Tag Archives: Aluminum Alloys

What’s the Worth of an Aluminum Die Casting Company?

What’s the Worth of an Aluminum Die Casting Company? Manufacturing parts and other products is sometimes a very complicated and delicate matter wherein the people behind the operation should take into account every detail of their business so that they can insure every cost is covered and they can make good money out of it. This would mean that they should find ways in limiting their production costs without significantly sacrificing the quality of their product. It can be a difficult task, but it is possible. For those who need aluminum parts, they can try contracting an Aluminum Die Casting Company.

First of all, an Aluminum Die Casting Company provides a valuable service to manufacturers. Many products in the market today or under production make use of aluminum parts such as appliances, electronics, houses and buildings among other things. Aluminum is an in demand material because it is strong, light and cheap, at the same time die casting companies offer cheap rates with more than satisfying results.

Secondly, the difference between permanent mold casting and die casting is that the latter doesn’t just melt the material and place them into molds, it uses high amounts of pressure in order to secure the material in every crevice of the mold. This results in a smoother and higher quality finish for the product. At the same time, it is better in consistency as well.

Also, a good Aluminum Die Casting Company will be able to provide a manufacturer with its aluminum needs. The process is fast, cheap and very reliable which makes these companies worth time and every cent.

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50 Percent Duty on Aluminum Imports

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As the White House prepares to submit the Trans-Pacific Partnership to Congress in the coming months, it has been touting its record on trade enforcement to persuade lawmakers to vote for the 12-nation pact. The United Steelworkers union on Monday upped the ante on that front by asking President Barack Obama to impose a 50 percent duty on aluminum imports from China and other suppliers as soon as July.

The U.S. International Trade Commission would normally take up to six months to investigate the Section 201 petition for global import relief and make recommendations to Obama, who would have another two months to decide what action to take. However, the union is asking the ITC to make a finding of “critical circumstances” within 60 days so Obama can act quickly to keep additional U.S. aluminum smelters from closing.

If the trade panel makes that determination, the president would then have 30 days to approve some of type of provisional relief while the Section 201 case proceeds for another six to eight months, Terry Stewart, a lawyer for the union group, said.

The timing isn’t ideal for Obama’s TPP push. The aluminum case potentially puts the president on the spot by forcing him to decide whether to impose the 50-percent “provisional” duty sought by the steelworkers while the Section 201 investigation proceeds. If he decides against it or puts in place some lesser relief, that could jeopardize potential votes for the TPP pact.
Die Casting Part Prices

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Made In California Featured Manufacturer

Thank you CMTC for recognizing #kineticdc as a leader in die castings in California.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting Company is the featured manufacturing company in the CMTC Made In California website (http://www.cmtc.com/made-in-california-profile/kinetic-die-casting-company-inc).

Our Capabilities:
Die castings produced from 50 to 100 aluminum parts each day (low customer demand).
Die castings produced to over 5,000 aluminum parts a day (high customer demand).
Aluminum die casting part sizes from .001 pounds to 10 pounds.
Die casting aluminum part sizes range from .025″ x .025″ to 15″ x 15″.
Aluminum: 380, 383, 360, and 413 Die Casting Alloy.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood,
California USA 91605

Made in CA featured: http://www.cmtc.com/made-in-california-featured-manufacturers
California Manufacturing Technology Consulting® (CMTC)

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Aluminum Die Casting–Why Use It!

Aluminum Die Casting–Why Use It! Many materials can be used in various metalworking processes including in the popular method of die casting. The most preferred materials for die casting are non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, zinc, copper, lead, magnesium and tin-based alloys. Many manufacturers, nonetheless, favor aluminum die casting because of several advantages.

Manufacturers are able to parlay the metal’s beneficial characteristics by opting for aluminum die casting. For one, aluminum is light in weight but possesses good mechanical properties. Parts with thin walls and complex shapes can be produced at excellent quality and strength by using aluminum alloy. Even at high temperatures, the metal also retains its strength. Aluminum also offers good resistance to corrosion and provides high electrical and thermal conductivity needed in many parts of consumer and industrial products.

Owing to these basic properties, aluminum die casting can produce stronger and more durable components. The malleability of aluminum also allows the production of parts that could be applied with varying types of textures, resulting in fewer finishing touches needed for the end-products.

Aluminum die casting can likewise easily mass-produce parts already tailor-fit for assembly, complete with holes, bosses or studs. These features would contribute to less labor costs and a more efficient production line.

Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes Aluminum Casting Parts. As a die casting company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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Preventing Malfunctions through Housings KDC

Preventing Malfunctions through Housings. In the same manner that humans use houses to protect themselves, gadgets and electronic items have their shells and outer coverings to protect themselves. However, this may not always be enough especially if the outer covering is made from low-quality material. Also, some gadgets are meant to be placed inside of other electronic items which means that they do not have protection when they are being carried from one place to another. There is a need for an item that is capable of protecting these gadgets by acting as their outer shell each time they are used. Thus, aluminum housings were manufactured.

Aluminum housings, like many aluminum based products, are manufactured by companies that sell items made from aluminum alloys. The housings are shipped to their retailers which range from small time stores to large hardware stores. Typically, these housings have pre-determined dimensions that are just right for popular devices. They are sold with the accompanying screws, bolts, and similar items which make them compatible with multiple models.

Aluminum housings come in different sizes, colors, and designs. The different sizes cater to the different sizes of electronic devices while the color and design are used mainly for aesthetic purposes. It is hard to look for an aluminum housing that has the size, color, and design that an individual wants. In cases like this, it is better to simply purchase a housing that has the size that the individual wants and then hire other services to paint or design the housing.


Call us and let us know 818-982-9200.
Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue North Hollywood California 91605
www.kineticdc.com #diecasting #kineticdc #manufacturing @kineticdc

Kineticdc makes:
Automotive Die Casting Parts
Light Fixture Die Casting Parts
Consumer Products Aluminum Parts
Aerospace Die Casting Parts
Military Die Casting Parts

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Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company at 818-982-9200 or email us at sales@kineticdc.com. Use this webpage to request “die casting part priceswww.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html

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