Tag Archives: Die Casting Company

The Role of Die Casting Company in the Industry

The Role of Die Casting Company in the Industry. Die casting company and other companies that manufacture similar products are considered in the metalworking industry for manufacturing the highest number of mass produced tools. These are dispersed to commercial, consumer and industrial sectors. A die casting company provide tools that are utilized in numerous different products counting automobile parts, sink and bathroom faucets, connectors employed in houses, toys and a lot more.

The method of die casting starts by injecting the melted metal into dies of mold cavities that are under high pressure. Non-ferrous metals are normally utilized by a die casting company to manufacture their products. Such metals or alloys will decide the strengths and other properties of the ultimate result. These comprise of aluminum, lead, tin, magnesium, zinc and copper. Currently, ferrous metals can also be exploited in the procedure. The process of casting is ideal for production of high volume of quantity of parts which may be tiny to medium that are great in surface quality, detail and dimensional uniformity.

A die casting company should work together with high-quality designers in order to make the best products that they can come up with. This must be done at an early on stage of the progress. This way, certain issues which may come up on tooling and production stages will be determined early on. This will concern the overall costs of the entire production.

Connected topics about die casting design can also be investigated through books, trade journals, technical papers and professional leagues or associations. You will also discover extra information about this on the Internet and in print materials.

Kinetic Die Casting Company can manufacture aluminum car parts, aluminum hardware, and Aluminum Lighting Partsaluminum lighting parts

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How Trim Dies Save Money on Die Casting Parts

How Can Trim Dies Save Me Money on Die Casting Parts? – Is a question, I get asked frequently from potential customers and current customers.

I will discuss what a die casting part trim die is and what it does, but first we need to know a little about how die casting parts are made. The Die Casting Trim Die is part of the die casting part tooling package.

The molten metal is under so much pressure that the metal “flashes” out around the edges of the part inside the die casting mold. This excess metal is also called “flash”. This flash is typically very thin, sometimes paper thin, wall of metal. The flash is frequently sharp and can cut fingers if not handled carefully. After the part cools sufficiently, the flash must be removed before we can ship the die cast part to our customer.

    The most common ways to remove flash are:

  • Using a file or sander – Somewhat labor intensive and subject to “artistic interpretation” from the worker. Not always consistent in the process.
  • Using a trim die – A trim die cuts consistently .005″ to .010″ close to edge of the die casting part like a cookie cutter. Is also the fastest way to remove flash.

The trim die is in two parts and each half is bolted on either the upper or lower platen of a trim press. The trim press has typically 15 to 20 tons of closing pressure. The press raises and lowers as the worker actuates the buttons. The die casting part fits perfectly in the trim die bottom, the trim die top half closes on the part and uses a cutting edge to cut the excess metal (flash) away from the part.

Because the trim die cuts the flash from the part accurately and consistently, the part quality is always better when a trim die is used to remove the a flash. So, less money is wasted on poor part quality. The trim press also operates faster than the die casting machine so the flash removal takes less time and labor, thus saving money in part production.

Each of our die casting production cells at Kinetic Die Casting Company has at least one trim press to accommodate a trim die for every die casting production part order. Every customer who owns a trim die, saves money on their part price. Call us today for a FREE competitive part price proposal to make your parts 818-982-9200.

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Choosing the Best Die Casting Company

Choosing the Best Die Casting Company. Selecting the finest die casting company is not simple. That is because there are lots of die casting companies that will vie for your notice. Deciding on the best therefore can be very puzzling sometimes. So here are some common tips that can help you decide on the most excellent die casting company.

The first thing you can do is to look for die casting company on the web. This does not mean that die casting companies that have websites are the finest. Investigating online will permit you to find the different product features and manufacturing strengths of diverse die casting companies.

You may have to decide on a die casting company that can respond to your unique casting desires. For instance, if you need aluminum parts that do not require additional machining, then look for a company with the ability to produce polished aluminum parts.

You should also verify if the die casting company can accommodate the customization you need for metal castings. Die casts can be modified according to your requirements but you may have to pay for extra charges for intricate shapes. So it is also vital to factor the expenses of production and judge against the different manufacturing quotes.

Quantity and fast turn around are also significant factors you need to think about. Look for a company the can agree to small production runs if you only need 100 parts. If you want several thousand parts, you should find out how fast these parts can be completed. Usually, a excellent die casting company can deliver in less than four weeks.

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures a lot of aluminum rooftile plates , trim tile molds, and military die casting. If you would like a quote, please visit our website: Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Die Casting Company Makes Aluminum a Perfect Choice

Die Casting Company Makes Aluminum a Perfect Choice. Every die casting company clearly makes it a point to highlight the advantages of aluminum. That is why it has become the ideal choice for the commerce in this time and age. Why is that so? Just picture if the car itself is created of iron parts. Do you believe the cargo carriers will be able to transfer a bunch of cars without any problems at all? The answer to everything is essentially easy. The aluminum is one of the very few lightest metals recognized in the world.

For an automobile company, casting the aluminum offers a decrease in the weight of the whole car. This is the reason which has smoothed the way for the substitution of the iron parts. The same holds true for both the convey and aerospace business. The casting of the melted aluminum alloys into the metal molds is also very economical. They are likewise too practical to use for any die casting company processes. Apply gravity, high pressure, or low pressure die casting and you will still come up with the best finished surfaces and close tolerance. The metal is not hard to shape which thus prevents too much application of machining.

The die casting companies in Australia and the United States are all sticking to one common thought and that is to utilize the use of the aluminum alloys to attain the best finishing products! After all, who doesn’t desire to save much on time, effort, and cost for the whole production procedure?

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures aluminum and zinc die casting parts. Samples of KDC’s work include die cast speaker parts, aluminum tile plates, and other die cast metal parts. If you would like to have a quote please visit our website: Kinetic Die Casting Company

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NADCA – North American Die Casting Association


Kinetic Die Casting Company is a corporate member of the North American Die Casting Association NADCA. We have been corporate members for a very long time. The North American Die Casting Association (NADCA) is the sole trade and technical association of the die casting industry. NADCA membership consists of both corporate and individual members from over 950 companies located in every geographic region of the U.S.

These companies include custom die casters (who produce die castings for sale to others), captive die casters (who produce castings for their own use in manufacturing a product), and suppliers to the die casting industry. NADCA members can be found in every type of community across the nation, representing both rural and urban interests.

The North American Die Casting Association (NADCA) represents the voice of the die casting industry. NADCA is committed to promoting industry awareness, domestic growth in the global marketplace and member exposure. Headquartered in Wheeling, IL, the association is comprised of both individual members and corporate members located throughout United States, Canada and Mexico.

The North American Die Casting Association (NADCA) also has an extensive government relations program based in Washington D.C. The program provides government affairs services to NADCA members. NADCA relies on the services of Waterman & Associates to act as the ears, eyes and voice of the die casting industry at the federal level.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

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