DETROIT (AP) — Firefighters are still at the scene of what’s left of the Diversified Chemical Technologies plant on Detroit’s west side. On Monday, fire ripped through the building, triggering explosions that sent flames and smoke shooting through the air. …
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Tag Archives: die casting
Aluminum Handle Hardware in 2023
New Aluminum Handle Hardware. Aluminum Handles are found everywhere. At home, at the office you might not notice but you find and use it for your everyday needs. As for example, it is used for handles, common furniture, accessories and design for the house like flower pots and curtains. Aluminum handle hardware brackets are top of the line, because it produced in a way that it would last a lifetime. Through die casting, New Aluminum Hardware Brackets parts are produced as a whole, which means it is not many pieces assembled or welded together. For this reason, the brackets are harder to break or destroy. Aside from this die casting also die cast the holes in to place, thus saving time and money for manufacturer in using machining holes.
New Aluminum Hardware Brackets are recommended than steel brackets because it is very light in weight. It is very good in making you keep things in their correct position. To be exact, it is 1/3 less in weight in comparison to its competition- steel brackets. It is also electrical and heat conductive. These type of handle castings can be sturdier than steel, and are easily massed produced every day. Several methods could be done to create new aluminum hardware brackets. Examples are pressure die casting or extrusion.
To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at for a fast response on a price quote.

“The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”
Kineticdc makes:
Aluminum Heat Sinks
Automotive Die Casting Parts
Airplane Die Casting Parts
Light Fixture Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Aluminum Box Enclosures
Aerospace Die Casting Parts
Military Die Casting Parts
Die Casting Tooling
Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200
Kinetic Die Casting is a aluminum and zinc die casting company. If you would like to know more information, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
“The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”
Kinetic Die Casting Company. Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood,
California 91605, United States of America
USA Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200
To get prices for Die Casting Tooling Molds or Parts:
RFQ Die Casting Tooling Part Prices
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes:
Aluminum Machining Differs from Steel Parts Machining in 2023
Aluminum Parts Machining Differs from Steel Parts Machining. Aluminum can be used in many ways. However there are different ways on how you can work with it. Aluminum parts machining requires less power compared to steel parts or cast iron parts because they are light weight.
Aluminum parts machining can be different in cast iron machining. It’s the type of tools and tooling technologies that you will use will make a difference.
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes aluminum die cast parts. If you are working with aluminum parts, the spindle of the machine should be strong and forceful. Spindles require higher speeds along with a lesser low-end torque compared to machining other metals like steel. Also, the spindle should be stiff because it will work in very fast conditions. Other experts on this field recommend the use of HSK tapers to ensure accuracy and rigidity. Moreover, if you are using very fast tools, rotating inertia can be reduced with the use of closed-loop spindles powered by a motor.
Furthermore, it requires little cutting forces if you are working out with aluminum parts. The machine has to be well-damped and stiff.
Since you are working with high speeds, there’s a chance of thermal growth. It can create a major problem if you are working out with light metals. It can lead to a major problem if you are working with light metal parts like aluminum.
Find yourself a machine with thermal control system. A cooling system is recommended in order to reduce the frictional heat in the bearings when the higher spindle speeds up. Also, you must protect the spindle against coolant penetration by sealing it because the entire machining operation of a light metal is not dry.
Kinetic Die Casting manufactures products like aluminum hardware, and aluminum boxes. If you would like more information on Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
“The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”
Kinetic Die Casting Company. Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood,
California 91605, United States of America
USA Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200
To get prices for Die Casting Tooling Molds or Parts:
RFQ Die Casting Tooling Part Prices
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes:
Does Thicker Walls in Die Casting create Stronger Die Cast Parts in 2023?
Kinetic Die Casting Company has helped many customers develop new products. There are many factors singular to the die casting process that are needed to consider such as product strengths, draft angles, gate areas, material types, material flow, slide features, undercuts, and wall thicknesses.
Over the years, I have had to convince several buyers, engineers, and designers that increasing the thickness of the walls or other sections in a die casting part does not increase the part strength. In fact, it does the opposite. As the molten metal is injected through the gate, into the die casting mold, the metal freezes on the wall surfaces of the die on the die casting part exterior and interior. The metal contacting these die surfaces is denser and harder than the section sandwiched between the two wall surfaces.
The first .030” to .050” surface of the casting where the metal is denser is commonly called the “skin” of the die casting. The die casting skin is on both interior surfaces and exterior surfaces. The material between the two skin surfaces is weaker and less dense. A part that has a wall thickness of .080” would have a skin surface of about .060”, on the interior wall .030” and the exterior wall .030”. The section sandwiched between the two skins, approximately .020” would provide little strength.
Die Casting parts should not typically be thicker than .125”. On die casting parts with thicker walls than .125”, the increased thickness decreases the wall strength by increasing opportunities for porosity, shrinkage and laps. Parts that will be machined should only have less than .030” removed to preserve more of the die casting strength and to avoid exposing porosity.
When it comes to increasing strength in aluminum die casting parts, other methods are used. I will detail how to strengthen die casting parts in future articles.
Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company 800-524-8083, if you have a metal product that you are considering manufacturing. We will evaluate your design and make suggestions on other metal manufacturing processes when necessary. If die casting is the best option, we will assist you in material selection, tooling manufacture, and provide the cost for tooling and die casting parts.
Kinetic Die Casting manufactures custom metal parts to their customer. If you would like more information about Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
“The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”
Kinetic Die Casting Company. Inc.
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood,
California 91605, United States of America
USA Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200
To get prices for Die Casting Tooling Molds or Parts:
RFQ Die Casting Tooling Part Prices
Kinetic Die Casting Company makes: