Why Should You Use Aluminum Aircraft Parts? We should use aluminum in aircraft parts because it is light in weight and low in density. The aluminum is actually alloyed with other kinds of metals to make it much tougher and …
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Tag Archives: die casting tooling
Die Casting Tooling: an Industrial Process
Die Casting Tooling an industrial process. Die casting is an industrial process used by manufacturers which involves forcing melted metal into Die Casting Tooling or also known as molds under extremely high pressure. This process is commonly used in cases where a manufacturer would need a large quantity of small sized or medium sized parts. This process can make use of ferrous metals but it usually uses non ferrous materials such as copper, zinc, aluminum and magnesium among other metals. Die casting is a great process to use where the manufacturer needs to maintain smooth surface, good quality of parts and a fairly uniform out come for each part. There is little or sometimes no need for post production machining to uniform the die cast parts.
There are two ways to achieve this process; first is to use hot chambered machine and the second is to use cold chambered machine. The former is used for metals with lower melting points and can fill in the cavities of Die Casting Tooling faster compared to the latter. However, there are metals which hot chambered machines cannot handle so cold chambered machines are used in their place.
When it comes to Die Casting Tooling, there are different sizes and shapes to choose from. There are also different styles to use and the cost will vary based on the simplicity or complexity of the mold. They are built usually from hardened steel which takes a lot of time to finish. This is the main part of the whole die casting process and is the most important part.
Free Die Casting Tool Insert Mounting
Kinetic Die Casting Company has several available die casting moldbases or Mold Bases for insert tools. If your company has die casting inserts only, we will mount your die casting inserts into one our available die casting tooling holders for free.
Discount for Die Casting Insert Tooling Mounting –
Sometimes a manufacturing company owns simple tooling inserts and not the moldbase or die holder to make parts. The cost to mount these inserts in another moldbase can run as high as $2500. If your company has these inserts and cannot move those inserts to Kinetic Die Casting Company because of the mounting cost. We have good news for you!
For three months: November 2009, December 2009 and January 2010, Kinetic Die Casting will offer free tool mounting for simple insert tools sent to our company for production. This a a savings of $500 to sometimes over $2500 at other die casting companies.
Here are the terms of this free mounting offer:
- Inserts must arrive in our facility no later than January 31, 2010.
- A purchase order must be approved by Kinetic Die Casting for production parts by January 31, 2010
- KDC pricing on new jobs is provided in less than three days typically, if a sample part casting and a casting print are provided.
- There will be no limitation from KDC on the minimum or maximum quantity of production parts of the part purchase order.
- Delivery of the parts can be scheduled anytime in 2010
- Simple insert means the inserts have no slides (a small fee for slides is necessary)
- Die Casting Insert Tools remain the property of the customer.
- Die Casting Moldbase or tooling holder remains the property of Kinetic Die Casting.
Contact Kinetic Die Casting today to take advantage of this free offer:
Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California
USA 91605
800-524-8083 tel
818-982-0877 fax
Kinetic Die Casting is a aluminum and zinc die casting company. If you would like to know more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
Die Casting Methods and Applications
Die Casting Methods and Applications. To produce die casting for specific applications, the following variations on the basic process can be used. “Squeeze casting” is a method that yields high quality, dense, and heat treatable components. In this method, molten alloy is cast without turbulence and gas entrapment at high pressure. Another procedure is the “semi-solid molding”. Semi-solid metal billets are cast to give dense, heat-treatable castings with low porosity.
Sophisticated methods to automate the die casting process are used by modern die casters. These methods provide continuous quality control. Automated systems are used to lubricate dies or die casting tools and die casting molds. These systems are also used to ladle metal into cold chamber machines, and integrate other functions like quenching and trimming castings.
Microprocessors obtain metal velocity. They shot rod position and hydraulic pressure and other data. These data are used to adjust die casting machine process. This is to assure consistent castings shot after shot. These process control systems also collect machine performance data. These data are for statistical analysis in quality control.
One of the fastest and most cost-effective methods for producing a wide range of components is die-casting. To be able to maximize benefits from their process, it is important for the designers to coordinate with the die caster during the early part of product design and development. This way, issues affecting die cast tooling and production are resolved, while identifying trade-offs affecting overall costs.
For more information on die casting designs, there are a lot of websites in the internet that may help get insights and details. You may also find online various die casting companies that may help you with your die casting requirements.
Kinetic Die Casting is a aluminum and zinc die casting company. If you would like to know more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
Die Cast Tooling and Its Forms
Die Cast Tooling and Its Forms. Die cast tooling are the dies and the molds used for die casting. These die cast tools many forms namely Trim Dies used for die cast parts, Die Cast Family Mold Tooling, Complete Class “A” Die Cast Mold Tooling or Die Tooling, Unit Die Tooling, Prototype Die Cast Tooling Inserts and Die Cast Tooling Inserts.
I would be focusing this article on the latter form, the die cast tooling inserts since among all the die cast tooling, these are the least expensive. These actually are just enough steel to create cavities plus extra steel to put up with the fluctuations of the temperature of molten metal injecting under force. To extend the tooling life, the inserts should be heat treated to reach their proper hardness, not too hard and not too soft. Making it too soft will cause it to easily get damaged or easily wear from erosion and making it too hard, on the other hand could result to the steel cracking due to high temperature. Toolmakers who do not use enough steel in the inserts may reduce its potential life.
The die casting tooling inserts need to be supported by a type of holder so that metal could be injected into it and also to provide a sort of a path for the metal to pass and go in while the gases escape. These gases should be removed because it can produce porosity. This holder of inserts are called unit die, family die or mold base.
Die casting is no simple task. You would need to ask expert toolmakers to do this job for you. You just simply need to look online for you to find the expert that could help you. Varying websites of different die casting companies can be found in the internet. All you need is to choose which is the one nearest you.
Aluminum Auto Parts for Cars
Aluminum Auto Parts for Cars. For a car to properly work, it has to make use of a number of parts. Owners of these machines would of course want to be able to trust and rely on each part of their car so that when they use it, they know that nothing can go wrong. Of course, it cannot be avoided that one day something is going to give. The best thing that any car owner can do is lessen the risk of something breaking in the middle of the road. With that, car manufacturers are starting to realize the efficiency of making use of Aluminum Car Parts.
Aluminum has been known to be one of the toughest and most durable materials in the whole world. At the same time, it is relatively cheap and easy to acquire aluminum as it can be mined almost everywhere. Aluminum Auto Parts are also lighter compared to using steel parts, which makes the car lighter overall as well. This significantly proves the performance of the car and its reliability. Because of these characteristics, aluminum has been said to be more valuable than gold.
To craft Aluminum Auto Parts fast and consistent in quality, manufacturers can make use of die casting. This is the process wherein the material, in this case aluminum, will be turned into liquid and then poured into molds. The molds cavity will shape the liquid into the desired shape of the manufacturer. Then this will be allowed to solidify. The resulting Aluminum Auto Parts are almost identical because of using the same die casting tooling over and over again.
Kinetic Die Casting manufactures custom metal parts to their customer. If you would like more information about Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company