Tag Archives: Die Casting Company

Die casting parts and the alloys used to make them

Die casting parts and the alloys used to make them. When undergoing die casting, the type of metal alloy used determines the specific type of die casting that should be employed and the quality by which the die casting parts are made. To give you an idea of which metal alloys to use for you to arrive at your desired casting part, take note of the advantages and disadvantages of using these metal alloys.

Zinc is the easiest alloy to cast because it is highly ductile and has high impact strength and can be easily plated. The low melting point of zinc makes it convenient to be used for small casting parts and is expected to last long.

Aluminum is a lightweight alloy that contains a high stability to be molded into complicated shapes and sizes. It is known to be very resistant to corrosion and it is noted for its chemical and physical properties such as high electrical and thermal conductivity as well as high temperature tolerance.

Magnesium is well known to be machined easily, besides being the lightest alloy to be die cast, this metal also has extraordinary strength to weight ratio.

The high hardness of Copper coupled with its high corrosion resistance provides excellent sheer stress resistance and strong dimensional stability like that of steel.

Alloys made from Lead and Tin are high density and are used for production of parts with exceptionally close dimensions.

To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures products like aluminum hardware, and aluminum boxes. If you would like more information on Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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How Are Aluminum Heat Sinks Die Castings Made?

How Are Aluminum Heat Sinks Die Castings Made? Heat sinks are used to reduce or remove heat from electrical appliances. Essentially, these heat sinks are used to prevent appliances from overheating and breaking down. Currently, more and more heat sinks are being made with aluminum die castings because aluminum is able to better diffuse heat from electronic applications or appliances and thereby dissipates heat more effectively. Additionally, aluminum heat sinks’ die castings are durable and electrically conductive. The electrically conductive property of aluminum heat sinks benefits manufacturers because aluminum heat sinks’ die castings are cheaper to produce since they do not need added copper plating. Also, the aluminum parts can be electrically grounded and are used for EMI and RF shielding. Another benefit to manufacturers when using aluminum is that the metal is very abundant and can be easily extracted from the earth’s crust.

Aluminum heat sinks’ die castings are produced by first melting the aluminum. Once the aluminum is melted, the liquid metal is then injected into molds, which will give the aluminum new shapes. Afterwards, the molds are cooled for a while to allow the aluminum to harden. When the molds are cool enough, they are opened to reveal new heat sinks. The die casting method for manufacturing aluminum heat sinks is the best way to produce heat sinks in bulk because it is a reliable, fast, and cheap method.

To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures zinc and aluminium die casting. If you would like a quote, please visit our website:Die Casting quote

Posted in Aluminum Heatsinks | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

On Die Casting Parts Production: Can I Get Custom Metal Parts or Prototype Parts?

On Die Casting Parts Production: Can I Get Custom Metal Parts or Prototype Parts? “Can I get custom metal parts or prototype parts?” This might be the question that you will probably ask out after you have convinced yourself to try the metal die casting parts for your enterprise. In most cases, the answer is yes. Of course, there are dedicated die casting companies that will allow you to see the protoype parts of what you intend to order from them. This is being done by the said firms in order for you to assess the parts physically before they run the mass production.

Prototype and custom metal parts are obtainable for a variety of options. The first one is through the SLA process. SLA is spelled as “Stereo Lithography”. In this process, the prototype parts are created from a plastic that is highly fragile. The parts may easily break when dropped.

The next option is through the prototype castings. Here, a unique SLA is used as a pattern for creating several castings. Unlike with the above process, the prototype castings use metal instead of plastic. The prototype parts almost resemble the design of the original parts that have been requested.

Generally, the prototypes are produced within four to six weeks. They are later delivered to the clients for assessment. Custom parts are also available through a process called CNC machining. The custom parts are often manufactured from heavy-duty metals.

To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting utilizes die casting to manufacture parts like aluminum car parts, airplane parts, lighting parts and much, much more. If you would like to request a quote, please visit our website:Die Casting quote

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Die Casting Companies Remaining in 2010

Not to many years ago, there were over 70 die casting companies in the southern California area. Now, there are only 26 die casting companies remaining in southern California. Here is that list:

  1. Alcastco
  2. Alloy Die Casting Company
  3. Aluminum Die Casting Company
  4. Ambritt Die Casting Company
  5. American Die Casting Company
  6. AQ Die Casting Company
  7. Arrow Die Casting Company
  8. Artmold Die Casting Company
  9. Bucy Die Casting Company
  10. California Die Casting Company
  11. Cast Engineered Products Company
  12. Cast-Rite Die Casting Company
  13. Commercial Die Casting Company
  14. Cox Die Casting Company
  15. Die Cast of America Company
  16. Drumheller Industries
  17. Dynacast Company
  18. Hyatt Die Casting Company
  19. International Die Casting Company
  20. Jeff Courts Company
  21. Kenwalt Die Casting Company
  22. Kim Lighting Die Casting Company
  23. Kinetic Die Casting Company
  24. Pacific Die Casting Company
  25. Pioneer Die Casting Company
  26. Rangers Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting Company is doing very well. A few other of these die casting companies are doing well but many of these companies are nearly out of business. Two “die casting companies” on this list are down to a “one man operation” while a some others only have a few employees that are called in to work when a new purchase order arrives. A few of these companies are barely making the monthly payroll and utilities expenses. In fact, one of these companies will produce parts in exchange for metal, because they are COD with their metal supplier and they do not have the cash to buy materials to supply their other customers with parts.

If you are a buyer of die casting parts, consider this:

  • If the die cast parts you are buying are more expensive everywhere else you look, your die casting supplier is hurting and may go out of business.
  • If your die casting supplier does go out of business, how do you get your die cast tooling?

Kinetic Die Casting Company:
The good news for Kinetic Die Casting Company customers is that we finished the 2010 year very strong.

We have a full work backlog for January 2011 and we look forward to obtaining greater goals in future years.

You should consider moving your die casting part requirements to Kinetic Die Casting Company if you are unsure of your present die casting parts supplier.

Quality die cast parts delivered on time.

Kinetic Die Casting is a aluminum and zinc die casting company. If you would like to know more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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The Many Advantages of New Aluminum Aircraft Parts

The Many Advantages of New Aluminum Aircraft Parts. For many years now, the military and commercial aircrafts are heavily relying on the use of cast aluminum. This metal basically makes up the 80% of the general structure of the plane by weight. Perhaps the reason why cast aluminum is so popular in the aviation industry is because it has the properties that are essential for an airframe. The new aluminum aircraft parts are currently being produced to meet the demands of today’s aircraft builders.

The use of aluminum aircraft parts has seriously created an impact on the aviation industry. For one, the manufactured parts allowed the builders to cut on material expenses. They are simply ideal for large-scale fabrication of airframes. Aircraft builders have found out that they will save more on manufacturing expenses if they utilize the new aluminum aircraft parts.

Aircraft parts that are made of aluminum are actually produced through the process of die-casting. The advantages of this procedure are clearly evident. Die cast aluminum parts have accurate dimensions just like the original pieces. Aside from that, they usually come out of the molds with smooth surfaces.

The die casting companies are the main producers of aircraft parts. They can customize and duplicate a variety of component parts for their clients. They manufacture different sizes and shapes, and they can even assist their clients in formulating new design concepts for their aircrafts.

To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting is a Los Angeles die casting company that manufactures aluminum and zinc parts. If you would like more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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