Tag Archives: Aluminum Die Casting

Chocolate Fountain Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes an aluminum die casting part as a heater plate for a chocolate fountain. The heater plate transfers the heat from a heating element to a stainless steel bowl to melt chocolate. Aluminum die casting parts are used because aluminum has excellent properties for transferring heat and dissipating heat. Die castings are inexpensive compared to other aluminum part manufacturing processes.
chocolate fountain

A chocolate fountain is a device for serving chocolate fondue. Typical examples resemble a stepped cone, standing 2-4 feet tall with a crown at the top and stacked tiers over a basin at the bottom. The basin is heated to keep the chocolate in a liquid state so it can be pulled into a center cylinder then vertically transported to the top of the fountain by a corkscrew auger. From there it flows over the tiers creating a chocolate “waterfall” in which food items like strawberries or marshmallows can be dipped.

Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/chocolate-fountain-parts/

Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company sales@kineticdc.com if you have an unusual aluminum part to die cast.

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Aluminum (aka Aluminium) Fun Facts

Aluminum (Al) is the most abundant mineral on Earth after oxygen and silicon and is the most abundant metal found naturally on Earth. It is present in 270 minerals. Aluminum is a silver, soft metal with an atomic number of thirteen and thirteen protons in the nucleus. It constitutes about eight percent of the Earth’s land mass.

Aluminum (aka Aluminium) fun facts:

  1. Caution – Iodine and Aluminum powder plus a few drops of water create: Clouds of toxic purple iodine vapor and a flame.
  2. Recycling aluminum takes only 5 percent of the energy needed to extract new aluminum from ore.
  3. Aluminum is globally the most used metal that does not contain iron.
  4. Aluminum is almost always used as an alloy, even if the aluminum content is as high as 99%.
  5. The most commonly used elements to combine with aluminum to create an alloy are zinc, copper, silicon, magnesium, and manganese.
  6. This element is the second-most abundant metallic element in Earth’s crust after silicon.
  7. Aluminum is lightweight (a third the weight of steel or copper).
  8. That Coke can: According to the Aluminum Association, an aluminum can takes 60 days to return as a new can after recycling.
  9. Aluminum and its alloys are significantly used in the aerospace industry auto manufacturing and transportation, construction, packaging etc.
  10. Aluminum is also used as a compound to manufacturing paints, antacids, deodorants and are also used as a catalyst in explosives (such as ammonium nitrate) to boost explosive capabilities.
  11. Aluminum is a very reflective metal, which is very useful in home decor items such as aluminum blinds, aluminum fence, aluminum doors, aluminum windows etc.
  12. Keep vinegar and bleach away from your aluminum products.
  13. Aluminum parts when damp creates a white oxide that protects the aluminum surface but keeps paint from sticking.
  14. Aluminum is incredibly flexible enough that it can be easily formed into the tiniest of items such as paper clips, dial gauges etc.

I hope you enjoyed these fun facts about aluminum. More than 90% of our die casting production is in aluminum alloy parts.
Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/aluminum-aka-aluminium-fun-facts/

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LAVC Manufacturing Day with Congressman Tony Cárdenas

On Friday October 21, 2016 Kinetic Die Casting Company was one of the manufacturing companies that participated in the Los Angeles Valley College LAVC Manufacturing Day with Congressman Tony Cárdenas. This was the MANUFACTURING SHOWCASE, that included Training & Career Opportunities. There were from 200 to 250 high school kids at the event. We are hoping that many of them will look into manufacturing as a possible career course. There were also several unemployed adults that are participating in the LAVC retraining program. This event was a huge success.

This is a message from our Congressman Mr. Cárdenas:
“Throughout my twenty years in public service, and as a former small business owner, my goal has always been to support the growth of small and mid-sized businesses in the San Fernando Valley. Knowing just how critical small businesses are to our community and the U.S. economy, I would like to personally invite you to attend a Manufacturing Day Event on October 21st that I am hosting. Special guests include Dr. Erika Endrijonas, President of Los Angeles Valley College; Mr. Richard Brent, CEO of Louroe Electronics, who is a member of the District Export Council of Southern California and the 2015 winner of the U.S. President’s Export Achievement Award; Sector Strategies Manager of Goodwill SoCal Tracy DiFilippis; and Assistant Principal of North Valley Occupational Center Liz Peñuela. Our goal is to foster a robust conversation around manufacturing, and I know your perspective will provide much value.”

Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/lavc-manufacturing-day-with-congressman-tony-cardenas/

Kinetic Die Casting brought samples of die casting parts as well as brochures and business cards for people to get interested in manufacturing. We also had about 20 pounds of candy that kept the 200 to 250 high school kids coming back to our table.

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Posted in Aircraft Parts, Aluminum Die Casting, Blogger, Business, Competitors, Enclosures, Kinetic Die Casting Company, Lighting, newsletter | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Go with Automotive Parts Die Casted

Go with automotive Parts Die Casted. Manufacturing of automotive parts has grown as compared to the recent decades. As technology age, outcomes also become more advanced wherein they are now easier to make and have stronger properties.

Production of economy cars has been very possible with the use of aluminum automotive parts. Aluminum is very economic and practical because of the chemical properties that it carries. As we all know, automotive consists of very detailed and small parts wherein precision is very important to ensure that the whole automotive will work. Also, the material to be used should be heat-resistant to withstand the heat that the engine makes. With this, die casted aluminum is perfect because it can be easily shaped into detailed parts. Plastics are also easy to shape because of their elasticity but when it comes to being heat-resistant, they can only withstand certain temperature which is lower than that of aluminum.

Also, other advantages of using aluminum in automotive parts are the weight, corrosion-resistant, economic, and durable. Due to the abundance of aluminum on earth, acquisition of this material is very easy so it is cheaper as compared to plastic and other materials that are difficult to acquire. Being a corrosion-resistant leads to longer lifespan of the automotive parts which is advisable so that the automotive will also have a longer lifespan.

Die Casting Aluminum Auto Part
Automotive Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as die casting auto parts. We make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

Posted in Aluminum Die Casting, Auto Parts, Blogger, Die Casting Parts | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

What’s the Worth of an Aluminum Die Casting Company?

What’s the Worth of an Aluminum Die Casting Company? Manufacturing parts and other products is sometimes a very complicated and delicate matter wherein the people behind the operation should take into account every detail of their business so that they can insure every cost is covered and they can make good money out of it. This would mean that they should find ways in limiting their production costs without significantly sacrificing the quality of their product. It can be a difficult task, but it is possible. For those who need aluminum parts, they can try contracting an Aluminum Die Casting Company.

First of all, an Aluminum Die Casting Company provides a valuable service to manufacturers. Many products in the market today or under production make use of aluminum parts such as appliances, electronics, houses and buildings among other things. Aluminum is an in demand material because it is strong, light and cheap, at the same time die casting companies offer cheap rates with more than satisfying results.

Secondly, the difference between permanent mold casting and die casting is that the latter doesn’t just melt the material and place them into molds, it uses high amounts of pressure in order to secure the material in every crevice of the mold. This results in a smoother and higher quality finish for the product. At the same time, it is better in consistency as well.

Also, a good Aluminum Die Casting Company will be able to provide a manufacturer with its aluminum needs. The process is fast, cheap and very reliable which makes these companies worth time and every cent.

Posted in Aluminum Die Casting, Blogger, Die Casting Company, Kinetic Die Casting Company | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment