This week I found out that another die casting company slipped away a few years ago in southern California. I discovered that the owners of Cast-Rite, also the owners of International Die Casting Company (IDC) closed IDC and moved all …
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Tag Archives: Custom Parts
Why Use Consumer Parts Die Castings?
Why Use Consumer Parts Die Castings? Die casting is a process that involves three steps to accomplish. The first step is to melt raw material, in this case metal alloy, by subjecting it in intense heat. Once the metal alloy has melted into liquid, it will then be injected in large casings made of steel commonly referred to as molds or castings. These casings would give the liquefied metal its new shape. The mold will then be cooled down so that it will harden once again and there you have it. A common metal used in this process is aluminum, but other metals such as zinc can also be used. Consumer Parts Die Castings is an industry in itself which caters to many manufacturers around the world.
A lot of products such as electronics, automobiles and household appliances make use of aluminum parts. Aluminum is a favored metal alloy for many manufacturers because of its characteristics. It is almost as strong as steal but it carries less weight compared to steel and most other metals for that matter. At the same time, aluminum is cheap and easy to obtain. For the manufacturers that provide these products which use aluminum parts, they need different kinds of parts which can be provided by die casting. Consumer Parts Die Castings fast and is cheap, which is why it is a choice of many manufacturers around the globe.
Consumer Parts Die Castings can create bulk orders in little time. It is a valuable asset for any manufacturer to have someone provides them with die casted aluminum parts. It is even better if they have their own die casting machinery.
Kinetic Die Casting manufactures custom metal parts to their customer. If you would like more information about Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
Customization in Die Castings – Consumer Parts
Customization in Die Castings – Consumer Parts. Almost everything that we see, which has a metallic look, probably went through a die casting process. This is a proof that the industry of Die Casting is still strong despite of the global financial crisis. The success is probably because Die Casted items are stronger and much more durable compared to welded and drilled items.
Currently, there are several die casting companies that offer customization of die casted parts to other businesses. This is called Consumer Parts Die Castings. The alloys that will be used, the design, size and weight and the specifications usually come from the consumer or the customer. One of the many industries that ask for this kind of service is the Aviation Industry, and next to it is the Construction Industry. Consumer Parts Die Castings are typically Die Casted in aluminum, zinc, special marine alloys and aluminum.
There are also some Die Casting companies that use SLA or Stereo Lithography to give their consumers an idea of how the parts work, how they move and what are its functions. Any questions that come out from the consumers head will be answered with the use of the Stereo Lithography.
The most requested alloy used in Consumer Parts Die Castings is the aluminum because of its light characteristic and it is doesn’t get rusty unlike other alloys. Also, it is much simpler to die cast, and it has dimensional stability as well as having excellent mechanical qualities.
It is hard to tell when the popularity of Die Casting started, but one thing is for sure; the Die Casting industry will remain strong for as long as technology keeps on evolving.
Kinetic Die Casting is a california die casting company that manufactures die cast parts. If you would like more information or request a quote, vist our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
Aluminum Auto Parts
Because aluminum is lightweight and strong, aluminum die casting parts are used for automotive, car or automobile applications. Aluminum Auto Parts are necessary to reduce the weight of the automobile so cars can get better fuel economy. The OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers) or Major auto manufactures love aluminum die casting for their auto parts because several thousand parts can be produced a year at a very low cost. Some OEM auto makers have their own die casting plants to produce their auto parts. Others contract with Jobshop die casters to produce their aluminum auto parts. Aftermarket auto parts manufacturing companies are companies that produce auto parts to be sold in stores. Aftermarket auto parts manufacturers use die cast aluminum auto parts because they are inexpensive to produce and are typically better quality than other aluminum part manufacturing processes. Prototype parts or Custom Parts or OEM parts and Aftermarket Auto parts come in various locations, such as:
Aluminum Die Casting Handles
Car door handles have been die cast as well as the aluminum handle hardware that opens the console and the trunk of the car.
Aluminum Valve Covers
Valve covers are very commonly die cast in aluminum because they hold a chrome look without using chrome plating. Valve covers need to diffuse heat and aluminum is a great conduit for thermal transfer.
Aluminum Wheels
Many wheels are thought to be made from magnesium but are in fact made from aluminum. Aluminum is very strong and can be polished to a high luster.
Aluminum Brackets
Many of the engine components are held into place using die cast aluminum brackets. The brackets hold the alternator and air conditioner into place.