Tag Archives: #kineticdc

500 Automotive Parts Daily

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes 500 Automotive Parts in less than a day. Today, we received a purchase order from one our customers to produce over 1,000 aftermarket auto parts. We will die cast these car parts using aluminum, in less than two days. Send us a purchase order to see how well we serve you. Die Casting of Aluminum Auto Parts is fast and inexpensive. Kinetic Die Casting Company makes thousands of automobile parts every week. We produce several 100 thousand car parts each year using our aluminum die casting production process.

Kinetic Die Casting makes aluminum parts. To get a quote, use this webpage: Die Casting Parts Prices

Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/500-automotive-parts-daily/

Send your purchase order today. Contact us for more information:
Kinetic Die Casting Company (www.kineticdiecasting.com)
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood California 91605 USA
818-982-9200 – sales@kineticdc.com

Kineticdc makes:
Automotive Die Casting Parts
Airplane Die Casting Parts
Light Fixture Die Casting Parts
Consumer Products Aluminum Parts
Aerospace Die Casting Parts
Military Die Casting Parts

To get a quote, use this webpage: Die Casting Parts Prices

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Heatsink Metal Flow Video

#Kineticdc #diecasting Logo

Kinetic Die Casting Company (www.kineticdc.com) uses metal flow software to check die casting tooling metal flow into a die casting mold making two cavities of a Heat Sink Part
(Metal Flow into Mold or Die Casting Tooling).
This is an Aluminum Heat Sink Die Casting Part for the lighting industry.

Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/heatsink-metal-flow-video/

Two cavity aluminum heat sink die casting molds. This 5 seconds of video happens in a small fraction of a second as the metal is injected under extreme pressure. The metal flows very rapidly into a die casting mold using 2,000 pounds per square inch of hydraulic pressure that is accelerated in high shot assisted by 700 pounds of high pressure nitrogen gas inside a die casting machine.
818-982-9200 (music provided by YouTube)

Kinetic Die Casting Company
E-mail sales@kineticdc.com / 818-982-9200 / 800-524-8083 Toll Free / 818-982-0877 Fax
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California USA 91605,
Kineticdc makes: Die Casting Parts Aluminum Heat Sinks

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Closed Memorial Day 2019

May 27 is Memorial Day 2019
God Bless America.

Kinetic Die Casting Company will be closed today, Monday May 27, 2019, in observance of Memorial Day. We return back to work on Tuesday. We want to remind you to remember those who have served in our military and have fallen in pursuit of our freedom here in the United States of America.

Kinetic Die Casting Company
6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail sales@kineticdc.com
Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877

Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/closed-memorial-day-2019/

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Aerospace Diecastings

Kinetic Die Casting Company makes several types of Die Casting Aerospace Parts. These aerospace die casting parts are used for many types of purposes. Some of these parts are used on many types of aircraft, such as: airplanes, jet planes or helicopters.

Aircraft manufacturers typically specify aluminum die casting to make the aerospace parts because aluminum is lightweight and inexpensive as well as very strong.

  • Lightweight – Aluminum weighs only .098 pounds each cubic inch of material as compared to zinc which weighs about 2.44 pounds each cubic Inch.
  • Inexpensive – Aluminum is the third most common element on earth, so it is more available than other materials. Aluminum is used in over 80% of all die castings produced in the world.
  • Strong – Aluminum parts can be geometrically designed to be stronger than steel. Look up “aluminum is stronger than steel” on Google to see the results.

These aerospace parts range from: airplane engine piston heads, airplane distributor cap housings, fuel system parts, detention ring parts, cargo loading housings, lighting fixture parts, electronic enclosures, electronic housings, motor housings and various other aluminum die casting parts.

The companies that trust us to purchase their die casting parts from Kinetic Die Casting Company are many.

    Here are a few of the aircraft and aerospace companies that we can name:

  • Robinson Helicopter
  • Ancra International
  • Whittaker Controls
  • AAR Cargo Systems
  • Boeing Aerospace
  • Barry Controls
  • Meggitt Aerospace
  • Parker Hannifin Aerospace Corporation (Parker FSD)
  • Circle Seal Aerospace
  • Kelly Aerospace
  • Curtiss Wright
  • Honeywell
  • United Technologies Aerospace

Low Quantities.

Many of these companies order lower quantities. One of the companies listed here will order less than 50 parts at a time. Many of these companies order 250 parts or less. Kinetic Die casting will accept any purchase order quantity.

Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/aerospace-diecastings/
Contact Kinetic Die Casting Company when you need any of the following: Low Quantities, Great Quality, Fast Delivery.

The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”

Aluminum Heat Sinks
Die Casting Car Parts
Aluminum Hardware Brackets
Aerospace Die Casting Parts
Military Die Casting Parts

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail sales@kineticdc.com Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877

Posted in Aircraft Parts, Aluminum Die Casting, Blogger, Die Casting Parts, newsletter | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Die Casting Process

Kinetic Die Casting Company uses the die casting process to make aluminum die castings and zinc die casting parts. The die casting process, simplified, is described as follows:

  1. Our customer provides us tooling (https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/tooling.html), a die, a mold or inserts that we use to make their parts. We can also produce the tooling for our customers.
  2. We put together the tooling and mount the tooling in our die casting machine. This takes a few hours.
  3. We fill a furnace with the proper die casting alloy metal (https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/Alloy_Data.pdf) to make the parts for our customer. The metal takes 4 hours to melt to the casting temperature.
  4. While the furnace is heating up we heat up the tooling to make the castings.
  5. When the tooling is hot and the furnace has melted the aluminum, we begin the die casting process.
  6. We spray the tooling with a release agent so the parts do not stick in the tooling.
  7. We close the tooling inside our die casting machine.
  8. The metal is ladled into a shot sleeve, a piston drives the metal into the tooling using great force.
  9. Our die casting machine opens, the ejector pins push the part out of the tooling
  10. We begin the process again by spraying the tooling.
  11. We repeat this process 200 times to 500 times in a 10 hour shift.
  12. When completed making raw castings, we trim the excess material called “flash”. We use a trim die in a trim press or we sand parts with a belt sander and file them by hand. Sometimes this takes longer than the casting process.
  13. At this point, some parts are put in boxes and shipped the same day. Other parts are machined. Some parts get painted or chemical coated. All parts are inspected prior to shipping to our customers.

This is a very simplified description of the die casting manufacturing process.

The Parts We Make Today, We Ship Today”

Kineticdc makes:
What is Die Casting
Die Casting Part Pictures
Quote Die Casting Part Prices
Diecast Tooling

Kinetic Die Casting Company 6918 Beck Avenue, North Hollywood, California 91605 USA
E-mail sales@kineticdc.com Toll Free: (800) 524-8083 Local: (818) 982-9200 Fax: (818) 982-0877

Permalink: https://www.kineticdiecasting.com/kdc/die-casting-process/

Posted in Aluminum Die Casting, Blogger, Business, Die Casting Alloys, Die Casting Parts, Diecasting Process, newsletter | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment