Tag Archives: Kinetic Die Casting Company

Do You Know Why Lighting Manufactures Use Aluminum Lighting Parts?

Do you know why lighting manufactures use Aluminum Lighting Parts? Lighting Fixtures and Parts are electrical parts and devices used to create artificial light or illumination outdoors or in houses and buildings. Lighting fixtures are classified as indoor lighting fixtures or outdoor lighting fixtures. A complete lighting fixture unit consists of the light source or lamp, the light reflector for directing the light, an aperture (with or without a lens), the outer shell or housing for lamp alignment and protection, an electrical ballast, if required, and connection to a power source. A wide variety of special light fixtures are created for use in the:

    o Commercial Outdoor Lighting
    o Automotive Lighting Industry,
    o Aerospace Lighting,
    o Marine Lighting and
    o Medical Offices use Hanging Light Fixtures.
    o Parking Garage Lights
    o Airport Runway Lights
    o Medical Lighting
    o Commercial Lighting fixtures
    o Lighting Fixture Housings.
    o Bullet Light Fixture.
    o Street Traffic Light Housings.
    o Walk Light Housings.
    o High Temperature Lighting Housings.
    o Outdoor Coach Lights.
    o Wall Sconce Fixtures.

    More Information:
    o (http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/lighting_fixtures.html)
    o (http://www.kineticdiecasting.com/lighting.html)

Kinetic Die Casting Company produces these die cast Lighting Parts at rates of a few hundred to several thousand parts each day to satisfy our customers’ production needs.

In the past, lighting parts manufacturers mostly used steel as material for their lighting products. Aluminum is a more recent innovation in the field of lighting fixtures manufacturing, although aluminum lighting parts have been in the market for a long time as well.

In fact, these days, aluminum is the material of choice for builders and engineers who are constantly looking for lighting fixtures for their projects.

Aluminum lighting parts have many advantages over those made of other materials. In terms of cost, for example, lighting parts that are made of aluminum are cheaper than those made of other materials because the raw material itself is relatively cheaper. When it comes to performance, lighting parts that are made of aluminum are also top-notch. For one, the material is highly conductive and has excellent thermal properties that allow it to withstand high temperatures.

Aluminum lighting parts are also convenient to transport, because they are three times lighter than their steel counterpart. And because they are heavier, even transportation costs are minimal, compared to transporting steel. There are a wide range of aluminum lighting parts in the market these days. The wide selection is caused by the fact the aluminum is flexible and pliable, allowing manufacturers to produce parts in different shapes and sizes, and for any application that they can be used for.


To get a price for aluminum die casting lighting fixture parts or die casting tooling to make aluminum lighting fixture parts, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

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The Role of Die Casting Company in the Industry

The Role of Die Casting Company in the Industry. Die casting company and other companies that manufacture similar products are considered in the metalworking industry for manufacturing the highest number of mass produced tools. These are dispersed to commercial, consumer and industrial sectors. A die casting company provide tools that are utilized in numerous different products counting automobile parts, sink and bathroom faucets, connectors employed in houses, toys and a lot more.

The method of die casting starts by injecting the melted metal into dies of mold cavities that are under high pressure. Non-ferrous metals are normally utilized by a die casting company to manufacture their products. Such metals or alloys will decide the strengths and other properties of the ultimate result. These comprise of aluminum, lead, tin, magnesium, zinc and copper. Currently, ferrous metals can also be exploited in the procedure. The process of casting is ideal for production of high volume of quantity of parts which may be tiny to medium that are great in surface quality, detail and dimensional uniformity.

A die casting company should work together with high-quality designers in order to make the best products that they can come up with. This must be done at an early on stage of the progress. This way, certain issues which may come up on tooling and production stages will be determined early on. This will concern the overall costs of the entire production.

Connected topics about die casting design can also be investigated through books, trade journals, technical papers and professional leagues or associations. You will also discover extra information about this on the Internet and in print materials.

Kinetic Die Casting Company can manufacture aluminum car parts, aluminum hardware, and Aluminum Lighting Partsaluminum lighting parts

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Choosing the Best Die Casting Company

Choosing the Best Die Casting Company. Selecting the finest die casting company is not simple. That is because there are lots of die casting companies that will vie for your notice. Deciding on the best therefore can be very puzzling sometimes. So here are some common tips that can help you decide on the most excellent die casting company.

The first thing you can do is to look for die casting company on the web. This does not mean that die casting companies that have websites are the finest. Investigating online will permit you to find the different product features and manufacturing strengths of diverse die casting companies.

You may have to decide on a die casting company that can respond to your unique casting desires. For instance, if you need aluminum parts that do not require additional machining, then look for a company with the ability to produce polished aluminum parts.

You should also verify if the die casting company can accommodate the customization you need for metal castings. Die casts can be modified according to your requirements but you may have to pay for extra charges for intricate shapes. So it is also vital to factor the expenses of production and judge against the different manufacturing quotes.

Quantity and fast turn around are also significant factors you need to think about. Look for a company the can agree to small production runs if you only need 100 parts. If you want several thousand parts, you should find out how fast these parts can be completed. Usually, a excellent die casting company can deliver in less than four weeks.

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures a lot of aluminum rooftile plates , trim tile molds, and military die casting. If you would like a quote, please visit our website: Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Unit Dies for Die Casting Tooling

Unit Die Tooling is an inexpensive way to make Die Casting Parts. There are several reasons why unit dies are less expensive, we will start with the cost of new die casting tooling.

New Tooling – Class A Tool
To make die castings we need to make tooling first. A complete class A Tool usually consists of a set of cavity inserts weighing about 30 pounds and a mold base that weighs about 1500 pounds. This mold base usually costs about $8,000 to $12,000 in steel and labor. A complete class A die can cost more than $100,000.

New Tooling – Unit Die Tool
A unit die consists of a set of cavity inserts weighing about 30 pounds, a unit die weighing about 150 pounds and a master unit die holder weighing about 1200 pounds. The master unit die holder stays in the die casting machine. One master holder can work with hundreds of unit die holders. The typical tool cost for a unit die is usually less than $40,000.

Part Cost – Class A Tool
Since a Class A Tool in larger than a unit die, it takes a four to eight hours to set the tool in a die casting machine. Since it is also heavier it takes one to two hours to preheat the tool to optimum operating temperature.

Part Cost – Unit Die Tool
A unit die can be set in a die casting machine in less than two hours. The preheat time for a unit die tool is less than an hour.

Kinetic Die Casting Company has dozens of unit dies waiting for cavities to install. We purchased 10 pallets of unit dies during the Drumheller Industries Die Casting Auction. WE will be happy to mount your cavity in our holder to save you time and money on your next production run.

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