Tag Archives: Kinetic Die Casting Company

Pressure Die Casting Cast Aluminum Parts for Music vs Gravity Casting

Pressure Die Casting Cast Aluminum Parts for Music vs Gravity Casting. It may be surprising to know that a light weight material such as aluminum has many uses in different manufacturing industries. From heavy equipment such as military nozzles to the light tin cans of processed foods we see in grocery stalls, the flexibility of aluminum as a material for product manufacture can be readily admitted. The automobile parts industry is one of the very popular industries that support the wide use of aluminum for its production. Yet even in the music industry, aluminum as a material for musical instruments fabrication is common.

Firms that manufacture employ different methods of production. Two of the most popular methods used include pressure die casting and gravity casting. In deciding which appropriate method to use, it is important to take into account the kind of product to be produced. The fabrication of aluminum parts for musical equipment uses gravity casting.

In the comparison Pressure Die Casting Cast Aluminum Parts for Music vs Gravity Casting there are several important differences as well as one striking similarity. Both methods use die cast moulds. Die cast moulds are important when the manufacturer is planning to manufacture in high volumes. Die cast moulds have the durability to withstand high production volumes. The difference between pressure die casting and gravity casting is in the lightness of the product to be produced. Musical instruments are not heavy equipment and thus, the use of gravity casting is appropriate. On the other hand, military parts such as nozzles as well as automobile parts may be considered heavy parts and thus, pressure die casting is the suitable method employed in their manufacture.

To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting is a california die casting companycalifornia die casting company that manufactures die cast parts. If you would like more information or request a quote, visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Pressure Die Casting Aluminum Chassis Casting vs Sand Casting

Pressure Die Casting Aluminum Chassis Castings vs Sand Casting. Automobile parts are often made with aluminum. Aluminum has the properties that make it a proper material for the manufacture of automobile parts. In many instances, the use of aluminum is preferred over steel. The usual reasons behind this preference are durability and light weight characteristic present in aluminum.

The automobile industry supports the use of aluminum in the fabrication of car parts including the chassis. While aluminum is very light in weight, it has a high level of material strength and durability comparable to that of steel. There are two advantages apparent on the product itself that come with the use of aluminum in the fabrication of car parts. Cars that use aluminum have lesser weight and this allows for easy vehicle control and helps reduce fuel consumption.

Firms that use aluminum for the manufacture of automobile chassis employ different methods of production. Among these methods, the most popular include sand casting nd die casting.

Looking at the plus and minuses evident in the Pressure Die Casting Aluminum Chassis Castings vs Sand Casting comparison, it may be important to note the most important and practical differences that they have. Sand casting often involves a process that requires several uses of machines and tools while die casting involves a simpler process that employs lesser tools. Sand casting may also take a longer time to produce the same number of outputs while die casting proves to be a more efficient production process. Additionally, die castings do not require the creation of new cores for each casting, more cost effective and results to smoother finish.

To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures die casting metal parts creating products like roofing tile molds, lighting parts, and military parts. If you would like more information about Kinetic Die Casting, visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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How Are Aluminum Lighting Parts Used

How Are Aluminum Lighting Parts Used. Aluminum is a popular material in the fabrication and manufacturing industry. It has a broad spectrum of applications. It is used t manufacture parts for automobiles, military jets and armor vehicles, musical instruments, etc. It is also popularly used as lighting fixtures.

Lighting fixtures are artificial lights powered electrically. A typical, complete set of a lighting fixture has six components. These include the lamp or the so-called light source, the light reflector that directs light, an aperture that may or may not have a lens, the housing for lamp alignment, a power connector, and an optional part called the electrical ballast. There are two types for lighting fixtures according to usage- indoor and outdoor.

There are several reasons why the use of aluminum is so popular with the fabrication of lighting fixtures. For one, aluminum weighs much less than steel (just 1/3 of steel). Another reason is that aluminum is a very good conductor of heat, light and electrical energy which makes it a very suitable material for use in the lighting industry. Lastly, aluminum is a very cost-effective material that lasts longer than plastics.

How are Aluminum Lighting Parts used? These fixtures are used in many industries including, but not limited to, the aerospace industry as well as for marine and medical lighting. Specifically, they are used in medical rooms, street traffic light housings, porches light housing, outdoor coach lights, etc.

To get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Kinetic Die Casting Company

Kinetic Die Casting makes great quality aluminum, and Zinc Die Casting If looking for a job or would like a quote please visit our website:Kinetic Die Casting Company

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Methods for making Aluminum Military Parts

Methods for making Aluminum Military Parts. Nowadays, metals like aluminum has are formed through different methods. Some methods like sand casting have been used for years. Such methods are still being used for custom metal parts or very large ones that cannot be created through normal metal processes. Some are a combination of old an new technologies.

Gravity and/or permanent casting is somehow similar to sand casting, using a mold to cool liquid metal into its solid state. While these processes are reliable, they may have less quality than those created through newer technologies like die casting.

These are Methods for making Aluminum Military Parts. But the most popular is die casting. This is especially true for aluminum and aluminum alloy parts.

Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company to get a price for aluminum die casting parts or die casting tooling, call toll free 800-524-8083 and ask for sales. Or email us at sales@kineticdc.com for a fast response on a price quote.

Die casting is popular because it is good for mass production. It also forms great quality aluminum since it uses high pressure techniques. As compared to sand casting and gravity casting, die casting produces smooth surfaced aluminum parts (green sand makes rough surfaced aluminum parts while gravity casting does not ensure that the metal would seep into all parts of the mold).

Some create individual models while others incorporate a lot of parts for one mold – the individual parts will just be cut out after the molding process. Liquid metal is injected into the mold at high pressures. After cooling, the parts are cut and smoothed out accordingly.

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures zinc and aluminium die casting. If you would like a quote, please visit our website:Die Casting quote

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Good Bye Del Mar Die Casting Company

Del Mar Die Casting Company
12901 South Western Avenue
Gardena, California 90249

Good Bye Del Mar Die Casting Company – You were a great California Zinc and Magnesium Die Casting Company. I enjoyed the company of the owners of Del Mar Industries on several occasions. I would even go as far as to say they were friends of mine. I am posting this information from their company website as a continued sad memory of Del Mar Die Casting Company. I recently heard that all the equipment is planned to be shipped to another state. More California unemployment.
– Bob Thomas, President
Kinetic Die Casting Company


Del Mar Die Casting Co. has been satisfying our customer’s needs for high pressure die castings for over 55 years. The recipient of numerous national and international die casting awards, DMDC has developed a reputation for solving difficult die casting applications. A specialist in zinc die castings and magnesium die castings, we have built a tradition of expertise and uncompromising standards. An ISO 9001:2000 certified company, Del Mar Die Casting employs 30 hot chamber die casting machines in a 70,000 square foot facility.

Zinc & Magnesium Die Casting

What sets us apart from other die casters is the extraordinary way we treat each customer, each job, every step of the way. Advanced quality planning assures you competitive pricing and overall value in the design of your casting. Our use of progressive manufacturing techniques means greater productivity value. Whether your requirement is a simple die casting or a casting requiring custom machining, special finishes, assembly and packaging, you can be assured that Del Mar Die Casting will provide you with excellent service, quality castings and honest value.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
We are a California Die Casting Company. We manufacture aluminum and zinc die casting parts for most industries. We can supply you with die castings from a local source if you are a California manufacturing company. Call us at 800-524-8083 or email us at E-mail sales@kineticdc.com

Kinetic Die Casting manufactures aluminum and zinc die casting parts. Samples of KDC’s work include die cast speaker parts, aluminum tile plates, and other die cast metal parts. If you would like to have a quote please visit our website: Kinetic Die Casting Company

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