Tag Archives: die casting

The Different Types of Die Cast Tooling

The Different Types of Die Cast Tooling.  Die cast tooling are the dies and the molds used for die casting. These die cast tools many forms namely Trim Dies used for die cast parts, Die Cast Family Mold Tooling, Complete Class “A” Die Cast Mold Tooling or Die Tooling, Unit Die Tooling, Prototype Die Cast Tooling Inserts and Die Cast Tooling Inserts.

The die cast tooling inserts since among all the die cast tooling, these are the least expensive. These actually are just enough steel to create cavities plus extra steel to put up with the fluctuations of the temperature of molten metal injecting under force. To extend the tooling life, the inserts should be heat treated to reach their proper hardness, not too hard and not too soft. Making it too soft will cause it to easily get damaged or easily wear from erosion and making it too hard, on the other hand could result to the steel cracking due to high temperature. Toolmakers who do not use enough steel in the inserts may reduce its potential life.

Furthermore, the die casting tooling inserts need to be supported by a type of holder so that metal could be injected into it and also to provide a sort of a path for the metal to pass and go in while the gases escape. These gases should be removed because it can produce porosity. This holder of inserts are called unit die, family die or mold base.

You will need to ask expert toolmakers to do this job for you. You just simply need to look online for you to find the expert that could help you. Varying websites of different die casting companies can be found in the internet. All you need is to choose which is the one nearest you.

Die Casting Molds Tooling
Die Casting Tooling Mold

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings using Die Casting Tooling. As a Die Casting Company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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Aluminum Manufacturing

Aluminum Manufacturing. Aluminum is widely used in die casting because of the properties that it possesses. Aluminum is useful even in everyday life because that is why die casting companies produce die cast parts made from this alloy. Aluminum alloy is lightweight and has good corrosion resistance. It can also take high temperatures so the things that need to be heat resistant are usually made of aluminum alloy. The things that also need high corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity are made of aluminum. Due to its high dimensional stability, aluminum alloy is used to make thin walls and complex shapes.

Furthermore, Aluminum die casting part types can depend on the combination of alloying elements such as silicon and copper. Zinc can also be used as alloying element to aluminum. The combination of the properties of the different alloys allows the production of high quality products. Silicon increases melt fluidity that is why complex parts such as connector housings and thin walls are made of aluminum with silicon. When copper is used as the alloying element, the part has increased hardness and decreased ductility.

Aluminum part types can be differentiated on the amount of alloying element present. Aluminum types are Alloy A380, A360, A369, A390, A413, and A518. They are series of aluminum alloys so expect to see alloy types with decimals. The Alloy A380 is the most common aluminum alloy used in die casting. Lawnmower housings and gears are usually made of AA 380. Escalator parts and conveyor parts are usually made of Alloy 518. Parts that need high corrosion resistance are made of Alloy A360 aluminum parts.

Parts differ in the content of alloying element that makes the aluminum part types. They also cater to the different needs of the consumers and the producers as well. These are the most common Aluminum Alloy Types.

Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes Aluminum Casting Parts. As a die casting company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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The Disadvantages of having Porosity in Die Casting

Disadvantages of porosity in diecasting. Diecasting is a method of molding molten metal, plastic and resin into whatever shape you desire. In order to do this, a machine will need to pour the molten substance into a container and then force it inside the mold until it cools down. The substance will eventually harden and take the form of the die cast mold it is in. Die casting is commonly used in making toys, instruments, costumes and even costumes. However, there are certain problems in which the products become porous which contributes a lot to its brittleness. This is commonly known as die cast porosity, an unwanted result brought about by air pockets and void space inside the molded material. Products with porosity typically are considered to be of low standard and poor in quality. Here are some disadvantages of die casting porosity.

Air pockets inside a die cast product; can cause weakness of the material. The structure becomes less stable because the density of the particles melded together is not balanced due to small voids of space within. There are also times when die casting porosity makes the product look less appealing to the buyer or consumer, due to the impression that porosity is a result of low quality machine and materials. Chances of infiltration are also high due to an imbalance in the density of the material. Luckily, there are a lot of ways to reduce the chances of cast die porosity. However, it would also mean an increase in your expense, but it would also increase the chance of more consumers because of your high grade product materials.

Die Casting Molds Tooling
Die Casting Tooling Mold

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings using Die Casting Tooling. As a Die Casting Company, we make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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Auto Parts made from Aluminum for Cars

Auto Parts made from Aluminum for Cars. For a car to properly work, it has to make use of a number of parts. Owners of these machines would of course want to be able to trust and rely on each part of their car so that when they use it, they know that nothing can go wrong. Of course, it cannot be avoided that one day something is going to give. The best thing that any car owner can do is lessen the risk of something breaking in the middle of the road. With that, car manufacturers are starting to realize the efficiency of making use of Aluminum Car Parts.

Also, aluminum has been known to be one of the toughest and most durable materials in the whole world. At the same time, it is relatively cheap and easy to acquire aluminum as it can be mined almost everywhere. Aluminum Auto Parts are also lighter compared to using steel parts, which makes the car lighter overall as well. This significantly proves the performance of the car and its reliability. Because of these characteristics, aluminum has been said to be more valuable than gold.

Furthermore, to craft Aluminum Auto Parts fast and consistent in quality, manufacturers can make use of die casting. This is the process wherein the material, in this case aluminum, will be turned into liquid and then poured into molds. The molds cavity will shape the liquid into the desired shape of the manufacturer. Then this will be allowed to solidify. The resulting Aluminum Auto Parts are almost identical because of using the same die casting tooling over and over again.

Die Casting Aluminum Auto Part
Automotive Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die castings as die casting auto parts. We make these parts every day and ship thousands of these aluminum die castings every week.
Contact us to get die casting prices http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/replyform.html.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue
North Hollywood, California 91605

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#DieCasting Parts

The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today #kineticdc #diecasting #manufacturing http://www.kineticdc.com 818-982-9200

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