On all die casting production part purchase orders Kinetic Die Casting Company receives the first two weeks of May (4th to 15th) we will discount the part price ten percent (10%) from a prior purchase order part price with the …
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Tag Archives: Airplane Castings
How to Use Aluminum Aircraft Parts?
How to Use Aluminum Aircraft parts. The popular aircraft airframe has been the most challenging function for aluminum alloys; to account the progress of the high strength alloys is as well to account the progress of airframes. Duralumin is the first high strength, high temperature treatable aluminum alloy and was utilized originally for the structure of stiff airships. Duralumin was actually an aluminum-copper-magnesium alloy. It was initiated in the country of Germany and expanded in the United States of America as alloy 17S-T. It was employed first and foremost as a sheet and plate.
Throughout the 20th century, aluminum turned out to be an important metal in aircraft. The cylinder mass of the engine that controlled the plane of the famous Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk in 1903 was a one piece die casting in an aluminum alloy consisting of 8% copper. The aluminum propeller blades emerged as early as 1907 and aluminum seats, covers, cast brackets, cowlings, and comparable parts were regular by the start of the World War I.
In the year 1916, L. Brequet created a scouting bomber that identified the primary utilization of aluminum in the functioning configuration of a plane. By the end of the war, Germany and the Allies used aluminum alloys intended for the constructional scaffolding of fuselage and section assemblies.
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as Airplane Die Castings. We make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die casting every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.
Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605
Monday Feb 22 We Deliver Almond Roca for Aerospace Die Castings
Did you know that Kinetic Die Casting Company makes Aerospace Die Casting Parts? We do. On Monday February 22, we will deliver Almond Roca to the buyer who purchased Aerospace Die Casting parts from our company.
We offered to give Homemade Almond Roca for any new purchase order placed in February 2016. Today, Monday February 22nd, we will be delivering Almond Roca to an Aerospace manufacturing company for placing a purchase order for 15,000 aluminum die casting parts as spacers. Thank you for the business.
Here is a list of a few of our Die Casting Aerospace Parts customers:
Blue Light Special on Airport Lights
How Kinetic Die Casting Company helped a Airport Lighting Parts Manufacturer. To get help for your company, use this webpage: Prices for Die Casting Parts. George had an idea on how he could develop a better airport runway lighting product. In the 1990s, Kinetic Die Casting Company received a fax from a company called Airport Lighting Company. At Airport Lighting Company, George, makes the lighting products of many of the airports in America. One of his biggest product lines is the blue light on the side of runways. The product in use is a round steel plate that is machined with mounting holes that are drilled and counter bored. The center was a larger hole that is then drilled and threaded for an arm that stands about a foot tall holding a lamp light fixture with a blue light bulb. These steel round plates line the side of runways for airplanes.
George at Airport Lighting Company has a problem regarding his blue lamp runway light fixtures. Steel rusts. The steel plates he uses for the runway lights rust in bad weather, which causes the plate to collapse if a plane runs over the plate by accident. Aluminum die casting does not rust. Will an aluminum die casting plate be strong enough to hold the weight of an airplane?
George contacted Kinetic Die Casting Company with the question, how strong is aluminum die casting? Our engineer, Dante, created a solidworks model of an aluminum plate with strengthening ribs and gussets. We tested the model using software to test the strength. We sent George the test results and he was ecstatic. He commissioned us to build his tool and has purchased thousands of the aluminum plates. George created his own Blue Light Special on Airport Runway Lights.
Look out of the airplane window the next time you fly, those blue lights may be sitting on an aluminum plate that just may have been made by Kinetic Die Casting Company.
Contact us to help you develop your aluminum product for die casting design. sales@kineticdc.com
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Light Fixture Die Casting Parts
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as Lighting Fixture Die Castings. We make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.
Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605
Two Week Delivery of Airplane Parts
About two weeks ago, Kinetic Die Casting Company received a phone call from one of our customers in Alabama. This customer buys aluminum die castings as airplane distributor cap parts.
The phone call was something like this:
“I see you guys are reporting to us that you have nothing on order from us? I must have forgotten to send you a Purchase Order in March or April. We need the parts now. How soon can you make the parts?”
She is a good customer and a great buyer, so we moved some of our production jobs around and set the tool in our die casting machine in about one or two weeks from the phone call. As always, we shipped the parts quickly. Call Kinetic Die Casting Company if you want the same service from your aluminum die casting parts supplier. Our phone number is 818-982-9200.
“The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”.
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as Airplane Die Castings. We make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die casting every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.
Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605
Kinetic Die Casting Company on Facebook
Today, we are reminding everyone that Kinetic Die Casting Company is on Facebook Take the time to go to our Facebook page and “Like Us” Our Facebook Page is updated every week with offers to get Homemade Almond Roca and other items pleasing to most people. We post pictures of die casting parts and we post links to web sites that we believe will benefit our followers.
You will know you are on our page http://www.facebook.com/Kineticdc when you see our motto in the header “The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”. Go to our page and click the like button and give us a 5 star rating (*****).
As of today, (May 20, 2015) we have 476 Facebook Page likes. Like the page and we will be happy to like your page in return. If you have something relevant to say, make a comment. As always, we will be happy to supply your manufacturing company with die casting parts produced quickly and at great quality.
Thank you for reading our Kinetic Die Casting Company Blog
Kinetic Die Casting Company (www.kineticdc.com)
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Aluminum die casting parts, zinc die casting parts and die casting tooling for all manufacturing industries including automotive parts, lighting parts, military parts, aerospace parts, and many more.
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