Tag Archives: die casting

Aluminum Chassis Enclosures

Aluminum Chassis Enclosure Castings. High pressure die casting is the process used to make aluminum box enclosures and chassis housing castings. This process is now becoming more and more popular in several major manufacturing industries because of its many advantages.

Furthermore, Aluminum is a great metal to work with. Unlike other metal alloys, it has several strengths. This metal can be found almost everywhere in the planet. Supply will not run out, so it is easy to acquire and not heavy on your pockets.

Advantages of aluminum chassis castings include:

  • Aluminum can be stronger than steel
  • three times greater axial load strength
  • Faster production rate. In fact, production quantities can be done within a few days instead of several weeks!
  • Fewer failures and returns to the OEM
  • Weight is lighter by two and a half times for lesser shipping costs
  • Less finishing costs
  • Raw parts manufacturing costs are much less
  • Better looking parts

Also, you can produce aluminum die casts according to your preference and specifications, such as the trim, clean, machine, inspect, powder coat and the package of your aluminum cast parts.

The use of aluminum castings over still helps you reduce weight, boost strength, and save you more money.

Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes Aluminum Die Casting Parts. As a die casting company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.


The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”

Kineticdc makes:
What Are Die Casting Parts?
Die Casting Aluminum Heat Sinks
Aluminum Boxes Diecastings

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail sales@kineticdc.com Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877
Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/aluminum-chassis-enclosures/

#kineticdc #diecasting #aluminumboxes

Posted in Aluminum Die Casting, Blogger, Die Casting Parts, Enclosures, newsletter | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

NADCA West Coast 2018

North America Die Casting Association NADCA is excited to announce the West Coast California Die Casting Congress on January 11-12, 2018 at the Hilton Long Beach. The Congress will feature technology highlights of our Congress in Atlanta last year in fall. It is important to use that all our members are able to access this information prevalent to the advancement in the industry. The event will kick off with a cocktail reception on January 11 and lead into a full day of presentations on January 12.


The NADCA Die Casting Congress will be sponsored by a limited number of Die Casting Suppliers that attendees will be able to meet with to learn more about products and services available to the die casting industry.

The cost is just $20 for NADCA Members and $50 for Non-Members*. Contact Melisa Ryzner, CMP 847-808-3161 Education & Meetings Manager. If you are sending more than 5 people you can receive discounted pricing.

Thursday, January 11, 2018
Cocktail Reception 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Friday, January 12, 2018
Breakfast 7:30 – 8:30 am
Congress Presentations 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Lunch 11:45-1:15 PM

Die Casting Congress West
Long Beach, CA
January 11-12, 2018
Hilton Long Beach
701 W Ocean Blvd
Long Beach, CA 90831

Event Rate:
$20 NADCA Members
$50 Non-Members
Contact Melisa Ryzner, CMP 847-808-3161
*Registration includes access to the cocktail hour as well as breakfast and lunch on January 12.

Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/nadca-west-coast-2018/

Posted in Blogger, Business, Competitors, Diecasting Process, newsletter, Supplier | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Some Various Uses of Die Cast Materials Kineticdc

Some Various Uses of Die Cast Materials. The process of die casting involves the injection of molten metal into a die, which is a mold created of steel. This set-up is then subjected to high levels of pressure to create complex designs and structures. The subsequent parts are then used to serve as essential components of a bigger equipment. Die casting machines can range from 400 to 4,000 tons, but the machine size doesn’t actually have anything to do with how a product will turn out. It will depend on the method used to die cast, which is either the hot chamber or the cold chamber method.

For those who are involved in businesses that require metal parts on a regular basis, it is significant to know that choosing the proper alloy is essential to ensure the stability and the durability of the assembled equipment. Depending on usage, some alloys are better suited than others. For example, the zinc alloy is recommended for use in sink faucets, aluminum is advisable for auto parts, and magnesium works well with electronic devices.

Kinetic Die Casting Company


This company was established in 1994 and now are based in Los Angeles, California. To date, they have served a lot of industries that are in need of metal parts. Through the years they have constantly proven to their customers that they can be trusted with their work and service.

In getting a better idea where die cast materials are commonly used, here are some of the things we use that utilize die cast products:

Boxes made of Aluminum

Similarly entitled aluminum housings or aluminum enclosures, these are widely used because of their lighter weight compared to steel products. They can be effortlessly grounded and they are electrically conductive, and this is the reason computer and telecommunications companies are one of the chief customers of metal work businesses. Automobile companies also purchase aluminum housings for their motors and car transmissions.

Speaker Parts

Aluminum and zinc die casting companies also produce metal parts for speakers. These are commonly derived from zinc and aluminum alloys. They make up the frames and the back cover of the speakers. In addition, die cast products are not only used in speakers, but they are also used in guitar amplifiers and other music equipment.

Lighting Fixture Parts

Regarding lighting fixtures, utilizing the aluminum metal is highly recommended because of its good thermal properties. Before die casting was used to create light fixtures, welding was the process they used to manufactured housing for lights. Many have found this to be labor intensive and expensive, plus the designs of the parts were narrow. Now, die casting allows the manufacturer to create designs based on the customer’s taste. Certain examples of lighting parts include fixtures for airport runways lights, medical lights, and commercial lights.

Automotive Parts

Aluminum die casting can also be found in car parts. Die cast parts are used in aluminum wheels, engine blocks, brand logos, handles, mirrors, and clutches. If you need to save a little money, you can try communicating to the Kinetic Die Casting Company because they make parts that are suited for Chevrolet, Toyota, Nissan, Honda, and Jeep vehicles.

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This is the blog on the website for Kinetic Die Casting Company.

Call us and let us know if we can make parts for you 818-982-9200.
Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue North Hollywood California 91605
www.kineticdc.com #diecasting #kineticdc #manufacturing @kineticdc

Kineticdc makes:
Automotive Die Casting Parts
Light Fixture Die Casting Parts
Consumer Products Aluminum Parts
Aerospace Die Casting Parts
Military Die Casting Parts

Posted in Auto Parts, Die Casting Parts, Enclosures, Lighting, newsletter | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

NADCA Die Casting Congress 2017

Copied from Newsletter – Registration Now Open for NADCA’s Die Casting Congress & Tabletop
The 2017 Die Casting Congress & Tabletop will be held September 18-20, 2017, at the Atlanta Convention Center at the AmericasMart in Atlanta, GA. This three day event will feature more than 100 exhibitors ready to highlight their latest and greatest products and technology. Over 30 Congress presentations will be given by experts from around the world on topics such as computer modeling, process engineering, advanced technology, additive manufacturing and a special Global Trends spotlight session, just to name a few. These presentations will expose metalcasters to the latest technology, ongoing research and successful management tools that will assist companies in enhancing their competitiveness.

Winners of the International Die Casting Design Competition will be on display and honored as well as the Die Casting Industry Award winners. Companies looking to send more than 5 attendees will receive a special discounted rate. For more information or to register contact the North American Die Casting Association
September 18-20, 2017
Atlanta, GA
** Click Here To Register: NADCA Die Casting Congress **

*Those exhibiting in the show will receive special instructions on how to register their complimentary personnel.
Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/nadca-die-casting-congress-2017/

Posted in Business, Diecasting Process, newsletter | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Zinc Miniature Parts From Kinetic Die Casting Company

zinc die casting part for camera
Die Casting, Zinc Miniature parts. Aluminum die cast Parts created by Kinetic Die Casting Company could be stronger than steel. Kinetic Die Casting is a die cast part manufacturer of better quality Aluminum die cast parts. Kinetic Die Casting has Low Quantity Die casting Production or High Quantity Die casting Part Production.

High pressure Die casting is a procedure we utilize to create aluminum die cast parts. We poured molten aluminum alloy under pressure into die cast tooling to make aluminum parts. Die casting is an tremendously modest aluminum part assembling procedure.

Die casting procedure uses die cast tooling where molten metal is poured at high pressure. The cast part is taken out of the machine to be cooled before being shipped to the customer. Die casting is great for people who want miniature die cast parts.

Die casting was originally fashioned in the early 1800s. It was originally use for the printing business, yet not long after in assisting in the expansion of shopper things. It essentially made parts reasonable in high volumes. There are essentially two distinct sorts of Die cast machines – hot chamber die casting machine and cold chamber die casting machine. Whether the chamber uses as a part of the process of Die casting is hot or cool hinges on the sort of metal used.

This is the blog on the Kinetic Die Casting Company web site. We also produce Die Casting Tooling. Look at this website page for more details: www.kineticdiecasting.com/tooling_die_casting.html. Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company at sales@kineticdc.com

Do you know someone that can use our services? Call us and let us know 818-982-9200. www.kineticdc.com #diecasting #kineticdc #manufacturing @kineticdc #zinc #zincdiecasting

Kineticdc makes:
Aircraft Die Castings
Aluminum Heat Sink Die Castings
Automotive Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Bracket Parts
Light Fixture Die Casting Parts
Enclosure Box Die Castings
Consumer Products Aluminum Parts
Aerospace Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Golf Parts

Posted in Bracket, Brass Die Casting, Die Casting Alloys, Golf, Kinetic Die Casting Company | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment