Today, Kinetic Die Casting Company will close at 12:00 noon, Pacific Standard Time, so that our employees can go home and prepare for our company Christmas Party tonight. Tomorrow we will be open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 Pm as …
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Tag Archives: Aluminum Die Casting Alloy
The Different Alloys Used at Kinetic Die Casting Manufacturing
Die Casting Alloys – The Different Alloys Used in Die Casting Manufacturing. Kinetic Die Casting Company uses different types of metal die casting alloys depending on the needs of our customers.
The Die Casting Alloys we use are:
- A360 aluminum die casting alloy
- A380 aluminum die casting alloy
- A383 aluminum die casting alloy
- A413 aluminum die casting alloy
- ZA27 die casting alloy
- #3 zinc die casting alloy
- #5 zinc die casting alloy
A380 is the die casting alloy we use the most. About 80% of our parts are produced in A380. A380 is the least expensive aluminum alloy. It is very versatile for a very nice finish on a die casting part.
A360 aluminum die casting alloy is used when corrosion resistance is required. It is used by many manufacturers whose parts are exposed to salt spray or other corrosive environments.
A413 die casting alloy is another alloy we use to produce a lot of parts. This alloy is used in a lot of thermal conductance applications (heat sinks). It has a very nice surface finish and can be used to cast thinner walls. It has better corrosion resistance than A380.
A383 alloy is less expensive than A413 and also is used when the die casting part wall thicknesses are thinner than normal.
ZA27 die casting alloy is used when greater die casting part strength is needed. This die casting alloy is a marriage between aluminum and zinc.
#3 and #5 zinc die casting alloys are the most common alloys used for zinc die casting. Many of the products that were produced in zinc are now made in aluminum or plastic. Zinc makes up less than 10% of the die casting parts made in America today.
Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company for your die casting part needs. (818-982-9200)
Kinetic Die Casting manufactures zinc and aluminium die casting. If you would like a quote, please visit our website:Die Casting quote
Kinetic Die Casting Company Production Parts Limitations
KDC Limitations. Kinetic Die Casting Company Production Parts Limitations.
Kinetic Die Casting Company has some limitations on the size, materials and quantities of production parts we will manufacture.
SIZE: Diecasting Part Weights and Sizes
Part sizes from .001 pounds to 10 pounds.
Part sizes range from .025″ x .025″ (smallest).
Part sizes up to 15″ to 17″ (largest)
Surface area up to about 200 square inches.
KineticDC Size Limitations
MATERIALS: Diecasting Materials or Alloys
380 Aluminum Diecasting Alloy.
383 Aluminum Diecasting Alloy.
360 Aluminum Diecasting Alloy.
413 Aluminum Diecasting Alloy.
#3 Zinc (Zamak 3) Die Casting Alloy.
READ MORE: KineticDC Die Casting Alloys
QUANTITIES: How Many Die Casting Parts Each Order
We will produce fewer than 100 parts.
As many a 10,000 parts per delivery.
No more than 250,000 parts per year.
DIE CASTING TOOLING: We Make Die Casting Tooling
KDC makes die casting tooling for our customers inexpensively so that when they need a few die casting parts, we can make those parts for them.
Send us a RFQ (Request for Die Casting Quote)
Kinetic Die Casting, Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, Aluminum
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Toll Free: (800) 524-8083
Local: (818) 982-9200
Fax: (818) 982-0877
Look at our Die Casting Blog for information every day
Kinetic Die Casting is located in North Hollywood,California. KDC specializes in manufacturing zinc and aluminum alloy casting parts. If you would like a quote, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
A380 Aluminum Alloy verses A413 Aluminum Alloy
The two more common types of die casting aluminum used by Kinetic die Casting Company are A380 aluminum and A413 aluminum. There are reasons to use either metal.
So here are a few of the details (
Availability – More
Material cost – Less
Flexibility – More
Thermal Conductivity – Less
Electrical Conductivity – More
Pounds/Inch – More
Pressure Tight – Less
Surface Polish – Less
Availability – Less
Material cost – More
Flexibility – Less
Thermal Conductivity – More
Electrical Conductivity – More
Pounds/Inch – Less
Pressure Tight – More
Surface Polish – More
A380 is the most common die casting aluminum used worldwide. Most part blue prints do not call out the aluminum type so the default is A380.
Call Kinetic Die Casting Company at 818-982-9200 or send us an email with your questions at
There is a chart on this web page that give much more details:
Alloys for Aluminum Die Casting
Kinetic Die Casting is a california die casting companycalifornia die casting company that manufactures die cast parts. If you would like more information or request a quote, vist our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
Aluminum Die Casting Alloy
Aluminum Die Casting Alloy. Aluminum is one of the most common alloys used in die casting. Aluminum is also one of the many alloys that can undergo almost all the process in casting. Die casting is where the aluminum is mostly used. But pure aluminum casting is rarely produced because of the susceptibility of the alloy to cracking and shrinkage. This alloy is usually alloyed with silicon and copper because these two alloys can increase melt fluidity, especially silicon, and reduces ductility. Silicon can also reduce maintainability of the alloy and copper can increase the hardness. The combination of the three alloys can reduce corrosion. For better corrosion resistance, aluminum casting with lower copper should be used such as 360 and 413. Aluminum is also commonly used when it comes to electricity because of its conductivity and high temperature strength. Aluminum has many uses in today’s everyday lives from office to home to commercial uses and industrial uses.
Aluminum Die Casting also has high dimensional stability when doing complex shapes and thin walls. The typical applications of aluminum alloy are Alloy 380.0, A380.0, 360, 413, and 518.1. They are typically used for home equipment like lawnmower, dental equipment, street lamp housings, frying skillets, escalator parts, connecting rods, instrument cases, and marine and aircraft hardware. Alloy 518 is known to have the highest corrosion resistance but it has low fluidity compared to the other aluminum alloys. This is also usually the most expensive aluminum alloy because of the difficulty to cast.
Aluminum casting usually doesn’t undergo heat treatment but instead undergo metallurgical stabilization and dimensional treatment.
Kinetic Die Casting is a aluminum and zinc die casting company. If you would like to know more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company