Tag Archives: Die Casting Company

All You Need to Know about Aluminum Lighting Fixtures!

All You Need to Know about Aluminum Lighting Fixtures! Prior to the invention of aluminum die casting, most lighting fixtures have been exposed to welding techniques so as to produce the essential parts to this type of electrical component. Not only does this system provide an expensive and prolonged process of making just a few outputs, welding also require a lot of hands to work, necessitating a huge amount of labor. With this limitation in the widespread need for lighting fixtures to be made in different dimensions and specific designs, the science of die casting has also incorporated the production of aluminum lighting fixtures.

Aluminum lighting fixtures, as with all other products of aluminum die casting, are made with net shape. In the process of making aluminum lighting fixtures, die caster do not need to perform heavy welding, and can simply mold dies to produce the best lighting fixture in accordance to the requests of their clients. One of the best things about lighting fixtures made from aluminum is that it upholds thermal properties, thereby making it easier for a lot of household equipments and electronic gadgets to diffuse heat. Shipping costs wouldn’t also be a problem for most die casting clients as the material used is guaranteed to be lightweight. Most of the lighting fixtures before used to be made with plastic, however are found not to last long when compared to the longevity of those made from aluminum. The electrically conductive components of these fixtures also compliment the main functions of the outputs made from aluminum die casting.

Die Casting Light Fixture Parts
Light Fixture Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as Lighting Fixture Die Castings. We make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

Posted in Aluminum Die Casting, Die Casting Company, Die Casting Parts, Lighting | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Aluminum Die Casting–What You Need to Know!

Aluminum Die Casting–What You Need to Know. The manufacturing process involved in aluminum die casting is roughly the same as that used in the production of pre-fabricated concrete building materials such as the hollow blocks that commonly go into the construction of houses. The big difference of course is in the material used. Water, cement and aggregates such as gravel and sand are used In pre-fabricated concrete, while in aluminum die casting, molten aluminum is the base material.

Also, High pressure is used to inject the molten aluminum into a steel die cast mold or die cast. This high-pressure injection system is necessary to immediately fill the entire cavity of the die before any part of aluminum casting hardens or solidifies. Immediate filling of the die cavity help prevent discontinuities in the aluminum die casting. To further help ensure that the aluminum casting is injected even into difficult-to-fill sections of dies with thin parts, the molds are designed with vents to allow air to escape during the injection process.

Furthermore, most of the molds used in the aluminum die casting are water-cooled to help hasten the production process. Once the injection is complete, the molds are opened and the die castings are ejected. The finished aluminum castings may amount to thousands or hundreds depending on the design of the die cast.

Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes Aluminum Casting Parts. As a die casting company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

Posted in Aluminum Die Casting, Die Casting Parts, Diecasting Process | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Uses and Needs of Aluminum Boxes

Aluminum Boxes Uses and Needs. When it comes to storage options, most people prefer to go the plastic or wooden way since of the ease and convenience. But rising trends indicate that more people, especially the men are longing for metallic boxes more because of several factors that include strength and durability. An Aluminum box is the best when you are looking for durable storage. Aluminum has two qualities that make it the metal of choice. It is light and easy to work with, but it is also strong and very durable. In the world of storage and body building, that is a magic combination.

There are different uses that you can put aluminum boxes into and it all depends on your intentions. Most of these are used in storing equipment when taking a road trips since they are strong enough to hold when things get a little bumpy. Some have taken to making these boxes large enough to make a little enclosure at the back of pick up trucks. Their workability is what makes aluminum the metal of choice. In the making of large transportation enclosures especially of animals, it is aluminum that is preferred. It does not add too much weight and that is the main reason whey it is chosen.

But when it comes to household settings, these boxes receive a fair share of attention too. Some are made small for storage of collections such as magazines and comic books. The aluminum boxes make for excellent storage since they protect the enclosed material from the elements for a couple of years. Besides, they are made rust proof which makes them more durable. For mailboxes, heavy duty or not, the aluminum boxes are excellent at carrying out the function with little flaw. One big advantage of using aluminum boxes is that they are good at taking sudden impact. Keeping away water, dust and moisture are other key advantages. If you want to store electronic components, you should use aluminum boxes since they keep away radio frequencies and Electromagnetic inductance. However to make sure that this is achieved there need be aluminum die casting so that the conductivity can work to your advantage.

Findings indicate that aluminum is about a third the weight of steel which means some boxes will be easy for you to carry. Aluminum boxes can be found with ease since there is availability of the metal in most places. They are not too expensive given their qualities. Besides, they are not easy to break into and that means that they are good at keeping thieves away. If an aluminum box was to be placed on the outside, away from shelter, it is able to withstand every kind of force that nature throws at it. In light with that, it is easy to understand why one would feel the obligation to get an aluminum box.

Next time you are out searching for a storage container or box, think aluminum and you can rest assured that you will not be disappointed.

Die Casting Heat Sink Part
Die Casting Aluminum Heat Sink Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as Die Casting Aluminum Heat Sinks. As a Die Casting Company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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Auto Parts made of Aluminum

The human history can be very conveniently divided into epochs or ages such as the ancient stone, the Iron Age, or the copper age. These ages have been called so because of the kind of metal or element which was dominating all the major architecture and other structures of that particular period of time. Going further on those lines we can say that the present is sort of like the aluminum age. Aluminum has become the new replacement to almost all the other metals, be it utensils or airplanes. One major use which aluminum has found for itself is the manufacture of various automobile parts. Here is guide to what makes aluminum such a sorted after raw material for cars and other automobiles

Furthermore, if we do a careful survey of the market of the automobile parts we will find that more and more companies have switched over to aluminum as the primary material to make the auto parts.
Also, Aluminum is a wiser choice because as compared to other alloys and metals, the automobile outer body made out of aluminum is almost one-third in weight. Now lighter cars are what the companies are aiming at and that’s what they are getting by using aluminum die casting. Apart from external use the metal is also being used in conduction of electric currents inside the autos. Aluminum is better conductor of heat and electricity than copper and hence the risks of the wires getting overheated are also reduced considerably.

The best part about using aluminum for making auto parts is that is highly resistant to corrosion. Automobile engines and other inner as well as outer parts are particularly vulnerable to this degradation and aluminum provides the perfect protection.
So whenever you are buying your ride make sure it’s got aluminum parts inside and outside to guarantee maximum output.

Die Casting Aluminum Auto Part
Automotive Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as die casting auto parts. We make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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Tooling for Die Casting

Tooling for Die Casting. Aluminum die casting is a metalworking process mainly used to create several small to medium sized parts. This process results in parts with the almost exact same dimensions, smooth surface finish and with incredibly high detail. The process of aluminum die casting typically involves molten metal to be forced into molds under high pressure to create each part. Then, they are machined into dies. Common metals used for this process are non ferrous metals such as tin, copper, magnesium, zinc, lead and aluminum; although ferrous materials can also be used. Due to the versatility of this process, it has become one of the highest volume of products made in the industry.

First of all, the Die Cast Tools used in this process is known as the die cast tooling or die cast mold. This mold is made from strengthened steel and can come in several shapes and sizes. They are available in single cavity, where one part is created per cycle, and multiple cavity, where several parts are created in a single cycle. These molds and tooling can cost for as low as a few hundred dollars for the simpler molds and would cost several thousand dollars for larger and complex molds.

Also, other Aluminum Die Cast Tools used for the process of die casting are the machinery; namely the gooseneck machine or hot chambered machine and the cold chambered machine. These machines have different advantages as well as advantages and it would depend upon what metal is being used to determine which machine is to be used.

Die Casting Molds Tooling
Die Casting Tooling Mold

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings using Die Casting Tooling. As a Die Casting Company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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