Over 30 Die Casters Go to Washington DC. More than 100 U.S. metalcasters, including 30 die casting representatives, visited Washington, DC, to attend the 2009 Metalcasting Industry Government Affairs Conference, which was May 4-5 at the Capitol Hilton, Washington, DC. …
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Tag Archives: Die Casting Company
Sand Casting Compared with Permanent Mold Die Casting
Sand casting compared with Permanent Mold Die casting
Sand casting and die casting are both the manufacturing process to produce cast parts by pouring molten liquid metal into the Permanent Mold, which contains a empty cavity of the desired design, and then allowed to solidify. The main difference between sand casting and Permanent Mold die casting is in the mold.
The sand casting is a cast part produced by shaping a mold from a sand mixture and pouring molten liquid metal into the cavity in the mold. The mold is then cooled until the metal has solidified.It is expendable mold casting.
Die casting is the process of forcing molten metal under high pressure into mold cavities (which are machined into dies). Most die castings are made from nonferrous metals, specifically zinc, copper, and aluminum based alloys, but ferrous metal die castings are possible. It is non-expendable mold casting.
Non-expendable mold casting differs from expendable processes in that the mold is not required to be reformed after each production cycle.
The sand casting is one of the most well-liked and simplest types of casting that has been used for centuries. Sand casting allows for miniscule batches to be made compared to permanent mold casting and at a very tolerable cost. Not only does this method allow manufacturers to create products at a low cost, but there are other benefits to sand casting, such as very small size operations.
The die casting method is especially suited for applications where many small to medium sized parts are needed with good detail, a fine surface quality and dimensional consistency. In recent years, injection-molded plastic parts have been substituted for some die castings because they are cheaper and lighter. Plastic parts are a practical alternative if hardness is not required and little strength is needed.
To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures a lot of aluminum rooftile plates , trim tile molds, and military die casting. If you would like a quote, please visit our website: Kinetic Die Casting Company
Casting Aluminum Tooling Works
The cost-efficient and timely production of a wide array of required equipment components owes much to die casting tooling. This is a critical performance area wherein the die casters and the designers have to put their heads together in product development and design. At this early stage, issues centered around tooling and production have to be fixed along with the identification of the many trade-offs that may be taken to effectively control the total project costs.
One excellent example of the successful collaboration of designers and die casters in Castings Aluminum Tooling is in the automobile business. Through their joint efforts, aluminum auto parts have been successfully planned and developed so much so that today aluminum now is the No. 2 material used in automobiles. The main impetus that inspired the designers–die casters’ collaborative efforts is the rising cost of fuel which spurred consumers’ renewed interest in lighter, more fuel-efficient and environment-friendly cars.
Among the Castings Aluminum Tooling factors pondered in aluminum auto components is the estimate that reducing car weight by 10% could result in consumption by 6% to 8%. Another consideration which may be parlayed in future Castings Aluminum Tooling is that a car weight reduction of 50% may be realized if the body of an automobile is made of aluminum. Substantial fuel savings would be achieved in such a shift, which was reckoned at about 3,000 liters saved for the average lifetime of a car, one Castings Aluminum Tooling endeavor that should be most welcome in these oil-crisis prone times.
To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting is located in North Hollywood,California. KDC specializes in manufacturing zinc and aluminum alloy casting parts. If you would like a quote, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
All about OUR Business!
All About our Business: The Cast Machines KDC uses are computer-aided production control to produce and ship cast parts to our customers on time. We will usually ship quality products in four weeks from the time the order is placed. We can expedite some cast part shipments in less then two weeks. Our die cast machine sizes range from 130 tons to 600 tons in our aluminum die casting machines. Our zinc die casting machines range from 150 tons to 350 tons. We make many types of die cast parts from less than an ounce up to a ten pound shot. High pressure die casting is a process we use to make aluminum die cast parts. We inject molten aluminum alloy metal under pressure into a steel die to produce aluminum parts. Diecasting is a very inexpensive aluminum part manufacturing process. To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Aluminum Lighting Fixtures and Parts
Aluminum Lighting Fixtures and Parts have been produced for many years. Aluminum Die Casting Lighting fixtures are less expensive than other manufacturing processes. Aluminum light fixtures have good thermal properties and are used in applications where high temperature power supplies and bulbs are used. In former years, lighting housings were welded together, which was labor intensive, costly, and had limitations on the shapes available. Aluminum Lighting Fixture Parts can be many shapes and sizes, used in many lighting applications, and can be manufactured net shape. Aluminum weighs 1/3 of a comparable steel part. The aluminum part would cost less to ship due to the weight. Aluminum lighting fixtures can be produced in quantities of a few hundred to thousands of aluminum lighting fixtures each day. Aluminum fixtures are electrically conductive and can be grounded.
To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Aluminum Die Casting Lighting Fixture Parts
Aluminum Die Casting Lighting Fixture Parts from aluminum sand castings. A customer who is a lighting parts manufacturer buys an aluminum sand casting fixture for his lighting products. This sand casting is an “Aluminum Trolley Mount” used to clasp his lighting fixtures from the ceiling in a room. This aluminum trolley fixture has to be strong and look good to be part of his lighting products. He has been using this aluminum sand casting for quite a long time. The initial sand casting cost less to get started with a new product line and die casting cost a little more. The sand casting tooling costs less than $5000 to get started and the part price in this case is about $70 each part. My customer buys about 50 parts a month. His total cost to purchase these castings in a year after the tooling is paid for would be $70 per part times 12 times per year times 50 parts per month ($42,000 per year). Can this part be cost effectively manufactured as an aluminum die casting lighting fixture?
Aluminum Lighting Fixture Die Castings
The die casting part will require die cast tooling. This tooling will take about 10 weeks to be made and will cost about $28,000 to be made. This seems too costly for some but if the yearly total cost is calculated it will show that the tooling cost is reasonable. The part price in this case is $8 each part. A simple calculation will show the cost of the die castings with the die casting tooling will be better than the cheaper sand casting price.
Aluminum Die Castings
Part Price — $ 8.00
Annual Quantity — 600
Total parts cost — $4,800
Tooling cost — $28,000
Total product cost — $32,800
Aluminum Sand Castings
Part Price — $ 70.00
Annual Quantity — 600
Total parts cost — $42,000
Tooling cost — Paid for already
Total product cost — $42,000
The aluminum die casting option will cost about $9,000 less the first year and over $30,000 less each year afterwards. Die casting aluminum is a greater option.
To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.