Quality Inspector / Manager of die casting parts. June 25, 2012 – Quality Inspector / Manager This job is to be a working inspector and manager not a corporate manager. We are looking for an ambitious individual to get their …
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Tag Archives: Enclosures
Draft Angles in Die Castings
Kinetic Die Casting Company discusses “Draft Angle in Die Castings” – “what is draft angle in an aluminum metal box casting?” or “why do I need a draft angle on my aluminum die casting box part?” The mechanical reply is, all aluminum die castings need a draft angle on the walls of die cast box parts perpendicular to the parting plane or parallel to the slide interfaces. Because I have been selling die cast parts for over 20 years, I find easy answers and give simple calculations for my clients. What does that have to do with the usual engineer (any engineer other than in tooling or mechanical) or professional buyer?
Most people do not have the need to worry about how things are made; only what is made, and will it be what is essential. “Have you ever observed on a cupcake the bottom diameter is smaller than the top diameter?” or “Have you noted that a cake pan has sides that slope in toward the middle of the pan?” That would be an extreme case of a draft angle. Aluminum die castings would stick inside the die casting tool, molds, or die casting die if there was not enough draft angle in the tool and part. The usual draft angle for an aluminum die casting part is two degrees per side. The calculation for that is easy if a anyone is acquainted with die casting production part design.
Imagine an enclosure (or Aluminum Box) lying on a counter with the open side up. The aluminum box is 2″ deep inside with the height and width 4″ each way on outside. The walls of the box are 0.10″ in width. Due to the wall’s thickness, a few things are obvious to a part designer regarding this seemingly simple box:
A 2 degree draft angle will alter the dimensions in the following on the interior and exterior and should be regarded if something needs to fit inside the box or outside the box:
If the box was intended for the interior of 4″ x 4″ at the bottom: box:
See our die casting draft webpage: http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/draft.html
Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company at 800-524-8083 for more information
The Many uses of Die Casting Aluminum Boxes
The Many uses of Die Casting Aluminum Boxes. Kinetic Die Casting Company makes many types of aluminum boxes using the die casting process. These “Boxes” are also known as “Chassis” or “Enclosures” and “Housings”.
This aluminum box known as a Guitar Amplifier Chassis, was used in the music industry:
Guitar Amplifier Chassis Die Casting
This is an aluminum die casting part that was developed here at Kinetic Die Casting Company for a company called Damage Control. Damage Control purchased thousands of these aluminum Guitar Amplifier Chassis from us in 100-200 part increments, complete and ready for assembly. The tool to produce this part has three slides and the tool cost them around $20,000 to produce. The part cost is around $3.00 each part.
This die casting part is a military housing:
Military Die Casting Photos
This part is an aluminum die casting that Kinetic Die Casting Company does a radio-graphic inspection then impregnates and then machines the required threads and complete the part with a chemical film prior to painting the part. These parts are purchased in lots of 50-100 parts.
This next item is a lot more common. This is an electrical conduit housing:
Kinetic Die Casting company produced 16,000 parts for this company every week before they were purchased by a much larger company and moved to India.
Evidently, there are several types of aluminum boxes produced as a die casting part. We can help you with your aluminum box product development. Cal us today to review your aluminum box part design.
Kinetic Die Casting manufactures aluminum die castings creating aluminum die casting boxes, aluminum handle hardware, and aerospace die casting. If you would like to get a quote, please visit our website: Kinetic Die Casting Company
Where to Buy Brass Die Casting Electric Motor Parts
Where to Buy Brass Die Casting Electric Motor Parts. If you are looking to purchase brass die casting electric motor parts, you basically have just a couple of options. You can buy them from a brick and mortar hardware store or you can just login online and find retailers on the World Wide Web.
Looking for the parts at your local hardware store however might not give you any results. Either they don’t carry them on their shop inventories or the parts aren’t just available locally.
The next place for you to look will be on the internet. Shopping on the internet has a plethora of advantages over shopping offline. First, online products are normally offered with lesser selling prices than their offline counterparts. Second, you have a lot of online retailers to choose from. It’s would be like shopping from several stores at a time in the comforts of your home. Third, if the parts aren’t available in your area or country even, there’s a chance someone from another country is selling the parts.
Online shopping however, have its own drawbacks. This is the internet after all so there are a lot of scammers out there. People who are after your money. They offer you products, ask for a down payment then take off with your money. It is therefore best that you purchase only from trusted and reputable retail sites.
In the case of brass die casting electric motor parts, there are a lot of sellers of these parts online. A lot of these are based overseas. As much as possible, try to purchase from those located locally for security and of course faster shipping reasons.
To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting is located in Southern California. KDC specializes in aluminum and zinc die casting tooling. If you would like a quote, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
Where do you find Aluminum Chassis Castings?
Where do you find Aluminum Chassis Castings? Chassis, in its basic word usage, is the frame of any inanimate object. It is like the skeleton of human beings and animals. It holds the vital organs – or in the case of machines, the engine and other important parts – and keeps everything securely in place.
The term chassis is commonly used for vehicles. It serves as the frame of the vehicle, holding the engine and other important parts. The same applies to military tanks. The vehicle chassis includes the driver’s seat and other lower parts of the car or vehicle. When you talk about chassis, it also applies to electronics. An electronics chassis is a mounting case for all the microchips that an appliance or a computer might need for its different functions.
So where do you find aluminum chassis castings? Well, the first question would be, “what kind of chassis are you looking for?” As already mentioned, there are different chassis for different materials. If you are looking for a vehicle chassis casting, then you should basically look for it in places where vehicles are manufactured and sold. Of course, it would probably be impossible to buy one from car manufacturers. The easiest way would be to check the Internet for the specific model you are looking for. For electronics chassis, you can find some in electronics sale and repair shops.
To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.
Kinetic Die Casting manufactures custom metal parts to their customer. If you would like more information about Kinetic Die Casting, please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company
Where do you find Die Casting Aluminum Boxes?
Where do you find Die Casting Aluminum Boxes? Die casting aluminum boxes are everywhere since they are used for various purposes. These can be found in homes as storage for books and collections. These can also be found in trucks and automobiles since these are used as engine enclosures in engine compartments. These boxes can also be located in electrical junction boxes, motors, and car transmissions. You can also find these boxes in the products offered by computer companies since the computer disk drives also use housings.
These boxes can also be seen in communication companies since they utilize enclosures. Materials and equipments which need protection from sudden impact, moisture, and dust are also where you can find the die cast aluminum boxes. Products which, according to their manufacturers, have RF/EMI shielding are products which also have these boxes. So you can find these boxes in communication devices since these use the die cast aluminum boxes as a means of shielding their parts from unwanted radio waves and frequency interference. As to the question where one can buy die casting aluminum boxes, you can always find an online manufacturing directory and search for companies which offer the best die casting aluminum boxes.
To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.
Kinetic Die Casting can manufacture aluminum automobile parts, heat sinks, aerospace parts and much more. If you are looking for aluminum or zinc parts, visit our website Kinetic Die Casting Company