an Aluminum Die Casting Company has the resources and knowledge in die casting, they can efficiently create parts and products to the specifications of their client. How do they do it?
The Kinetic Die Casting company melt the aluminum by placing them in a furnace, thus making them into liquid. The liquid aluminum will then be casted into molds which give them their new size and shape. Applying huge amounts of pressure, the liquid aluminum enters every crevice of the mold, which results in more accurate dimensions. The molds are set aside to cool and the liquid hardens. Once they are opened, the parts or products will simply need a few finishing touches and they can be delivered to the client.
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes Aluminum Casting Parts. As a die casting company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices
Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605
“The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”
Kinetic Die Casting Company. Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood,
California 91605, United States of America
USA Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200
To get prices for Die Casting Tooling Molds or Parts:
RFQ Die Casting Tooling Part Prices
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes:
NADCA Vendor Night 2023
Supplier Night. Save money if you register today for southern California’s largest metal casting meeting of the year. NADCA Chapter 30 Please mark your calendars and register for the upcoming AFS NADCA 2023 Vendors Night. Last year we had record attendance and this year promises to be another well-attended industry gathering! We have limited space and vendor tables will sell out.
Thursday, March 9, 2023
10627 Old River School Road
Downey, CA 90241
EARLY BIRD SAVINGS: Save $30/person and $300/vendor table by registering early before February 23, 2023
Contact me with any questions. I look forward to seeing you in March!
Laura Adams Hoppe
NADCA Chapter 30
2971 Warren Lane
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
NADCA (North American Die Casters Association) and AFS (American Foundry Society) has a vendors night to celebrate our metal industry suppliers.
Aluminum Heatsinks: What They Do 2023
Aluminum Heatsink
Aluminum heat sinks expels heat from parts and components in electronic applications. Aluminum die cast heatsinks are designed in a way that needs less machining than other manufacturing processes. The cooling fins can be manufactured at the same time as the mounting holes. Heatsink parts are made with all features necessary for cooling electronic components and to mount the heat sinks on the printed circuit board (PC board). Aluminum heat sinks have a high dimensional stability. Heat sink production begins as soon as the die casting tooling is produced. Aluminum heat sinks are produced at the rate of 250 heat sink parts per day to 2,500 heat sink parts per day. Heatsinks look good as raw parts or can be anodized or powdercoated.
Pictures of Heatsink Die Casting Parts
To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605, United States of America
E-mail USA Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200
To get prices for Die Casting Tooling Molds or Parts: RFQ Die Casting Part Prices
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes:
Automotive Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Bracket Hardware
Airplane Die Casting Parts
Zinc Die Casting Company California

Hot Chamber and Cold Chamber Die Casting in 2023
Hot Chamber And Cold Chamber Die Casting. In the method of die casting, melted metal in injected effectively into die casting molds, or “dies”, under very high pressure. Since this process of shaping metal is very adaptable, die casting is extensively utilized as a method for forming metals into special shapes like die cast speakers. While it may use a almost the same method as mold casting, die casting uses pressures of up to 10 to 210mpa to inject metal into the die. The ensuing material shows consistency of parts, dimensional accuracy, and smooth surface finishes.
There are many diverse materials utilized in die casting, such as copper, zinc, tin, magnesium, and lead. Nevertheless, aluminum is the most extensively uzilized evaluated to these other materials as the metal is more impressionable, and is excellent for manufacturing large size cold chamber die castings, to die castings collected of tiny and intricate parts.
There are two methods utilized for die casting, specifically the cold chamber which manufacture cold chamber die castings, a cold cylinder is injected with melted metal. With less time exposure given for the metal to be pushed into the mold, cold chamber method is more often utilized for metals that without difficulty meld with iron at very high heat. The cold chamber method is also utilized for metals that have high melting points.
Alternatively, in the hot chamber process, like hot chamber zinc die casting the pressure found in the die cavity connected to it becomes enduringly a part of the melted material. A plunger is driven toward an area that is non-pressurized, exposing the inlet port attached to the pressure cylinder.
Kinetic Die Casting manufactures custom metal parts to their customer. If you would like more information about Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
“The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”
Kinetic Die Casting Company. Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood,
California 91605, United States of America
USA Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200
To get prices for Die Casting Tooling Molds or Parts:
RFQ Die Casting Tooling Part Prices
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes: